MARINE REVIEW. | 17 Lake Erie Engineering Works, Buffalo, N.Y. RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres't. Po Cane Steam Engines, Compound, Triple and Quadruple Expansion Engines, From 250to 10,000 Horse Power For Marine and Stationary Service. > JOHN COON, Sec'y and Treas. Po eo Special Designs for Cable Railways and Plants. and Regulation Guaranteed. Electric Power The Best Economy THE BEST EQUIPPED 'PLANT IN AMERICA. AHA, AHA, SIR! SHIP AHOY! THE BEST MARINE WATER TOBE BOILERS, For Steam Yachts, Etc. and COMBINED BLOWER and ENGINE, WHAT IS IT ? The Smith Blower and Engine. For Forced Draught and Venti'ation ARE MANUFACTURED BY The Hnyett & Smith Manutactaring Company, Detroit, Mich. Makers of the largest line of Fans and Blowers in the United States. (Write for Catalogue, References, Etc.) The Smith Marine Water Tube Boiler PATENT ADJUSTABLE BINNACLE and COMPASS HOR Pii@T ELevuUsSstms: 'v With Directions for Adjustment. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. }..TAFFRAIL LOG.. UN | cc A Aw A WITH ADJUSTABLE ROTATOR. BEST LOC IN THE MARKET. THOUSANDS IN USE. MANUFACTURED BY JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 Front Street, NEW YORK. The Chase Machine Co. 11! ELM ST., CLEVELAND, O., ...MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS... MANUFACTURERS OF LAND AND MARINE ENGINES and STEAM PUMPS, SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Chase Fog Whistle Machine. Over {50 in use on the best class of Lake Steamers. Special Attention given to Marine Repair Work. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS PIPE AND BoILER COVERING. TELEPHONE 994. An Opportunity for ENGINEERS ! = 'two ladicators for Sale Cheep. THOMPSON LATEST IMPROVED, with six extra springs --warranted geod as new--used only a few times-- Itis worth $115--our price $70. Calkins Steam Engine Indicator, Planimeter, Pantograph extra springs, and three way cock--ful! outfit for taking indicator cards -- regular price $40-- our price $35. MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, oO. : <3 = .