Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 25 Apr 1895, p. 18

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MARINE REVIEHW. HARVEY D. GOULDER, LAWTHR AND PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY, ' CLEVELAND, oO. C. F, PALMER, OAPT, J, &. OALBIOK. w. H, OOOK, PALMER, COOK & CALBICK, Vessel Agents and Underwriters. Tel. Harrison 689. 108 & 109 Royal Insurance Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. iacs. (see ee NN CO re, ATIORNEY AT LAW and PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY. 218 Superior St., DULUTH, MINN. @ EK : K R Ki M Ki R Attorney and Counselor-at-Law ind ° ° J Rooms 14, 15 and 16, Bryan Block, . Proctorin Admiralty. - 164 La SALLE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. EARVEY I. BROWwWN,, Attorney at Law and Proctor in Admiralty, Bufralo,N.wWY. JOHN MITCHELL. JOHN F. WED . MITCHELL & CO., ALFRED MITOHELL. ~ Vessel and Insurance Agents, 509 and 510 Ferry-EAayne Building, CLEVELAND, OFLIO eidence, John Mitch 508 Office Telephone, 707. ell, 3506. Cc. R. JONES & CO., VESSEL AGENTS, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Nos. 501, 502 and 503 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, O. W. M. HAYDEN, Lawyer and Proctor in Admiralty, Depositions and Testimony Taken as a Notary or under a commis- sion, Legal business and collections promptly attended to, 1007 Soc. for Sav. Bidg., CLEVELAND, 0. Telephone 2297. C. A. Macdonald. J. J. Rardon. ¢. A. MACDONALD & Co. General Insurance Agents, RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL H. 8. LORD. J, H. NORTON. LorD & NORTON, Attorneys-at-Law, Procters and Advocates in . Admiralty, DULUTH, MINN. White, Johnson & McCaslin, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Proctors in Admiralty, 26-27 Blackstone Building, CLEVES UAWD, - OoOz=zro,. " THOS. WILSON, MANAGING OWNER WILSON'S TRANSIT LINE, Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. C. F. Palmer. C. L. Huichinson. PALMER & CO., Vessel Agents and Underwriters, 515 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Telephone 644, w.A. HAWGOOD, 0. 0. CANFIELD, HAWGOOD & CANFIELD, Vessel Agents and Marine Insurance, 604-605 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, - Onhmio. Telephone No. 2395. H.A. BARR, PRESIDENT, F.H.VAN CLEVE, Sxo. Promptly secured. and Labels registered. 'Twenty-five years ex- perience. We report whether patent can be secured or not, freeofcharge. Our fee not due until patent is allowed. ae page Book Free, ORESTES C. PINNEY, Lawyer and Proctor in Admiralty. Rooms 722 and 723 Perry-Payne Bldg. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Telephone 2585, C. W. ELPHICKE. JAS. A. MYERS, A. L. FITCH. a Cc. W. ELPHICKE & CO. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Room 10, No. 6 Sherman St., Chicago, Ill. H. J. WEBB & Co. SHIP BROKERS, VESSEL OWNERS and AGENTS, Established in 1856. H. J. Webb & Co. will charter vessels for the lake trade. Special attention given to chartering ves- sels in the Lake Superior Iron Ore trade, both for the season and single trip. ww NO. 606 & 607 perry te ne Building, Cleveland, O. Office Telephone No. 338, Residence No 3228. J. T. ROSE. FRANK B. LAZIER, ROSE & LAZIER, Vessel Agents and Brokers, and Marine Insurance, 16 Board of Trade, DVL, = \- MINN Capt. LYMAN HUNT. JAMES P. HUNT. L. HUNT & SON, Vessel Brokeragea)Marine Insurance, Room 9 eheare Building. Telephone 0. 522. No. 202 Main St., BUFFALO, N.Y. Send 10c fora handsome 64 page illus. Cata- logue of Boats, Yachts, Canoes, Launches, G. D. FELLOWS, Racine, Wis. VES etc., to Trade-Marks, Copyrights Attorneys at Law, .B. Ww ro Opp. U.S. Pat. Office. WASHINCTON, D.C. CAPT. GEO. BARTLEY, Surr. Escanaba. Escanaba, Escanaba. ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraullc Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready. Engine Compound, Oylinder 16 and 30 inches diameter, 30 inch- TUG MONARCH, Stroke, Steam Pressure Allowed, 125 pounds. TUG DELTA, | Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure Allowed, 105 pounds. TUG OWEN, Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure Allowed, 104 pounds, CENTRIFUCAL PUMPS, Seven and Fourteen Inch Suction Pickands, Mather & Co., } ay a Fuet | GHTERS -- EE ano CLEVELAND, At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped Shute capacity of 600 Tons. es th Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at tine during Day or Night. a Western Reserve Building, CLEVE Mullen-Gatfield Coal Co. -- DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED -- MANSFIELD AND YOUGHIOGHENY COALS. Docks at SANDWICH, ONTARIO, opposite the Fort at Detroit, with chutes for rapid fueling, Elevated docks and derrick at AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO. THE CUDDY-MULLEN COAL Co. Dealers in COAL, (7 8 "isining'Giobe pry Dock." "AY All fully equipped with Revolving Derricks; also, Lighter Carrying Derrick and One Hundred Two and One-Half Ton Buckets, Main Office, 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main Street Bridge. Dock Office, 127 West River St., Cleveland, O. Telephone No. 8. Boats Coaled Day and Night. Docks at Amherstburg, Ohio & Pennsvlvania Coal Co. FUEL DEPARTMENT. MINERS AND SHIPPERS, Youghiogheny and Ohio Steam Coals. Steamboats, Tugs, etc., Coaled day or night, Docks Foor Wrest RIvER STREET. WHISKEY ISLAND GOVERNMENT Prer and C. & P. R. R. Suirs. Also SFEAM LIGHTER--Equipped with Revolving Derrick and (100) two ton buckets. Telephone 1608. Office, 130 West River St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Marine Hingineering (Also Stationary and Locomotive) ; Mechanics; Mechanical Drawing ; Electricity; Architecture; Iron Work; Railroad, Bridge and Muni- cipal Engineering; Plumbing; Heating; Mining; Prospecting; English Branches, CANDIDATES PREPARED TO OBTAIN LICENSES. / Courses begin with Arithmetic. Send for Free Circular, stating { subject you wish to study. The International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. PRASTICAY TRADE MARK AEGISTEREa, vesseic Qwiers...- 5 SE NTION: When you require the services of an Engineer, telegraph Detroit Dry Dock Company, Frontier Iron Works, or 8. F. Hodge, Detroit, Mich. M. E. B. A., No.8. Low rates. Quick time. Through Sleeping Cars. Chicago, Buffalo, New York, and Boston. Unexcelled Dining Cars. Why should you not Patronize the Nickel Plate road ? "Around the Lakes," = =p LUO ROC OP rr Is the title of the handsomest publication pertaining to the lakes, ever put forth. iT CONTAINS-- List of American Steam and Sail Vessels on the Great Lakes, with name and address of owner, and keel and beam dimensions of vessel. ' Statistics of lake commerce, including a list of members of the Lake Carriers' Association, with addresses, and particulars of the canals between the Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast, and 90 full page engravings. These také up 55 pages, the rest of the book being devoted to the illustrations and description of the plants of the Detroit Dry Dock Company, and the vessels built there. 225 Apl30 ofS oun A copy of the book will he sent, express paid, to any address for $2.00. MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. es

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