12 | MARINE REVIEW. Don't You Believe It? If you don't, give us a chance to prove that we can coal your boats with quick dispatch, and with most satisfactory fuel. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF We have Four Large CHUTES on our Docks at AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO, |,000 FEET RIVER FRONT and Day and Night Force. "Keystone" Massillon, Youghiogheny, and Best Grades of Hocking Koals. O. W. SHIPMAN MAIN OFFICE, 5 90 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. OUT OF THE BEATEN PATH tte creat tates' oterea by ™e Northern Steamship Company's Exclusively Passenger Steamships. *"North West" The Pride of ia "North Land." the Inland Seas. Except in size, un- Send 2c. 9 Postage euaaed DY for Tourist anything Cee afloat. publications Semi-weekly service Forming in connection with the Creat . Northern Railway, The Dustless and Most Delightful Route Across the Continent. A. A. HEARD, Ceneral Passenger Agt., BUFFALO, N.Y. H. CHANNON COMPANY AGENTS FOR Sat pee. ee MANUFACTURERS OF ENGLISH GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS, 24-26 Market Street, CHICAGO, ILL. HowarpD H. Baker & Co. phip Chandlers and Sail Makers, 18 to 26 Terrace.__.-- BUFFALO, N.Y. Chain Department + P. H AY Our Chain in use on the Largest Steamers on the Lakes: The Zenith City, Victory, (pi North West and North Land, and many others. Cnizemetaies " ak ae S f' dea % Cease ao ae rr p ¢ et poe DUNFORD & ALVERSON, PORT HURON, MICH. Length, 400 feet, Width: On top, 95 feet, Bottom, 55 '* Gate, 62 «* Depth: To Floor, 20 ft. To Sill, 18 ft. On Blocks, 16 ft. Dry Dock large enough to dock the largest steamers on the lakes. Docking, Repairing and Spar Making. Dock has pit to ship rudders. THIS IS THE NEAREST MODERN DOCK TO THE SAULT OR MACKINAW. | NAUTICAL WATCH CHAIN. Ma Solid Gold. Ship-shape in every detail. : Send for Descriptive Circular. MORGAN A. ROBERTSON, HM 26 John Street, NEW YORK. To Vessel Owners and Captains Look out for Graham's Coal Dock, fact of 71st St,, Detroit, 1,000 Tons, est quality, on hand all the time Fresh on Cars. You can get it from Chutes, High Platform or Dock. Chutes fit highest or lowest boats, and can give as quick dis- Patch as at any dock, IlVidest point on the river, and noth- ing to interfere in rounding to with tows, No Car Boats, Ferry Boats or Elevators in the way. Ten Minutes Ride to City Hall. Supplies right at hand. TELEPHONE 2083, OR WRITE JAMES GRAHAM, DETROIT, MICH. All Kinds of Chain-- Stud and Close Link, Cable Chains. Write for Prices. DEN ». H. CO. * Columbus, Ohio. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO, *:°: 2°53. Provence, rt "Providence" Windlasses and Cavpstans 350 STYLES AND SIZES. OVER 5000 IN USE. SEND FOR CA1ALOGUE. BUILDERS OF Tre FRANK Ss. MANTON, Aczwr,