MARINE REVIEW. 11 Boiler for High Speed Yachts. The Gas Engine and Power Co. of Morris Heights, New York city, is probably the largest of the several concerns in this country engaged in the construction of pleasure boats. Its specialty is naphtha launches, but the facilities of the plant are suited to the construction of steam yachts, etc. The company has taken up the construction and sale of the West water tube boiler, a generator which is thought to be specially suited to high speed yachts. The tubes in this boiler are all straight, of standard size, lap welded charcoal iron, and are formed witharight hand thread at each end. They are so arranged that any one of them may be withdrawn from the front of the boiler without having access tothe sides or rear of the boiler. In order to accomplish this, each front header is provided with a boss on its rear side to form the seat for the tube, and on its front side with a boss which affords an opening of greater diameter than the ©} ©) 0} 0) ©) ©) CL|O) C/O) (O} "9 © On (On@ One) ©) |CL1Or |©) iS) ©) O 3} AO) (©) ©) ©) |O- | E> |CL fO-|CL jo |e ORO (O} 10) G)| JO) ©) @Om© C16} OF fo) (9) 10} 10} <O (©) 10) (0)| 10) © CL IOF|CL IO © ©) CLI© (O)) | 10) ORO PO RO (©) 10) ON ON ORONO On ON ORO © (O10) "© O ROC) ORO oie CO 1en1e © 512 ao S| 0) On ON ORO ©) ©) ey © OO) RO) BO O)| 10) 19)) To) Or} On @ROR OR ONC) © O) (6) (9) To) (©) ©) OF ICL © On ON ON ON ORO (9) (0) (0) ORO RO ()| 10) ©) One oe oO |O a greatest diameter of the tube, so that the tube may be passed through the opening in the front boss. The opening in the inner boss of the front header is also larger than the tube, which passes through it freely, and one end of the tube is expanded and threaded to fit in this opening, The rear end of the tube is threaded to enter a threaded opening in the rear header. There are, therefore, three openings of different diameters in the headers--that in the rear header of the same size as the tube, that in the rear side of the front header larger than the normal size of the tube, and that in the front of the front header larger than any portion of the tube. The tube is passed in until its two ends enter their respective headers, when it is screwed into place and forms a passage, uniting the front aud rear headers. The front opening in the front header is then closed with ascrew plug. Any particular tube can be removed and another inserted without disturbing any of the others. The tubes are entirely covered by water when steaming. There are no threaded ends exposed to the fire, and they can be cleaned inside their entire length the same as a fire tube by simply removing the cap nut over each tube on the front of the manifolds. Every tube is of the same length and will interchange in any part of the boiler. The steam drum is of mild steel, of 60,000 pounds tensile strength. The feed coils are of standard redrawn iron pipe, lap weld, having cast steel fittings with easy bends. The jacket is of mild steel with magnesia block filling and is well fastened and riveted, the front portion being made in sections for quick removal. The vertical and horizontal manifolds are of cast steel tested to 1,000 pounds, and the entire boiler is tested to 500 pounds before leaving the works. The feed water enters the feed coils near the top of the jacket in front, passing through a valve of special design, the object of which is to change the flow of the feed water, in case of rupture of the feed coils, to a direct feed to the down flow pipes. Both inlet and outlet are at the front of the boiler, and the coils can be withdrawn entire after removing the top front section of the jacket. Illustrated Patent Record. SELECTED ABSTRACTS OF SPECIFICATIONS OF A MARINE NATURE--FROM LATEST PATENT OFFICH REPORTS. 543,650. Bow Facing Oar. Thomas J. Murphy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Filed Feb. 27, 1895. Serial No. 539,851. Claim--The combination of a semi-circular rocking plate foran oar operating mechanism, having segmental racks at each end, the supports for said plate adapted to be secured tothe side of the boat, the intermesh- ing segmental gears having radially extended arms, said gears being pivoted upon said support, one of said arms provided with a bearing for the shaft of the oar socket and the arm of the opposite segment provided with a seat for the shank of the operating arm, the oar socket having a shaft journaled in the bearing of one of the arms, the grooved whee] fitted upon said shaft to bear upon the semi-circular support, a spring pressed detent, the shaft of which is adapted to slide through the per- . "| foration in the shaft of the oar socket, the detent being held with spring pressure upon the semi-circular bearing to engage the toothed segments at each end thereof, for the purpose of turning the oar socket at each end of the stroke for the purpose of feathering the oar and returning it to its working position, and means such as shown to limit the feathering motion of the oar socket. 543,650. BOW-FACING OAR 543.756. DIVING APPARATUS 4 ay ye gr 0) 05 © Uyo he) Aamenomene ie men NeooeLonooRoN ae -IOOnoOnY paneer nooookwy nooo aia' OOOCogehonoooo AnnooAnnenoenn | 1G gi Fonou sh co mOsomemoncHomeneends Ju 543,756. Diving Apparatus. Hubert Schon, Allegheney, Pa., assignor to himself, Anton Lutz and George Muth, same place. Filed June 10, 1895. Serial No. 552,320. Claim--A diving apparatus, comprising a casing provided with side frames having flanges bolted together, panels set and fastened in the said frames, and electric lights held in the said casing, and adapted to shed their light through the said panels, to permit the occupants of the apparatus to observe the surrounding water and objects therein. The American Ship Windlass Co., manufacturers of the steam tov - ing machines that have been adopted on all steel tow barges built on the ~ lakes of late, have just received an order from the Philadelphia & Read- ing Railway Co. for two more of the machines, similar to the one they now have on the steam collier Lebanon. The company has assurance from the lakes of three or four orders to be placed within thirty days. U S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 34 Congress St. e Detroit. Mich., August 7, 1895. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor, materials and appliances, for (A) removing shoals from west approach, St. Marys Fall's canal; (B) re- moving shoals from east approach, St. Mary's _ Fall's canal;. (C) removing shoals off Six Mile Point. Hay Lake; and (D) removing shoal 29, section 4, ship channel, etc., will be received here until 2p.m., September 6, 1895, and then publicly opened. All information furnished on application O.M., POE, Col., Engrs., Bera ept. 1, FFICE OF LIGHT-HOUSE ENGINEER, '9th and 11th Distric s. Detroit, Mich., August 1, 1895. Proposals willbe received at this office until 3 o'clock p.m. of Monday, the 12th day of August 9, 1895, tor furnishing twenty- two ten-inch steam fog whistles for eleven fog signal stations in the 7th and 11th Light-house Districts, delivered at the Light-house, depot Detroit, Michigan. Plans, specifications. forms of proposal and other information may be ob- tained on application to the undersigned, The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. M. B. Adams, Major, corps of Enginers, U. S, A., Light-house En- gineer. Aug 8. =arees W aritecd ___t_ Parties having barges suitable for coal trade, with draft of 11 to 12 feet, and steamer suitable for towing same, and wishing to negotiate for use of same, will please address M., Box B, MARINE REVIEW. Aug. 22. One-sixteenth of the Steel Steamer For Sale_ JOHN W. MOORE. This is a good investment, as the steamer is under charter for the season with the Lackawanna Transportation Co, (D. L. & W. Ry.) Address offers to MITCHELL & CO., 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. Aug. 10,