i | MARINE REV LEW. Complete Electric Plants for Light and Power On STEAMSHIPS, WHALEBACKS, YACHTS, DOCKS, WHARVES, Etc. Our system is complete in every detail. All our appliances are made to Governmental and Insurance requirements and are perfect. Write for prices and catalogues, GENERAL BLEaCTRICc ComMPiaw=- Schenectady, N. Y. e Chicago, II1. SALES OFFICES: { Boston, Mass. ante Detroit, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Mi. Columbus, O. New York, N.Y, San Francisco, Cal. Buffalo, N. Y. Portland, Ore. eo) | | te The Cleveland Dry Dock Co. ee 'Cheveland, 0. Telephone 1616. Resid. 'Phone 4080. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Dimensions of Dock: Lth. over all, 360 ft. Lth.on blocks, 349 ft. % Width of gate, 50 ft. ™ §6Depth over sill, 20 ft. Capt.W.W. BRowN, Sec'y & Mgr. FOR THE BOILER AND ENGINE. ARE THE ENGINEERS' FAVORITES. mA ci 85,000 PunperTHy AUTOMATIC INsECTORS in use, giving perfect satisfaction Hil rya rial fr Ah under all conditions. Our Jet Pumps, Water Gages and Oil Cups are Unequalled. e aig" Rey) SEND FOR PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO. DETROIT, CaTaLoaue. Aurowatic WATER GAGE. BRANCH FaoTORY aT WINDSOR; ONT. MICH. THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO. BUILDERS OF MARINE PUMPS Single and Duplex Pumps for Boiler Feed, Fire or Bilge Service--Vertical and Horizontal. Vertical and Horizontal Pumps, Air Pumps for Surface and Jet Condensers. U.8.CRUISER NEW YORK. 95 and 97 Liberty St., NEW YORK. | AMERICAN STEELBARGE CO, STEEL and METAL SHIPS Of all classss built on the Shortest Possible Notice at our yards at West Superior, Wis., and also at Everett, Wash. Photograph of 300 ft. Boat in Dock. Plates & Best Material Quality a mere of Oak on ace instock We Bos for Re- pair all meine kinds of Wood areal ooden A Vessels Ships in of all Shortest Clauses Time. ' Length, extreme......... 587 feet. nitrancey WOp..:c..:ssce-n0 55 feet 9 in. Breadth, Top ............ 90°" 4 in. Entrance, Bottom........... 50 Breadth, Bottom ........ 52 Depth over Sills ............ sy LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repairs and Docking same as at lower lake ports sUPERIOR, WIS. A number of Propellor Wheels in stock at Dry Dock. "ROPER'S LAND AND MARINE ENGINES,' BOUND IM MOROCCO WITH FLAP AND POCKET, WILL BE MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS FOR $3 50 SENT TO THE MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND, O. WHEELER CONDENSER & ENGINEERING COMPANY, 39 and 41 eler Surface Condenser. CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK. WHEELER'S IMPROVED SURFACE CONDENSERS MOUNTED UPON COMBINED AIR AND CIRCULATING PUMPS. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Wheeler Standard Surface Condenser. Wheeler Admiralty Surface Condenser. Wheeler Lighthall Surface Condenser, Volz Patent Combined Surface Condenser and Feed Water Heater. e Mounted on Combined Air & Circulat- Wheeler's Improved Marine Feed Water Heater. Patent Combined Surface Condenser & Feed-Water Heater.