MARINE REVIEW, oes 17 lake Erie Engineering Works, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres't. Pa. ome JOHN COON, Sec'y and Treas. Po -- Steam Engines, Compound, Triple and Quadruple Expansion Engines, From 250 to 10,000 Horse Power For Marine and Stationary Service. Special Designs for Cable Railways and. Electric Power Plants. -- The Best Economy and Regulation Guaranteed. ot ep D MARINE REVIEW DIRECTORY OF THE MORE IMPORTANT DRY DOCKS ON THE GREAT LAKES. PLACI NAME OF DOCK a ee Depth 4. i q; 1 ) . a E - ploks, [Over all] Gate.) Top, | 2 Sill. pmseaese: : Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet Buffal oyna Wiss as wk hl ae ee ee ee Unions DryaDocks Coe. eee 340 348 58148 | caters 9 To be 400 feet on blocks and 17 feet over sill, Buffalo, N. Y.. malessaee Soates dOS ea. Sarai cease desea ne ae eects 341 349 45 votes aoe: 14 Timber, Chicago, Dl... ..| Chicago Ship Bee (Calumet)...... 445 470 70° 100 18 Cleveland, Ohi ..| Ship Owners Dry Dock Co................00662.. 450 465 50 CEA Mee 17 Cleveland ;ON10;... :..05. cari eee GOR ern tee ho nee ee 325 340 5D Beers cans 14 Cleveland' ONTO i recent eee Cleveland Dry Dock Co......................0000 340 360 50 88 29 Detroit, Mich................. ..| Detroit, Dry Dock Co............ SO AE 365 878 79 90 16 Timber. Detroit, Mich.......... | Sua eee LORS aera eeecmentees | O45 245 48 48 8%. | Timber. Port Huron, Mich... .| Dunford & Alverson Dry Dock Co........... ..| 392 412 62 peop 18 Graving. Oct Enos Mich Sites ene tee eee eee eter Pasipicts ac HOR tities srertaty. we eeeren ct meaner erie eG [E SDD, 270 50 shee hee 6 Graving. holedOOhi0n s..6..cc8 cee ee ee Craig Ship Building Co..............................| 200 250 45 asicewetrexiags 8 Marine Railway (1,500 tons) also. ToledosOhios 0° sai see eee Ea ese ct Omer sttacs awestecnranninenr cleans manera area eed OU 425 - 60 Seen rate 16 To be ready June 1. West Superior Wisse eee ee American Steel Barge Co........................| 504 500 PME er pecsconnonde ao 20 IL BAGS for CALMING the WAVES, | The Chase Machine Co. ...MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS... A Barrel of Oi! and a Durable Oil Bag with capacity ce pean for a Gallon of Oil, delivered aboard Vessels LAND AND MARINE ENGINES and STEAM PUMPS, in Cleveland for BAO. Chase Fog Whistle Machine. Over {50 in use on the best class of Lake Steamers. The bag has attachments that permit of its being slid down the anchor Special Attention given to Marine Repair Work. chains when the vessel is at anchor, or thrown to windward when the vassel is ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. moving. As the vessel comes up to it, the bag can be hauled aboard by means Sfetline rand thrown aleadsfromainte 10 Tine: ASBESTOS PIPE AND Boiler CoveRING. TELEPHONE 994, The expenditure of $10 may save your vessel. ; ee An Opportunity for ENGINEERS | STORM OIL BAG CO. : ae 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. = Two Tadicators for Sale Cheap. THOMPSON LATEST IMPROVED, with six extra springs --warranted good as new--used only a few times-- < v LAKE SUPERIOR . THREE BOOKS OF SAILING DIRECTIONS, ONE COVERING x U Itis worth $115--our price $70. AND THE ST, MARY'S RIVER, ANOTHER COVERING LAKE MICHIGAN AND THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC, AND A THIRD TAKING IN LAKES HURON AND ST. CLAIR Calkins Steam Engine Indicator, Planimeter, Pantograph WITH DETROIT AND ST, CLAIR RIVERS, ARE NOW OFFERED FOR SALE BY "THE extra springs, and three way cock--full outfit for HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE, THESE BOOKS ARE PARTS OF A WORK THAT WILL taking indicator cards -- regular price $40-- our COVER THE ENTIRE CHAIN OF LAKES. THEY CONTAIN CHARTS OF LEADING price $35. CHANNELS AND HARBORS, AND MAY BE HAD FROM THE MARINE REVIEW, MARINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, AT $1 EACH. 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O.