+7 : MARINE REVIEW. ONE OF THESE BINDERS that will hold 52 NUMBERS. of the MARINE REVIEW, Will be mailed to any address on receipt of $1. MARINE REVIEW... 516 Perry-Payne Blidg., - CLEVELAND, O. The Roberts Boiler Co. Have built 800 BOILERS TO DATE tor... Launches, Yachts, Passenger and Freight Steamers, Dredges, Tugs. Stern- Wheelers, Canalers; a'so for Navy Department, War Dep»rtment. Treasury Department, Light-House Board and R+venue Cutter Service: also for N. Y. Dock Department and N Y. Harbor Quartermaster. . SAFETY AND ECONOMY... e ki a an or had a serious accident. $250,000 capital. Meyer mienenied 9.000 square feet ot ground. Never had a boiler returned on ac- count of dissatisfactiou. Every Boiler Warranted. All material made specially for our use. All boilers tested at 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure and 250 pounds of steam before shipping. Workmanship strictly first-class. All joints screwed and reliable. Noexpanded joints. State your requirements and we will furnish specifications. Correspondence solicited. THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 39 and 41 Cortlandt Street, New Yo:k City. Works, Red Bank, N. J.------_ A Double For Sale 22 Furnace Marine Boiler, 11 feet diameter by 14 feet long, and 120 pounds steam. In good condition, built by the Globe Iron Works, Cleveland, in 1891, Address: GOODRICH TRANSPORTATION CO., CHICAGO - Hans Combined itt, Winch and Sheet Holder. Patented U.S. A., England and Canada. Takes the place of wooden or iron bitts and forms a Combination Bitt and Winch. Takes up less room than the ordinary bitt. Can be used to great advantage as'a Windlass or Sheet Holder on Yachts. An examination will convince you of the many u-es to which it can be put. FOR SALE BY H, Channon ' ompany, Chicago, Ill. Upson, Walton & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Howard H. Baker & fo , Buffalo, N. Y. M I. Wilcox Cordage & Supply Co., Toledo, O. H. D. Edwards & Co., Detroit, Mich. Henry Beckman & Son, Erie, Pa. And by Ship Chandlers in every seaport city lake port and town. THE ENOS SHEET HOLDER CoO. Manufacturers and Proprietors, PEABODY, MASS. AN ARTISTIC PHOTO OF THE NORTH WEST, HANDSOMELY MOUNTED, SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOR 50 CENTS, BY THE MARINE REVIEW. MONEY RETURNED IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. Por Sale Cheap --S2'%zy sets vonss"zoxeo particulars address: ----m___INMAN TUC LINE, B. B. INMAN, Manager, Duluth, Minn. ~~ _PASSENGER PROPELLOR For Sale ae | Suitable for Excursion or Short Route. Rebuilt in 1893, 126 feet keel, 25 feet beam, 9 feet 6 inches depth of hold, capacity 400 excursionists, speed normal 11 to 124 miles. Jeffery's Marine Glue For Paying Seams of Decks and other purposes. L. W. FERDINAND & CO., Boston, Mass. ame = -----....----.. Send for Circular. DUNFORD & ALVERSON, --------o---- PORT HURON, MIOH. Length, Width: On top, 95 feet, Bottom, 55 '"' Gate, 62 <«' 400 feet, Depth: To Floor, 20 ft. To Sill, 18 ft. On Blocks, 16 ft. Dry Dock large enough to dock the largest steamers on the lakes. Docking, Repairing and Spar Making. Dock has pit to ship rudders. THIS IS THE NEAREST MODERN DOCK TO THE SAULT OR MACKINAW. NAUTICAL WATCH CHAIN. Solid Gold. Ship-shape in every detail. Send for Descriptive Circular. MORGAN A. ROBERTSON, 26 John Street, Zo Vessel Owners and Captains Look out for Graham's Coal Dock, foot of 71st St., Detroit, 1,000 Tons, best quality, on hand all the time Fresh on Cars. You can get it from Ghutes, High Platform or Dock. Chutes fit highest or lowest boats, and can give as quick dis- patch as at any dock, Widest point on the river, and noth- ing to interfere in rounding to with tows, No Car Boats, Ferry Boats or Elevators in the way. Ten Minutes Ride to City Hail. Supplies right at hand, TELEPHONE 2083, OR WRITE JAMES CRAHAM, DETROIT, MICH. Chain Department Our Chain In use on the Largest Steamers on the Lakes: The Zenith City, Victory, North West and North Land, and many others. P. HAYDEN 8. H. CO. * Columbus, Ohio. ~ All Kinds of Chain-- \y Stud and Close Link, Cable Chains. Write for Prices. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. *° 0x52 _PRovipence, Rr "Providence" Windlasses and Capstans 350 STYLES AND SIZES. OVER 5000 IN USE. SEND FOR CA1ALOGUE. FRANK S. MANTON, AGEnt, NEW YORK.