MARINE REVIEW. II ANNUAL REPORT OF SHIP BUILDING. $32,627,500 IS THE VALUE OF NEW SHIPS BUILD- iNG IN THE UNITED STATES--GREATEST SHIP- IN THE HISTORY OF THE LAKES--$8,549,000 NEW TONNAGE YARDS--$6,040,000 IN COAST SHIP YARDS-$587,- 650 IN RIVER SHIP YARDS--$17,500,600 NAVAL BUILDING YEAR WORK IN COAST YARDS. The MARINE REVIEW's annual report of shipbuilding for the United States shows more new work in lake ship yards than ever before, and while figures for a period of years showing new coast work at the close of the year are not in hand, it is believed that the report shows more merchant and naval work in coast yards than for any year during the past decade. The new work in lake ship yards is tabulated below and shows a total of Thirty of the sixty-five are steel freight These thirty vessels will average sixty-five vessels of all kinds. vessels, twenty of them being steamers, IN LAKE one time. on 14% feet draft. $200,000 each. 400 feet in length and the cargo capacity will average nearly 4,000 tons In valuation these thirty 'steel steamers will average It will thus be seen that there is no shipbuilding district in the world can show such a fleet of cargo vessels under construction at The balance of the sixty-five craft under construction includes a $300,000 car ferry, a $375,000 passenger steamer, wooden freight steam- ers, barges, tugs and steam yachts. latter are under construction at Racine, Wis., and Buffalo, N. Y. The only year that compares with the total of this year is 1887, about the time when steel veasels began to be constructed in fleets on the lakes. John D. Rockefeller into the vessel business, and the relation the southern shore of Lake Erie and its accessibility from the mines of Lake Superior bears to the steel manufacture in the United States, will go far towards indicating that lake ship yards are entering another decade of prosperity. The opening year is certainly very satisfactory and promising. Two handsome specimens of the The advent of The total cargo capacity of the forty-two freight carrying vessels, on tons of ore or coarse freight. 14% feet draft, is 136,600 gross tons. during the coming season the new fleet next year will move about 2,458,000 The valuation of the entire fleet of sixty-five vessels of all kinds is $8,549,000. Contemplated contracts will probably increase this to $9,000,000 during the next three months. curiosity it is noted that if these sixty-five vessels were put together end to end, they would make a line 3% miles long. Allowing the average number of trips As a matter of NEW SHIP BUILDING IN LAKE SHIP YARDS, JAN. 1, 1896. Capacity BUILDERS. CLASS. DIMENSIONS. vessels gr VALUE. FOR WHOM BUILDING. ONS, 1 feet tna Se Boe. Ww Weeler cc CO.,.W. Bay Cltyso MICH. wescoeus tees tee as Steel car ferry............... 350x56 x87 | ...... $300,000 |F. & P. M. R. R. Co., Saginaw, Mich. s OE pe Sy Fee pins Sanaa "freight steamer..... 400x48 x28 3,800 225,000 |Roby & Waldo, Detroit, Mich. " " '<6 " « «6 LR ay ce a " « CG i 384x45 x26} 3,200 210,000 Eddy Bros., Bay City, Mich. " ' & ' « See ar eee cs ek « 384x45 x26 3,200 210,000 |D. Whitney, Jr., Detroit, Mich. " "« " «"« ' (Crmqeeee se ees " & " 384x45 x264 | 3,200 | 210,000 \John Mitchell, Cleveland, O. «" « " " « CRIN ATE Gee «" « & 428x481x28 4,000 | 250,000 Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland ss sf és & GiB cacen een on " f barge ...... 360x44 x26 4,000 | 135,000 s s fs cs fs Sine Aiih de dered ae ees "A au ee ans 360x44 x26 4,000 | 135,000 " oe = a Chicago Ship Building Co., So. Chicago, Il..... ........... Steel freight barge........ 352x44 x26 4,000 | 140,000 |Minnesota Steamship Co., Cleveland. bon foe Bt EE renee ee eet o ese ee a ae eee i 342x44 x26 4,000 140,000 " " " " "« ' « «« " pet eee & «" "« | 359x44 x26 4,000 | 140,000 |Northwestern Trans. Co, Detroit. ' " " " " CES ag eee " " steamer,.| 326x42 x2 3,000 200,000 |C. W. Elphicke & Co., Chicago, Ill. «4 ' ' « « Lotieea co pete se " " as 400x48 x28 4,000 | 250,000 Minnesota Steamship Co., Cleveland. " " « « ' CC eet a : barge.....)- 352x44 x26 | 4,000 | 140,000 " " ( FG " eect « " Gee ge 352x44 x26 4,000 140,000 Biekectel Mather & Gok emcees $6 ie ot « 'f Te ee esha ee g iH "a... 852x44 x26 4,000 | 140,000 ' S f f i Detroit Dry Dock=Co, Detroit, -MicH j..2....0,...,.e- seseegee: Side:wheel passrstiitt..<| on | es 375,000 |Cleve. & Buffalo Trans. Co., Cleveland gE SPE Rahs 2 tom Se erans mea oni Saece menor cere Steel lumber steamer.....| 254x42 x14 2,000 | 135,000 |Fisher, Wilson Co., Cleveland, O. «" «" dit cs Cs Es taste Rte M cess " freight steamer..... 420x46 x28 4,000 | 265,000 |Wolverine Steamship Co., Detroit " f ess ss My Dama ceuvatis sccee evens toehs &§ e aS 438x453x28 4,000 | 270,000 Pickands, Mather & Co., , Cleveland. " « shige « EE AS. Smirk. true ea S x ...| 4388x453x28 4,000 | 270,000 Gigbedron: Works Co.) Cleveland eQics. 20.satsaeshence- Steel freight steamer.....,. 432x48 x28 4,100 | 270,000 |Mutual reais re Cleveland, 0. EOS erey OE apg. OE oa teil Ae vss Sakae esas be oar Revenue cutter:.............; 205x382 x... | ...... 150,000 |U. S. Treasury Department. pa! i aeats e Mice. Saredes sonata gece Steel freight steamer...... 432x48 x28 | 4,100 | 270,000 |Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland ee aati Ge Sans tine uae US ae ee ea sali «| 482x48 x28 | 4100 | 270,000 Cleveland Ship Building Co., Cleveland, O........ ......... Steel freight steamer.....,) 395x44 x28 3,800 |*225,000 |Wilson Transit ce Cleveland, O. Ee Rre Pete Mea oh ep A A ey eee oe s sf 400x48 x28 4,000 |*270,000 |Zenith Transit Co., ' Duluth, Minn. " " " « «6 (canara To eekced " towing " LOOxO8ext 2h |e ee *25,000 |Duluth & Iron Range R. R, Duluth. " " " ' ' Siti atte coir "freight " .... 406x48 x28 4,200 |*250,000 |Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland. American Steel Barge Co., W. Superior, Wis fecal Steel freight steamer.,...) 380x45 x26 3,500 | 230,000 Amer. Steel Barge Co., W. Superior. SERGE BSG eee ae 8 A AOR een moet oe S Darge...... 360x45 x26 3,700 | 145,000 ef " ' 8s ve " citi iat «" " steamer...| 404x48 x27 4,100 | 245,000 nice cee Mather & eo; Cleveland ss S SC.a ight se Sees os a ff barge...... 326x47 x26 4,000 | 145,000 asd cae: ts Union Dry Dock Co., Buffalo, N. Voces cesses essen Steel steam yacht...........) 146x174x10 | ...... 60,000 |W. J. Conners, Buffalo, N. Y. Eee ee rere Ce an eee ee ean een "freight steamer...| 340x44 x28 3,000 | 225,000 |Union Steamboat Co., Buffalo. N. Y. « '" ' " " Ci Regt ie 2 ON ane 20 pass. steamer....... Di oedo eon see 60,000 |Chautauqua StmbtCo. ' Jamest' wn,N.Y Craig Ship Building Co., Toledo;O--...4-).5...00-..----0, Steel tigers. .cce ss e4ox 80164 | see 55,000 |Wisconsin & Mich. R. R. Co. Ee mena 98 Gabe Wig Guat Ueicaen (estide veenedmek orcs Wooden steamer sconseceee | ccuseecetsecsessene |i. areov, Sie sc loaecot eialbeaneng secs seincleetnrecieauneivier ss eslenteMee soa Sha aerast "ce " " " " eee ie Sea esc tN Ee ee ig fe a BN eh Sa gem Nees sg | Md ee me cae | feet Yet eg Al ett a James Davidson, W. Bay City, Mich. ..< Wooden steamer ........... 373x438 x26 2,500 | 115,000 |James Davidson, W. Bay City, Mich. ss « i ff Sh dees sree but a ebork ee ee CRE) cas 5 seaebes: 257x41 x24 2,000 90,000 % a ' : is " . Bs: Spee eee ee ie 4 ieee Sasi DAR SOS. rec. op =ss 280x45 x20 2,000 80,000 % a ue Z ef ' «" es eee He ee 8 a ee de Ries 280x45 x20 | 2,000 | 80,000) " rs : e ee " «" " OE Se ee ee «" ea 280x45 x20 | 2000 | 80,000] " te ae steams Bertram Engine Works, Toronto, Ont............cccce0ceeees Steel passenger stmr . Dia rt x Sales es 70,000 |Niagara Navigation Co,, Toronto, Ont ' Messi ocho Beoceeetes wises 8 towing 4 DB OSLO xa ie a ce 45,000 |Upper Ottawa Improvement Co. tc as Mi M SE epee te snes ie ail is a A la Ade eee 50,000 os ae ie f Jenks Ship Building Co., Port Huron, Mich... ....../) Wooden freight stmr..... DOE Rie. Kir: 1,800 80,000 Builders account. Abram Smith & Son, Algonac, IVI Hoge one tas cee Wooden freight barge... 210x37 x14 1,800 55,000 é Alex Anderson, Marine City, Mich..............c- Wooden freight barge... 200x36 x13 1,200 50,000 |Connelly Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Wangell & Sons Co., St. Clair, Mich.<.:<.csss606c00cs.--ssseee cs Wooden freight barge...| 270x40 x22 | 1,500 75,000 |Langell & Sons Co., St. Clair, Mich. 'he Galvin Co;, Gardentisland: Ont.s2..5.5 sss. Paddle towing steamer...) 125x25x9 | ...... 15,000 |For builders. Montreal Transportation Sox Kingston, Ont 33s Three-masted schooner..| ................. 1,800 55,000 |For builders. __ Marine Iron Works, Chicago, Tega smomecet ava scac eve ee ecaas vestiale SteaMme Crate. 31°... <cctusrttien ol eet 14,000 |For various parties. Wyandotte Boat Co., Wyandotte, Mich................00...08. Changing barge to stmr.| 212x384 x... | 1... BO000 Ree ccecsesasncttedoctcsstseocis tide cet eens Walter Crysler, Harbor Springs sMichs...cecses cate Steamers. sssssecets.cscte O38x1 89x Tat 9,000 |For builders. RoC Brittain, Sanpatuck:) Mich«.<, .c.:5.ecc osasesdshevsuces Bee: DLOAIMEE si. 5i58 osclssocs sade de (OxLS = Chal ess 5,000 |For builders. VonnMartelscsaugatuck <Michics\ esse. to oie. pail yaChtgs ses. <tc2.0005s4-= Saxe x aloe 5,000 |J. Smithers, Douglas, Mich. Ba We. eath, Benton-Harnor Micbi sisi sscis.wccicaeconnsinee wor tiger: s.2. 0092555, 1. ceo8e Sbx 200x740 xe 30,000 |Green Dredging Co., Chicago, II1. Hausler & Dunham, $0 Chicago, Ill..............2.0.-ce-s-00- SE NEG sotsc estat sncassdp cal sae es GOS eee tree 19,000 |Dunham Towing Co., Chicago, Ill. Racine Wis. Boat Mfg. Car RAGING | Wise sstveiscecrcareees sc Steam yachtrttr.....cccaees LSORIS! Cle ee 75,000 |F. N. Morgan, Chicago, Ill. Burger & Burger, Manitowoc, Wy iScemscees settee octet ass ck Rebuilding Menominee.| 213x35 x11} | _...... 50,000 |Goodrich Trans. Co., Chicago, Ill. Shipowners' Dry Dock Co., Cleveland, OLR east SEN noes Se espraes saccw ini <2 ces <e 80x19) x10 ee 12,000 \Jos. Duherst, Huron, oO. Daniel Runnels, Port Huron, NOR aise ces ersten sb op anges coors NE x rath menes ac cen oadeece eeRiete Enea 1 Seas 7,000 |For builders. *Estimated