MARINE REVIEW. "ae 3 MARINE ENGINES, Bet yee NE REPAIRS.» ©: eee ee DETROIT, MICH, = S bd te) iN te gp 0-3-4 1 BAR IRON THE CONDIT FULLER CO. CLEVELAND, O. BOILER RIVETS, BOILER TUBES, IRON PIPE, BOAT SPIKES, CLINCH RINGS, &c. @jeooew SALES AGENTS: THE CARBON STEEL CoO. MANUFACTURERS OF OPEN HEARTH STEEL SHIP, BOILER, BRIDGE AND TANK PLATES, &c., &c. DEAN BROTHERS, « pee eg eee a Ge eee Indianapolis, Ind. Boiler Feeders, Air Pumps and Con- densers, Ballast Pumps, Fire Pumps, Bilge Pumps. SEND FOR Z Su CATALOGUE THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO. et & MARINE PuMPS Single and Duplex Pumps for Boiler Feed, Fire or Bilge Service--Vertical and Horizontal. Vertical and Horizontal Pumps, Air Pumps for Surface and Jet Condensers. 95 and 97 Liberty St., NEW YORK. AIR PUMP ON U.S.CRUISER NEW YORK. SUBSCRIBERS WILL AVOID DANGER OF MISTAKES BY GIVING THE OLD AS WELL AS THE NEW ADDRESS WHEN A CHANGE IS DESIRED. JOHN HAUG, Ship and Engineer Surveyor Lloyds Register, London. : é 206 Walnut Plans, Specifications and Superintendence of Ships and their Machinery. Place, Specialties--Bulk Oil Vessels High Speed Yacht Engines, etc. Philadelphia. Povey ervey INCORPORATED 1794, Insurance Company of North America. $3,000,000.00 9,562,599.92 CAPITAL, Paid upinCash, - = ASSETS,. = = = = =*= = CHARLES PLATT, President. WILLIAM A. PLATT, Vice-President EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GREVILLE EK. FRYER, Seo'y. & Treas - JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Departmen GEORGE L. MoCURDY, Manager CHICAGO, ILLS. HIGH GRADE MATERIALS FOR VESSEL CONSTRUCTION A SPECIALTY. PIG IRON SALES AGENTS: THE CAMBRIA IRON CO. MANUFACTURERS OF OPEN HEARTH AND BESSEMER STEEL ANGLES, BARS, CHANNELS, BEAMS, TEES, ZS, &c. Electrical Sapplies -- For -- .. STEAMSHIPS.. A SPECIALTY. The F. P. Little Electrical Construction > and Supply Co. No. 135 E. Seneca Street, BUFFALO, N.Y. Send for Catalogue --_-- TE E-- Bethlehem lron Company PRINCIPAL OFFICE and WORKS: SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PENNA. Steel Rails, Open Hearth, Bessemer and Nickel Steel Billets and Forgings, Hydraulic Forged Shafting, Hollow or Solid. Cranks, Rolls, Etc. Rough Machined or Finished. Fluid Compressed Steel. GUNS and ARMOR. ; NEW YORK OFFICE, = - 80 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, - 421 Chestnut St. CHICAGO OFFICE, = = Marquette Bidg. c A) ¢ BY STEAM GAGE AND VALVE 60., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of Crosby Pop Safety Valves and Water Relief Valves Crosby Im- proved Steam Gages, Single Bell Chime Whistles, Patent Gage Testers, Victory Lubricator , and other specialties. The Crosby Steam Ep give Indicator, when required, is fur- nished with Sargent's Electrical Attachment, by which any number of diagrams can be taken simultaneously. BRANDEN PUMP VALVES, rubber with insertion. Manufacturers of all kinds of Pressure andVacuum Gages, Water Gages, Gage Cocks, Radiator Cocks, and other Engine and Boiler Fittings and Supplies. Branch Offices at New York, Chicago and London, Main Office and Works at BOSTON, MASS.