Mion coe 8 MARINE REVIEW. New Officers Among the Engineers. M. E. B. A. No. 37, Toledo, O.: President, George Reynolds; vice president, George Curtis; corresponding and financial secretary, EH. D. Locke; recording secretary, John Marshall; treasurer, F. N. Weis. M. E. B. A. No. 4, Chicago, Ill.: President, John Reif; vice president, Chas. Van Avery; financial secretary, D. W. Wise; corresponding secre- tary, Geo. Grubb; recording secretary, E. E. Morris; chaplain, John Williams; conductor, James Groves; doorkeeper, John F. Conley; treas- urer, James Donley; trustees, T. F. Dowd, John Murdock and John Reif; delegates to national convention, T. F. Dowd and Geo. Grubb. M. E. B. A. No. 27. Bay City, Mich.: President, L. C. Schwall; vice president, Thomas W. Graham; recording secretary, Henry Montaigne ; financial secretary, N. P. Slater; corresponding secretary, J. A. Braman; treasurer, Louis Gelenas; conductor, J. L. Wiley; chaplain, Charles E. Harman; inside doorkeeper, C. G. Pierce; trustees, N. P. Slater, Louis Schwall, Thomas Graham; representative to national convention, J. A. Braman. M. E. B. A., No. 2, Cleveland, O.: President, John N. Kirby; vice president, John Hayward; treasurer, M. B. Sturtevant; corresponding secretary, W.C. Clark; recording secretary, William Most; financial secretary, James ,. Sanderson; chaplain, L. A. Weeks; doorkeepers, H. A. Burton and George Allen; trustees, M. B. Sturtevant, William Kennedy and H. McAuley. M. E. B. A. No 9, Milwaukee, Wis. : President, J. C. Collins; vice presi- dent, Chas. Bendschneider; treasurer, Frank Coons; financial secretary, J. Conway; recording secretary, John Desmond; coresponding secretary, 'Charles G. Forsyth; chaplain, John Staley; conductor, George P. Chip- man; doorkeeper, Edgar Doucett; delegate to national convention, J. C. Collins. M. E.B A. No. 53, Marine City, Mich: President, Frank Ouelette; vice president, John Minnie; treasurer, Frank Parker; financial secre- tary, Henry Woods; recording secretary, EK. H. Hill; coresponding secre- tary, Harry Stone; chaplain, Felix Hasler; conductor, Wm. Sicken; door keeper, Constandt Krause; delegate to national convention, Frank Parker. M. E. B. A. No. 48, Sandusky, O.: President, Geo. C. Zanger; vice president, Pat Ragen; treasurer, Wm. F. Mayer; financial secretary, Carl V. Hart; corresponding secretary, John Erving; conductor, Geo. Moore; chaplain, H. Burkley; inside door keeper, H. Lockhardt; outside door keeper, J. Bankart; trustees, John Gaa, W. F. Mayer and Geo. Moore; past president, John Hegemer. M. E. B. A. No. 78, Duluth, Minn: Past president, R. A. Webster; president, Alfred Beauchmapn; vice president, Armour Harvey; corespond- ing secretary, F. B. Barrows, No. 1228 EK. Third street; recording secre- tary, F. B. Barrows; financial secretary, F. B. Barrows; treasurer, A. Mc- Gillivray; conductor, M. Ryan; chaplain, E. Wagner; door keeper, W. Morrison; delegate to national convention, A. McGillivray. M. E. B. A. No. 67, Saugatuck, Mich.: Past president, W. S. Bradley; president, George Harvey; vice-president, J. B. Brown; recording secre- tary, Wayne Coats; corresponding secretary, George Harvey; financial secretary and treasurer, J. K. Dole; conductor, William Wilson; chaplain, William Rode; door-keeper, Henry Randal. M. E. B. A. No. 8, Detroit, Mich.: Past president, A. L. Jones; president, T. J. Kelley; vice president, S G. Cowell; recording secretary, EK. R. Dungan, corresponding secretary, W. A. Meddaugh; financial secre- tary, F. Kenyon; treasurer, E.R. Blanchard; conductor, F. Seiler; door- keeper, F. McDonald; chaplain, W. F. Taylor; delegates to national con- _ vention, E R. Blanchard and KE. R. Dungan. Ship Master's Association--New Officers. Lodge No. 3, Chicago, Ill.: President, H. T. Loftus; first vice presi. dent, C. H. Hubbard; second vice president, L. B. Coates; treasurer, Wm. Turner; secretary, F. B. Higgie. Lodge No.6, Milwaukee, Wis.: President, John Wright; first vice president, John McCoy; second vice president, Peter Anderson; secretary, John McSweeney; treasurer, Fred Starke; trustee for three years, Edward Saveland. Lodge No. 7, Detroit, Mich.: president, A. J. McKay ; first vice-presi- dent, L. Stoddard; second vice-president, H. C. McCallum; treasurer, Hiram Still; chaplain, Jas. Parsons; marshall, R. H. Sunderland ; Wwar- den, Wm. Roach; sentinel, H. Berlin; corresponding secretary, R. Rhynes ; financial secretary, Geo. A. Wilson. Lodge No. 1, Buffalo, N. Y.: President, Frank J. "McCabe; first vice president, Patrick O'Neill; second vice president, A. EB. Huff; treasurer, Alex Clark; secretary, John Perew. Lodge No. 4, Cleveland, O.: President, Joseph A. Holmes; first vice president, Richard Neville; second vice president, William Cumming treasurer, Thomas Jones; financial secretary, W. W. Brown; recording secretary, Robert C. Pringle; chaplain, Capt. Toland; marshall, Capt. Nelson; warden, Capt. Woodford; sentinel, Capt. McNally. Lodge No. 2, Port Huron, Mich.: President, W. E. Rice; first vice president, H. Zealand; second vice president, G. W. Pierce; treasurer, Hl. Davis; financial and recording secretary, Melvin A. Budd, No, 812 Walnut street; chaplain, D. M. Sinclair; marshall, C. J. Holmes; warden, Byron Brown; sentinel, L. Carey. Lodge No. 9, Toledo, O: President, Henry Root; first vice president, James Cunningham; second vice president, Martin Christie; treasurer, Ike Gelispie; recording and financial secretary, E. G. Ashley; chaplain, Homer Durand; marshall, Geo. Sage; warden, Frank Nixon; sentinel, David Kelley; deligates to national convention, Henry Root and Duncan Stalker. Around the Lakes. Supt. J. C. Boyd of the Canadian lock at Sault Ste. Marie will spend most of the winter in Simcoe, Ont. Melrose is the name selected for the lake barge that is being buil by the Montreal Transportation Co. at Kingston. There is now only 6 inches of ice in Mud lake, and this much was made in the last few days. Boats could have navigated Mud lake up to Dec. 20. Mr. H. M. Hanna, owner of the steel steam yacht Comanche, will spend the winter with a party of friends on a cruise to Florida and the West Indies. ee Donald M. McKenzie, superintendent of the "Soo"' locks, sailed from New York on the City of Glasgow for Glasgow on the 2nd inst, with his brother. They will spend about a month in Scotland. Capt. Wm. G. Traverse, fifty-seven years of age, who sailed the steamer Progress for a number of years, died at Los Angeles, Cal., a few days ago. Capt. Traverse had gone to California in search of health, The Mariners' Club is the name of a social organization in Buffalo that is made up of a number of lake captains and their wives. Oneof the first meetings of the winter was held, a few evenings ago, at the home of Capt. James H. Killeran. Officers and directors of the] new Lake Superior & Ishpening Rail- way Co., which is building a road tocarry ore from the Lake Angeline, Lake Superior and other mines near Ishpening to Marquette, are made up almost entirely of officials of the ore mining companies. They are as follows: President, Wm. G. Mather, Cleveland; vice president, James Laughlin, Jr.,Pittsburg; treasurer, Wm. G. Pollock, Cleveland; secretary, James H. Hoyt, Cleveland; general counsel, Geo. W. Hayden, Ishpeming; directors, Wm. G. Mather, J. H. Wade, James H. Hoyt and W. G. Pollock of Cleveland, James Laughlin, Jr., and B. F. Jones, Jr., of Pittsburg, and Geo. W. Hayden of Ishpening. In General, George L.. Watson is to design a racing schooner yacht to carry 20,- 000 square feet of canvas and to be built by D. & W. Henderson of Glas- gow for the Emperor of Germany. A large number of important changes among officers of the army engineer corpse were announced by the department a few days ago, but none of the officers stationed on the lakes are affected by the new orders. Sir Edward James Harland, whose death was announced recently, was the moving spirit in the great ship building firm of Belfast. The Wolff interest in the firm of Harland & Wolff was largely the money in- terest of the concern. Commodore Geo. W. Melville's commission as chief engineer in the navy will expire.on the 16th inst. He has held the place during three terms of four years each, and it is now morethan probable that the presi- dent will in a few days again send his name to the senate for confirmation. It is quite generally admitted that congress and the president were right in accepting the ram Katahdin. Chief-engineer Melville of the navy now asks that he be permitted to lengthen the propeller shafts of the Katahdin, with a view to reaching a speed of 17 knots at a cost of not more than $5,000 Senator Brice is endeavoring to have printed in the government printing office 3,000 copies of the proceedings of the first annual conven- tion of the International Deep Wate rways Association, held in Cleveland recently., His plan is to have the books circulated by members of con- gress as a miscellaneous document. He has introduced a resolution with this end in view. AN EXCELLENT LIBRARY FOR A MARINE ENGINEER, CHEAP--KEY TO ENGINEERING; WHAT AN ENGINEER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELEC- TRICITY; ENGINEERS' CATECHISM. ANY ONE OF THESE ARE WORTH A DOLLAR, BUT ALL THREE CAN BE HAD FOR $1. SEND TO THE MA- RINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTORY.