22) MARINE REVIEW. F. W. WH EELER, President. E. T. CARRINCTON, Vice-President. i ee c. W. STIVER, Secy. and Treas, F. W. WHEELER & GO., Weert Bay Girv, Miea. e Builders of all kinds of METAL AND WOODEN SHIF. e pa AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1866. Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Crane and Rafting -- == CL. ALIN Ss ane DREDGE and CRANE CHAINS are made of IRON ROLLED SPECIALLY for that purpose. Send for Price List. J.B. CARR & CO., Manufacturers, TROY, NEW YORK. Niece OD a ln hn llth tn tl cli di de ed te de de VV FDI IPI $ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4d 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ; 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hy 44444444 444646 4 1 44, ADDDAA DD DD DD @ 6 r TOOOOoweX ss ers a Specialty. Boats. LifePreservers. Outfit for Lake Steam- & SO TATNALL AND RAILROAD STS., 9 WILMINGTON, DEL. me pe sda ALL KINDS OF SEND FOR PRICES AND CIRCULARS. SAGINAW, MICH. DOCK ana DECK HOISTS Machinery § Friction Hoists. JACKSON & CHURCH, THE "CINCINNATI" ATTIOMATIC STEAM STEERING CEAR A Simple, Powerful Machine. Noiseless and Sure, FRONTIER IRON WORKS, SEND FOR GIRCULAR, HOWARD H. BAKER & Co. DETROIT. MICH. ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, 18 to 26 Terrace.__.. BUFFALO, N.Y. For ale re eee CNEER PROPELLOR Suitable for Excursion or Short Route. Rebuilt in 1893, 126 feet keel, 25 feet beam, 9 feet 6 inches depth of hold, capacity 400 excursionists, speed normal 11 to 124 miles. HART'S STEAMBOAT LINE, Green Bay, Wis. CAPT. SAMUEL W. GOULD, Ex-Ass't Inspector of Steam Vessels, Gives instructions in Navigation and prepares Candidates for the Examina- tions, for Master and Pilots Licenses, befure the Local Steamboat Inspectors. TERMS REASONABLE. Candidates for Engineers License, 265 Marcy Ave , Cleveland, 0. Also Instructions given in the Safety Valve and other Problems required by TAKE WADE PARK OR PAYNE AVE CAR. WARRINGTON WATER TUBE BOILER. The most economical boiler in existence, Every tube accessible for cleaning and repairs. No jvints in the fire. MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE WARRINGTON, 86 N. Clinton St., CHICACO. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. . CHANNON COMPANY AGENTS FOR RYLANDS BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF VENGLISH GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSEBS, 24-26 Market Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Ghe Vattin-Crariia C,, {MPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahogany, White Mahogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. Wlidéaa™ = HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM. WYJste Ck Simtets. and Gyenk CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 654 ered Street, ETROIT SHEET METAL ) "9.64.66 StEEER AND BRASS WORKS ( betroiT, MICH. Jobbers of........ Pipe, Valves, Fittings. Packing, Oil and Engineers Suplies, Contractors for Hish Class Steam Fitting, Steam Heating, Plumbing, Copper Work, and all Classes of Sheet Metal Work. Manufacturers Clark's Patent Metallic Life Raft, Side of Lights, Marine Hardware, Hurricane, Cabin and Platform Lamps, Trip Gongs, ete. Laidlaw - Dunn -Gordon Steam Pumps, Cleveland, Ohio. No. 64-66-68-70-72 Agents for........ Warren Webster's Specialties, and Buffalo Forge Co.'s Fans, Engines and Heaters, Engineers can be waited on promptly day or night.