24 MARINE REVIEW. PUTT Ra MeO erty. te 43 | eee Ca ea LCN LeU FOR HANDLING COAL, ORE AND COARSE FREIGHT eee ae bana ; | te Pyare can Lift Rr Ng dee - Radius of Boom, Swing in Either ~ Direction: at Will of Operator, and - - can Propel Itself. on Track any De- pone eh ced Ld ee ene. BUILT FOR ANY CAPACITY WANTED - eS e=yenedh aya = centers = "CONVEYORS, COAL BUCKETS, ORE. (>*Sese""" lr) 4 ee er Se The Bertram Engine Works Co. (LIMITED.) ENGINEERS AND SHIP BUILDERS. MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. STEEL AND COMPOSITE STEAMERS, TUGS and YACHTS. ROBERTS AND MOSHER SAFETY WATER-TUBE BOILERS. : Ship Yard: Niggas © neces Sts., T 0 R 0 N T0 ' ONT »» Foot of Bathurst St. DETROIT BOAT WORKS. The TUG FAVORITE | STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN, MICH. v 1TH COMPLETE WRECKING OUTFIT es ae N CHARGE OF os © Carr MARTIN SWAIN. @2 8 THE , |ANADIAN WRECKER SAGINAW STATIONED "AT DETROIT, MICH g - ENABLES US TOY WRECK IN CANADIAN me WATERS yEBL ESL eee Beet e hs © STEAM PUMPS AND SUS-MARINE >-- WORKIN CHARGE OF 4 see JOHN S.QUINN Fol Kddress ali communisativrs t6 s 2a, yo OFFICE ' IS ATWATER ST WEST: Le OE Mie Cached ete YACHTS cae and = Se -- N LAUNCHES. 4. ST aAM PUES, 10 JACKS, ou AV/SERS. o eee _ 1 COAL and Ope PUMP aes = : Petey. 1895) =~Octobern 1895 1D REN WOBIAINGION | Stindey Monday Yiasdoy Medeusday Tiunsday Frias Seturday 2 ee ee - Lo Se Se ROD LEAH me 6 et 8 9 WT P [73 14 1 16 Ff? IS 79 ee 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 me 8e 28 29 30 ST tke BUILDERS OF ELECTRIC LAUNCHES, DETROIT, MICH. Any Class Wooden, Iron or Steel Boats up to 150 ft. In length. YAWLS. METALLIC LIFE BOATS. LIFE RAFTS. All kinds of Small Pleasure Boats. The electric launches used on the lagoons at World's Fair were manufactured by this company. Send for new illustrated Catalogue of electric launches. SHIP LAMPS. OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTURERS = Steamships, Yachts, d&c. GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS. Prices and Cuts on Application. Saar" Ss ® x ss ai iG PRAY A cena is S eaeRRR PBR. For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, etc., of every description, for Steam Engines, Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship Companies, within the last twelve years, in this and foreign countries. FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure; also METAL GASKETS for all kinds of flanges and joints. a3 s Dovusix-ActinG BatanceD WAtTER-TIGHT BULKHEAD Doors for ewe ro Steamers. Also Agents for the McColl-Cumming Patent Liquip RupDER BRAKE. For full particulars and reference, address: we KATZENSTEIN'S Self-Acting METAL PACKING, 357 West St., New York. Jenkins Bros. Valves. Houestly Manufactured. Warranted as Represented. Look for Trade Mark. JENKINS BROS., Sw NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO, BOSTON. L. KATZENSTEIN & CO. General Machinists, Brass Finishers, Engineers' Supplies, 4G SBEos SZ CoO =-9 (Formzrty WILLIAMS, PAGE & CO.) 227 to 233 Cambridge 8t., BOSTON, MASS. P.M. CHURCH cc Co., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Shiv Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLA88 COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION.