MARINE REVIEW. 25 Lake Erie Engineering Works, Buffalo, N.Y. RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres't. Yo, a JOHN COON, Sec' y and Treas. othe. Steam Engines, Compound, Triple and Quadruple Expansion Engines, From 250to 10,000 Horse Power For Marine and Stationary Service. Special Designs for Cable Railways and Electric Power Plants. The Best Economy and Regulation Guaranteed. aw nD = = THE BEST HQUIPPED PLANT INT AMERICA. MARINE REVIEW DIRECTORY OF THE IMPORTANT DRY DOCKS ON THE GREAT LAKES. PLACE NAME OF DOCK BERET Neue Depth 2%. lover all.| Gate. } Top, | 02 Sill. PEE: hloeks. Rais ONY ia Denneece Ae ei ae Feet. Feet. acs AIO, Ni. V.....cccssessccccssessccossresosrcevscssconey) sovcevees MION Dry DOCK OO wee. cascseessecceeccccesse: U ZA \Weesocsccooagooo 9 0 be 400 feet on blocks and 17 feet over sill. Biba Os Nis eas se so cs sserid ccc Paseo aa a ao ceded eeawasne Newco aneeee (i Kiera reat arr Se cn eae 341 349 45 Satasegenn 14 Timber. : CHI Cae mse eres ceer ree nerteerccnc screenees estcnasesses Chicago Ship Building Co. (Calumet)...... 445 470 70 100 18 Ol@vElANGO MOS. cosecesteeveccroasvteedataceswancossceevcuers.' Ship Owners Dry Dock Co..................0000+ 450 465 50 esuitocead eee 17 GIG Vela SOM OM orecncc re ccecee cecccel cv ssesedeceuicsneascen|ocneesteconcec GOR AGS I ae 325 340 55 Birstoceten 14 ClevelandeO Dior eee a rca seccccuciecees csucteeses Cleveland Dry Dock Co... 340 360 50 88 20 Detroit, Mich...... ..| Detroit, Dry Dock Co........ 365 378 79 90 16 Timber. IDG GROUCH ES oss cco escere coo snc cc cate st co ceett a Ooezeome nse see do .| 245 245 48 48 8% | Timber. Port Huron, Mich Dunford _ 'Alverson bry Dock G .| 392 412 62 95 18 Graving. Port Huron, Mich alloc Reena cee ..| 255 270 50 vervensee nese 6 Graving. TOLCT OF ONIO os co eraser ceed ccctotoscontccstoneces Sates Craig. Ship Building iConaree es pe |e 200 250 , 45 i acetissere 8 Marine Railway (1,500 tons) also. AUC (0) NR a ae cone sngaconccosh ec-pocaaeccass os -B06006 00nd] [eonbcocesoogoE do issustiecestevess|e 400. 425 60 sna teeaunees 16 To be ready June i. Wests Superior, Wisse ress cceccssesitesvcese overs American Steel Barge Co... Rei estestes ss4|i,- ODS 500 Boast eussdece eee caesar 20 | BAGS for CALMING the WAVES. | An Opportunity for ENGINEERS | = 4n Indicators for Sale Cheap. A Barrel of Oil and a Durable Oil Bag with capacity Calkins Steam Engine Indicator, Planimeter, Pantograph zi Z extra springs, and three way cock--fu)l outfit for for a Gallon of Oil, delivered aboard Vessels taking indicator cards -- regular price $40-- our in Cleveland for SAO. price $35. MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. The bag has attachments that permit of its being slid down the anchor chains when the vessel is at anchor, or thrown to windward when the vassel is Handsome Photographs of Lake Steamers. moving. As the vessel comes up to it, the bag can be hauled aboard by means : a of a line, and thrown ahead from time to time. For some time the REVIEW has been planning to secure photographs of lake vessels under way, giving an artistic marine scene as well asa picture of the vessel. Arrangements have been completed and the first consignment has been received. They are 8 by 10 inches on tea colored ST ORM OIL B AG CoO mounts and will be sent toany address. We have a number instock, and 6 : . : as more are being taken every few days we can furnish prints of almost any The expenditure of $10 may save your vessel. 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. of the modern freight steamers at $1 each. The following are on hand: J.J. McWilliams, J. N. Glidden, Cherokee, D. Leuty, Yukon, Wawatam, Majestic, F. L. Vance, THREE BOOKS OF SAILING DIRECTIONS, ONE COVERING LAKE SUPERIOR Colgate Hoyt, Briton, Chas. Hebard, Selwyn Eddy, AND THE ST, MARY'S RIVER, ANOTHER COVERING LAKE MICHIGAN AND THE John Harper, Pillsbury, Saginaw Valley, Forest City, STRAITS OF MACKINAC, AND A THIRD TAKING IN LAKES HURON AND ST. CLAIR Gladstone, Maritana, S. S. Curry, Wallula, WITH DETROIT AND ST. CLAIR RIVERS, ARE NOW OFFERED FOR SALE BY THE John V. Moran, Malta, H. J. Johnson, Jim Sheriffs. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. THESE BOOKS ARE PARTS OF A WORK THAT WILL John Mitchell, Quito, Choctaw, _ Zenith City, COVER THE ENTIRE CHAIN OF LAKES. THEY CONTAIN CHARTS OF LEADING Corsica, City of Collinwood,Victory, Merida, CHANNELS AND HARBORS, AND MAY BE HAD FROM THE MARINE REVIEW, Annie M, Ash, Pascal, P. Pratt. 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, AT $1 EACH. Send $1 to the Marine REviEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O.