MARINE REVIEW. 13 The Marine Manufacturing & Supply Co, _ #58 South St., NEW YORK. Manufacturers and dealers in Ship Machinery, Windlasses, Capstans, Winches, Pumps, Brass Work es 29 Deck Lights, Cannon, Rails, Stanchions. : ; oe ee Ship Chandlery and Engineers Supplies, Cordage, Oakum, Wire Rope, Anchors, Chain, FLA N . Packing, Oils, Waste, etc., etc. : : wel ; oe Gs ASD SRE ae ee --__ Estimates furnished for complete outfits for vessels, Ercan ee ow | THE BRARNDER AUTOMATIC BILGE SYPHON, i Zee Torches and Liquids for Lights of Various Colors, nN For Signal Lights and Illuminations of all kinds. i 2 Blue Flash Lights a Specialy. Woe. We call the attention of masters of vessels to the efficiency | Always on Watch, of our patented flare-up or flash light torch. It can be used rT with kerosene or spirits of turpentine. Its superiority over _SHIP AHOY.'" al) other kinds of torches is that it is indestructible. Being . : A filled with asbestos, it will last for years, and is ready for use ae Be ee cae or goed tousleep, end is rel at any moment. It gives a white flame three to five feet high . i % burns less liquid than any ordinary torch of the samc size or Coane a est aud) suresy a7 see y larger. The combustion isso perfect that very little smoke is They are indorsed Mi leading "Ravincers made, and the flame is therefore much brighter. At night you throughout the countr y 8 8 can wigwag with this torch. Rain or spray will not extinguish They commend iheeaseleee wherever placed, _ A dry bottom in ship's holds gains 'speed, which is equal to money. By giving it a trial, it will speak for itself, - Write for circular, it, and the stronger the wind the better it burns. We have also a Blue, Green and Red Burning Liquid, to PHILIP BRAENDER, 261 West [18th Street, = NEW YORK. THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. | FORGED STEEL WATER-TUBE MARINE BOILER, H. Channon Co., Chicago, Ill. 29 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK. STEAM. PIPE BISGHARGE PI Price of F'lare-up Light, $3.50 & BOILERS SOLD TO STEAMERS ie NERO, ALGERIE, ELEANOR, REVERIE, TROPHY, 'SCOTTISH HERO, TURRET CROWN, HERO, TURRETT CAPE, SENECA, PRESIDENT, ZENITH CITY. Under construction:--For Plant Line Steamship, building by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., eight (8) boilers with 20,300 sq. ft. heating surface and 460 sq. ft. grate surface, and pressure 200 Ibs. per eq. in.; also boilers for new steamer building by the Cleveland Ship Building Co. for the Zenith Transit Co. (second order) and large tug for Duluth & Iron Range Railroad. Lee FUELING DOCKS: FOOT OF NORTH MARKET ST. 18™ STREET BRIDGE, ILLINOIS CENTRAL SLIP'C: eae STORAGE DOCKSrorANTHRACITE: <= HINGSBURY ST. setween INDIANAGERIE STS 5 ELSTON AVE.DIVISION ST. BRIDGE(NORTH BRANCH) = NORTH AVE.BRIDGE. DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,GDEN CANAL) SOUTH HALSTED ST. BRIDGE. PRICES REDUCED. The Chase Machine Co. THE O'CONNELL GREASER OR GREASE CUP COM- HT ts? Sar a aaa os PLETE FOR $20.00. MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS... In use by many of the largest steamers on the lakes; a positive MANUFACTURERS OF feed guaranteed. Saves 50 per cent in the cost of lubrication | LAND AND MARINE ENGINES and STEAM PUMPS, . compared with Oil. Nothing like it for wristpins and crossheads on edie GUNEAG AND SuAHUTACHURERMIOE wid Marine Engines. Send for our catalogue testimonials. Chase Fog Whistle Machine. -- ce -- MANURACTORED ORLY BY Over 150 in use on the best class of Lake Steamers. --- WADHAMS OIL & GREASE CoO. Special Attention given to Marine Repair Work. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. MILWAUKEE, WIS. ' ASBESTOS PIPE AND BoiLer CoveRrina. TELEPHONE 994. --