MARINE REVIEW. hy U7, LaKE ERIE BorLerR Works, BuFFALo, N. Y. Coc sie, THE BEsT EQUIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA For THE MANUFACTURE OF Mens' BOILERS. - MARINE REVIEW DIRECTORY OF THE IMPORTANT DRY DOCKS ON THE GREAT LAKES. LENGTH. WIDTH, D PLACE. NAME OF DOCK. ppth eae Over all.) Gate. | Top, | 02 Hill. REMAEES, : Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet Buslalos oN Wirsomss Sear vcdsicvos sestiae ed sa atasthaaataPienscsctes Union WDny Doky Conn ccs cess sescseskeoecsesees 340 348 DBM Be 9 To be 400 feet on blocksand 17 feet over sill. Bulhalos (Nee Vics, ccccetsrstasen sevtesce cess Pits ietiecatontee| ieee. Liseedest CO Kare Mseatscpci suc uuasaetesvestecocsssseces 34t 349 Sie alien ecates 14 Timber. CHICAS ON eIN Ayes SE ac as ceg ct ccettelaces oles aa ctase Chicago Ship Building Co. (Calumet)...... 445 470 70 100 18 r TeV STAC OTT eee ee cere nese nee a Ship Owners Dry Dock Co.....................04 450 465 50 aes 17 Clevelaridy QHIO 5. 2.8.6 B20 s BS ccket cian ans cevessakeoseltewtvesse deotst OS ree ice sieesed 325 340 5B 14 Cleveland, Ohio.... Cleveland Dry Dock Co, 340 360 50 20 Detroit, Mich.... Detroit, Dry Dock Co... 365 378 79 16 Timber. Detroit; Mich... 3 is cccscee ee Mee ee ES, ooo GOs aeicccssussnueecaseeenee 245 245 48 8% | Timber. Port Huron, Mich Dunford & Alverson Dry Dock Co 392 412 62 18 Graving. Port Huron, Mich poe cate eee Op arerpeuetess attest neces eraeeer 255 270 50 6 Graving. Toledo, Ohio..... .| Craig Ship Building Co................... 200 250 45 8 Marine Railway (1,500 tons) also. poled OOM ON See eee eee enter wv oitee Se ate taal Satta ceteas LO). seen cece toneecl ac raeen tomtom siete ab eserel|t eLt0O 425 - 60 16 To be ready June 1. SWiCSt) SUPOTION AWS) cose ree tere cetescee veseeeeee ee American Steel Barge Co..................00 554 500 20 * A CHART COVERING LAKE HURON, GEORGIAN BAYAND THE STRAITS OF eA. De oe 16 Atwater Street W., DETROIT, MICH., CONTRACTOR FOR Dock Building, Bride and Trestle Work, Pile Driving and Foundation Work. Dry Dock Building; builder of Detroit Dry Dock Co's New Dry Dock. PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF Dapuis Steam Pile Driving Hammer Which is very effective, in that it is forced by steam in the down stroke, (whicn is not the case in other pile avers); making the ram strike a quick and powerful blow. One advantage of this Ham- mer over others is, that the steam hose is inside the leaders, and not in the way of hoisting the piles as is the case in other steam hammers, TWO SIZES of these Hammers are made, one weighing 65000 Ibs, and one 7000 Ibs. (8~THE WORKING OF HAMMERS GUARANTEED. THE BUFFALO AUTOMATIC. Operated by One The movement of the steam and water valves and their relative positions are such that the supply of water will always be in proportige to the sup- steam admitted to the jets. CAN BE GRADED WW to run continuously on any steam presssure from 20 to 140 lbs. Operated entirely by one handle, both in stop- : ping aud starting, as well ; as in grading the supply of steam and water. WAS74Fasle Ejectors, Duplex Tube Scrapers, Cyl- inder Oil Pumps Improved Glass Oil Cups and Lub- ricators, Compression Grease Cups, Improved Ball Gauge Cocks, and other Steam Users' Specialties. Send for Catalogue, mentioning this paper. S SHERWOOD MFG, C0., (3s!) BUFFALO, ¥, Y. 7a No Valves required | in either Steam er Suction Pipes. MACKINAC, ALL ON ONE SHEET, HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE AND MAY BE HAD FROM THE MARINE REVIBW AT 75 CENTS. LAKE SUPERIOR ON ONE SHEET, LAKE MICHIGAN ON A SINGLE SHEET, AND LAKES ERIE AND ONTARIO IN THE SAME FORM ARE ALSO IN PRINT AND 8ELL AT THE SAME PRICE, "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw.'--R. HAMMOND. PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or 200 Scale-Forming Substance. ROBERT LEARMONTE vance. BOUCK AVENUE, - - - - - BUFFALO, N. Y. REFERENCES. A.--Settling chamber. B.--Boiler. ; C.--Feed pipe to boiler. D.--Steam pipe. : E.--Water supply pipe. F.--Check valve. G.--Spray disks. H.--Spray chamber. {,--Equalizing tube. J.--Blow-off pipe. K.--Automatic shut-off valve. L.--Division plate. M.--Deflecter and separator.