MARINE REVIEW. 17 LaKE ERIE BorLeER Works, Burra.o, N. Y. THE BEsT EQuIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA For THE MANUFACTURE OF. oPERN BOILERS. MARINE REVIEW DIRECTORY OF THE IMPORTANT DRY DOCKS ON THE GREAT LAKES. LENGTH. WIDTH. Depth PLACE. NAME OF DOCK. br pits, (Over all.| Gate. ) Top. | 0" Sill. Ee Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. eeseicees eee ee O To be 400 feet on blocks and 17 feet over sill. Timber. : : ae 349 45 14 Chicago Ship Building Co. = 470 70 18 Ship Owners Dry Dock Co................ ..| 460 465 50 i sdted cote omess 17 eoeseenere ee CO eee access asco ies .-| 3825 340 55 Wesisericsseosices 14 Cleveland Dry Dock Co..............ccc.ccseseenes 340 360 50 88 20 eccrine ..| Detroit, Dry Dock Co.................. serves] 365 378 79 90 16 Timber. Ree rece eepee re tieee co eee she te te cnr ok SERN eT eee eRe: Oe recast ortitnere cose seen nerseee nee One 245 48 48 8% | Timber. OVD PELUT OMS MC Wh eescea ches eee mene Dunford & Alverson Dry Dock Co........... .. 392 412 62 95 18 Graving. PRONTO NIC DE etceae cers tccencc =o snatcineceuresrerens = GseasuarugeseseOlO) .actnacalstatostessenassatatcs seaesstesuerseemuseted | tm E200 270 50 Steere 6 Graving. FROLECOM ODIO etcrsttres cerate oc ceteeiraantetetetee ssc Craig Ship Building Co............... eee 200 250 AOE beateceegceaes 8 Marine Railway (1,500 tons) also. FROIGC ON ON OF roe ctne ceencessccneeetease yee casera eee dicee eel LO sorties rpeoh en anos taereg-ootaeetne ern e400) 425 DE el ieeoctnccocnsno 16 To be ready June 1. West Superior, AWS seesaw ee eas conse American Steel Barge Co..................0....| 554 500 sot ese ote [Peoaes MS 20 A CHART COVERING LAKE HURON, GEORGIAN BAYAND THE STRAITS OF we oe es) t J _ t J LoS ' MACKINAC, ALL ON ONE SHEET, HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE HYDROGRAPHIC cs = y OFFICE AND MAY BE HAD FROM THE MARINE REVIEW AT 75 CENTS. LAKE 16 Atwater Street W., DETROIT, MICH., TRIE AD ONTARTOEALr Ee, canmoiragiabien 1 LO eMET aa ea ND SELL AT T CONTRACTOR FOR SAME PRICE. 22 Dock Building, Bridge aud Trestle Work, || te most uetotater nner ant prs w arse", HAMNOND, Pile Driving and Foundation Work. Dry Dock Building; builder of Detroit Dry Dock Co's IN PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS. as New Dry Dock. PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF pa Ta HT pg li If Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Dupuis Steam Pile Driving, Hammer Scala Feitine Subba Which is very effective, in that it is forced by steam in the down stroke, (whico is not the case in other pile AVES making the ram strike a quick and powerful blow. One advantage of this Ham- mer over Giners is, that the steam hose is inside the leaders, and ROBERT LEARMONTH PATENTEE, not in the way of hoisting the piles as is the case in other steam hammers. 200 BOUCK AVENUE, - - - - - BUFFALO, N.Y. TWO SIZES of these Hammers are made, one weighing 6000 Ibs, and one 7000 Ibs. --S--THE WORKING OF HAMMERS GUARANTEED. THE BUFFALO AUTOMATIC. A GRADING INJECTOR. The movement of the steam and water valves and their relative positions are such that the supply of water will always be in proportion to the sup- 72 ply of steam admitted the jets. CAN BE GRADED # to run continuously on any # steam presssure from 20 to 140 lbs. Operated entirely by one handle, both in stop- ping and starting, as well : as in grading the supply of steam and water. WAS74¥asle Ejectors, Duplex Tube Scrapers, Cyl- inder Oil Pumps Improved Glass Oil Cups and Lub- ricators, Compression Grease Cups, Improved Ball Gauge Cocks, and other Steam Users' Specialties. Send for Catalogue, mentioning this paper. SHERWOOD MPG, C0,, (wirs.) BUFFALO, WY, REFERENCES. A.--Settling chamber. B.--Boiler. C.--Feed pipe to boiler. -- D.--Steam pipe. ~ Operated entirely E.--Water supply pipe. . F.--Check valve. G.--Spray disks. H.--Spray chamber. I.--Equalizing tube. J.--Blow-off pipe. K.--Automatic shut-off valve. L.--Division plate. M.--Deflecter and separator. No Valves required in either Steam or Suction Pipes. eee