20 MARINE REVIEW. McMYLER Nah Te Hage aa Aaa ri} ----* SOLE MAKERS OF THE ~~-- : SO I TU US COAL, ORE AND MNS a 'FREIGHT OF ANY DESCRIPTION. 'This Derrick can Lift Load, Alter the Radius of Boom, ead in Either Direction at Will of Operator, and can Propel Itself on Track any Rica 'sired Distance. | BUILT FOR ANY CAPACITY CL : BUILDERS OF YT AZT de COAL BUCKETS, Py T= : BUCKETS AND DUMP CARS. "IMPROVEMENT THE ORDER OF THE AGE." IF YOU DESIRE TO LEARN Respecting the merits of the THREE NEw ACOReTE: Now 2,3 and 4, SMITH PREMIER g7 TYPEWRITERS, drop us a line. They em- 44% body the Most Progrersive Mechanical Prin- ciples, and are "up-to-date'"' in every respect. The Smith- Premier Typewriter Co, 348 Supe-ior Street, City Hall Building, CLEVELAND, OHIO. TELEPHONE 339. Competent Operators Furnished. For special prices on DEADLIGHTS, writec we INE MANEEG.- c SUP ane z 158. SOUTH $1 Sh NEW YORK, N. Y. -MIERS CORVELL Consulting Mechanical Engineer, Plans, Specifications and Superin- 21 E 2st Street, NEW YORK. tendenee, Marine and Water Works A Double Engines and Boilers. For Sale eri ace Marine Boiler, 11 feet diameter by 14 feet long, and 120 pounds steam. In good condition, built by the Globe Iron Works, Cleveland, in 1891, Address: GOODRICH TRANSPORTATION CO., CHICAGO EASE Self-Acting METAL PACKING, For PISTON RODS, VALVE el shilsh etc., of every fee ae for Steam Engines, Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Tron Works and Steamship pom panics: within the last twelve years, in this and foreign countr FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure; also METAL GASKETS for: all kinds of flanges and joints. Dovsuiz-Actinc BaLancep WatrrR-light BULKHEAD Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the McColl-Cumming Patent LIQuip Rupper Brake. For full particulars and reference, address: L. KATZENSTEIN & CO., General Machinists, Brass Finishers, Engineers' Supplies, 357 West St., New York. SERKINS STANDARD PACKING is the ONLY Packing manufactured that WILL LA' T ON HIGH PRESS. URE STEAM. SUPERHEATED STEAM, oils. acids, etc. Does NOT DETERIORATE, ROT or BURN out; therefore the best for all purposes. JENKINS BROS., 'New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, The Bertram Engine Works Co. (LIMITED.) ENGINEERS AND SHIP BUILDERS. MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. STEEL AND COMPOSITE STEAMERS, TUGS and YACHTS. ROBERTS AND MOSHER SAFETY WATER-TUBE BOILERS. i Ship Yard Niagara & Batharet sts, TORONTO, ONT., root crtathurstSt. DETROIT BOAT WORKS. STEEL YACHTS and and WOODEN LAUNCHES, SUILDERS OF ELECTRIC LAUNCHES, DETROIT, MICH. Any Class Wooden, Iron or Steel Boats up to 150 ft. In length. YAWLS. METALLIC LIFE BOATS. LIFE RAFTS. All kinds of Small Pleasure Boats. The electric launches used on the lagoons at World's Fair were manufactured by this company. Send for new illustrated Catalogue of electric launches. SHIP LAMPS. OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTURERS « Steamships, Yachts, &c. GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS. Prices and Cuts on Application. PAGE EOS. dt CO., (Formurty WILLIAMS, PAGE & CO.) 227 to 233 Cambridge 8St., BOSTON, MASS. Jeffery's Marine Glue For Paving Seams of Decks and other purposes. L. W. FERDINAND & CO., Boston, Mass. ST a ta ee Send for Circular.