MARINE REVIEW. fee ao ES f ; ' 2 yo ' Pa » X& x = Scene OFS * es ' 2 Mo -_--- Rapid Fueling Docks, DETROIT RIVER. JAMES GRAHAM, Foot Twenty-first St., Detroit, Below Routes of Passenger and Car Ferry Lines. Pockets and Chutes arranged for different types of vessels. BEST STEAM COAL. | Large Supplies and every effort to give dispatch, day and night. Wide stretch of river for tows, and plenty of water at dock at all times. NEW HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE CHARTS. Including the Five Lakes on Four Charts.-- Néw Charts of the Sault River, showing the new Hay Lake Channel and Channel to the Canadian Locks. In fact, all New Charts and Sailing Directions are kept on hand and will be mailed to any address, by the MARINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BunDbG. GLEVELAND, OHIO. Steamers For Sale. These beautiful twin Steamers are in perfect condition, each a_perfect model of the other, with Cabins, Single Deck, Twin Screws, two sets Engines, fully equipped and allowed to carry 150 passengers each. Length 80 ft. Beam 19 ft. Draft 3 ft. 8 in. (light). Built in 1891 for lake and river navi- PalicnOneiial cost $19,000----will be sold cheap (no trade). A good thing with business for the right man. Callon or address : B. M. MYERS, Cakdale and Fremont Sts., CHICACO, ILLS. TWO NEW CHARTS OF THE ST. MARY'S RIVER, FROM ENTRANCE TO MUD LAKE TO POINT IROQUOIS, INCLUDING HAY LAKE CHANNEL, RECENTLY ISSUED BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT, MAY BE HAD FROM THE MARINE REVIEW AT 35 CENTS EACH. AW. JOANSON, c J Lye, <fouse Sign Boal ana™ JH, HILLERAN, UE Lye FFALO.NY: yy nyt Williamson Bros, | STEAMBOAT cAPratNs. i ENGINEERS, CREWS, i k Sts., Cor. Richmond aA PA. | uy RAILROAD TICKETS Ay Wii Hint & ere Mant WHEN GOING TO SAGINAW BAY GITY, : MANISTEE, = _| LUDINGTON, MILWAUKEE. SHORT LINE, CHEAP RATES, A. PATRIARCHE, Traffic Mer. SAGINAW, MICH. -- Hoisting Engines and Ship Steering Engines. With elther Frictional, Spur or Worm Gear of various Patternsto sult all purposes. FOR SALE, EXCURSION STEAMER COLUMBIA. By reason of the dissolution of the firm of Murphy, Conlan & Company, of Buffalo, N. Y., this boat will be sold by the undersigned at public sale, at her mooring in Erie ~ Basin, Buffalo, N. Y., on the 15th day of April, 1896, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. : She is 140 feet over all, 31 feet beam and 10 feet depth of hold; tonnage of 299; licensed capacity for 1,000 passengers, and a speed of 16 miles an hour. Equipped with one 650 H.P. fore-and-aft compound engine, 18x36, with 27 inch stroke; 9x16 foot marine boiler. Full electric lighting plant, with 256 H.P. engine, 259 light dynamo, together with 4 metallic life-boats, 2 metallic life-rafts, 1,000 life-preservers, bar, soda fountain, etc., and all equipage, furnishings, and tackle. Built spring of 1892, and in excellent condi- tion. For terms of sale and further information, address, JOSEPH G. DUDLEY. Owner's Agent, 35 Dun Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y. FFICE of the Engineer 7th and 8th Light House District, New Orleans, La., March 19, 1896. sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'ciock M., April 20, 1896, for fur- nishing and putting in place new boiler, and re- pair work on Light House Tender Arbutus. Speci- fications, form of proposal, and other information to be obtained on application to this office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any defeets. James B. Quinn, Major, Corps of Engineers, Engineer 7th and Sth Districts. Apr2 FOR SALE at a Bargain. The tug Henry --Cylinders, 16}x18; new steel boiler; steel boiler house; hull in first-class condition. This is a most favorable opportu- nity to procure a first-class tug for dredging outfit. For particulars apply to WILLIAN TRUBY, Fairport Harbor, 0 , where tug can be seen TO PURCHASE, Second-Hand Wanted 10 H. P. Hoisting Engine. Address with description, price, ete., GEO. B. RASER, Supt., Ashtabula, O. in a partly devel- WANTED $10,000 to $15,000 oped vinta Stone Quarry. situated in Wisconsin, 110 miles north of Chicago, on the West Shore of Lake Michigan, with 148 Acres of Stone Land, including one mile of Lake Front with an abundance of the - best Lake Sand. Stone can be utilized as Flux, Crushed, Rip-Rap and Building Stone; makes a first-class lime. Special attention is called to the transportation by water, which places this quarry in a pesition to beat all competitors for business in all lake towns. leased. Plant might be leased Address, THE NORTHWESTERN STONE CO. 2306 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. ri J For sale Steamer SCHOOLCRAFT. Barges MARY N. BOURKE, CEO. SEE NESTER and KEWEENAW. For particulars apply to ESTATE OF THOS. NESTER, 901 Chamber of Commerce, DETROIT, MICH.