MARINE REVIEW. zi Lake Erie Engineering Works, Buffalo, N.Y RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres't. OND, Pres't JOHN COON, Sec'y and Treas. lo Soon Za SO sha. Steam Engines, Special Designs Compound, Triple a for Cable and Quadruple Railway ae Fxchilsign ailways and. p : : Boa : Electric Power eae eS Plants '3 From 250to 10,000 : Horse Power areas For Marine and The Best Economy Stationary and Regulation Service. Guaranteed. TEE BEST HQUIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA. For Sale __---- The Iron Passenger and WISCONSIN Freight Propeller .. . ~~ "___ Owned by the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Ry. Co. THIS Propeller was built by the Detroit Dry Dock Co., Detroit, in 1882, and has a double bottom and compound engines. She has accommodations for sixty-eight passengers and can carry 1,000 tons of freight on a draft of 11 feet of wxter. The railway company wishes to dispose of the boat on account of it being too small for their business. Offers should be addressed to W. J. SPICER, General Manager, D.C. H. & M. RY., Detroit, Mich. Nickel Plate Ahoy? Aye, Aye Sir! FOR SALE CHEAP. The line to hail and the line to take team acht To reach your craft to fit her out, : ; Is the well-known, ship-shape Nickel Plate Route. 100 feet long, 16 feet beam, 6 feet draft. Compound Engines. Schooner Rig. Speed 14% Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, ; miles per hour. Cost $20,000.00, Price $6,000.00. Sleeping room for 12. Splendid cabin accomodation--crew separate. Address Apr. 6. J L. COFFES, 38 Church Street, TORONTO, ONT. Or any port you want to go, The shortest time and lowest rate Are shipmates with the Nickei Plate. An Opportunity for ENGINEERS | a superB DINING CAR service. SE An Indicators for Sale Cheap. For particulars inquire of A. W. JOHNSTON, or, 8. F. HORNER, Genl. Supt. Cenl. Pass. Agt. OLEVEHLAND, OQ. Calkins Steam Engine Indicator, Pianimeter, Pantograph extra springs, and three way cock--full outfit for taking indicator cards -- regular price $40-- our price $35. MARINE REVIEW, Smncaams Proogapheartane cave) OL BAGS for CALMING the WAVES. For some time the REVIEW has been planning to secure photographs of lake vessels under way, giving an artistic marine scene as well as a A Barrel of Oil and a Durable Oil Bag with capacity picture of the vessel. Arrangements have been completed and the first consignment has been received. They are 8 by 10 inches on tea colored for a Gallon of Oil, delivered aboard Vessels mounts and will be sent toany address. We have anumber instock, and - as more are being taken every few days we can furnish prints of almost any in Cleveland for Gi1CO. of the modern freight steamers at $1 each. The following are on hand: SNARE A Lh St aaa . J. MeWilli , J. N. Glidden, Cherokee, D. t : ' F ie phec te J was Ge Lie B eas The bag has attachments that permit of its being slid down the anchor ' ox : J y oie d chains when the vessel is at anchor, or thrown to windward when the vassel is Colgate Hoyt, Briton, Chas. Hebard, Selwyn Eddy, moving. As the vessel comes up to it, the bag can be hauled aboard by means John Harper, Pillsbury, Saginaw Valley, Forest City, of a line, and thrown ahead from time to time. Gladstone, Maritana, S. S. Curry, Wallula, John V. Moran, Malta, H. J. Johnson, Jim Sheriffs. The expenditure of $10 may save your vessel. John Mitchell, ~ Quito, Choctaw, Zenith City, Corsica, City of Collinwood,Victory, Merida, ee teeta bey STORM OIL BAG CO. Send $1 to the MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO.