MARINE REVIEW. 21 LakE ERIE BorLerR Works, Burrato, N. Y. THE BEsT EQUIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA For THE MANUFACTURE OF ceine BOILERS. Cotes el in Pressure )/ |e Regulating O~ Valves for Marine Service, Nickel Plate Ahoy? Aye, Aye Sir! Special attention given to The line to hail and the line to take i I To reach your craft to fit her out, Marine Engine and Pump Is the well-known; ship- hape Nickel Plate Route, Repairs. Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, : Write for Estimates and Catalogue. Or any port you want to go, ¢, H, BURTON PUMP WORKS The shortest time and lowest rate = Are shipmates with the Nicket Plate. | | Main St. cor. Center, CLEVELAND, 0. AsuPpERB DINING CAR service. For particulars inquire of A. W. JOHNSTON, or, B. F. HORNER, Cenl. Supt. | Cenl. Pass. Agt. OLEVELAND, OQ. it eee iN \ It me by Tila AS. Diemer 16 Atwater Street W., DETROIT, MICH., CONTRACTOR FOR Dock Building Bridee and Trestle Work, | Pile Driving and Foundation Work. Dry Dock Building; builder of Detroit Dry Dock Co's New Dry Dock. PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF Dapuis Steam Pile Drive Hammer, very effective, in that it is forced by steam in the down stroke, (which is not the case in other pile earerey, making the ram strike a quick and powerful blow. One advantage of this Ham- "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw."--R. HAMMOND. IN PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment o1 Scale-Forming Substance. mer over others is, that the steam hose is inside the leaders, and not in the way of hoisting the piles as is the case in other steam i hammers, | TWO SIZES of these Hammers are made, one weighing 6000 Ibs, | and one 7000 Ibs. (2-THE WORKING OF HAMMERS GUARANTEED. i ROBERT LEARMONTE vwenree, 200 BOUCK AVENUE, - __ - eee - BUFFALO, N.Y RELFERENWoEes. 1 Baie THE BUFFALO AUTOMATIC. Operated C.--Feed pipe to boiler. entirely A GRADING INJECTOR. The movement of the steam and water valves and their relative positions are such that the supply of water will always be in proportion to the sup- ply of steam admitted to the jets. CAN BE GRADED i to run continuously on any #7 steam presssure from 20 to i 140 lbs. Operated entirely } by one handle, both in stop- I ping and starting, as well as in grading the supply of steam and water. b WAS74Fagle Ejectors, Duplex Tube Scrapers, Cyl- | inder Oil Pumps Improved Glass Oil Cups and Lub- -- I ® ricators, Compression Grease Cups, Improved Ball r Cate Cocks, and other Steam Users' Specialties. end for Catalogue, mentioning this paper. SHERWOOD MPG, C0,, (mire. BUFFALO, N, ¥, D.--Steam pipe. E.--Water supply pipe. F.--Check valve. G.--Spray disks. Ay H.--Spray chamber. I.--Equalizing tube. CES ree i J.--Blow-off pipe. 4 ; K.--Automatic shut-off valye.| No Valves required | in either Steam or Suction Pipes. L.--Division plate. M.--Deflecter and separator.