16 MARINE REVIEW. --_ GRAIG SHIP BUILDING C0, TOLEDO, OHIO, Metal 6 Wooden Ship Builder New Dry Dock--450 feet long, |! 10 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, (6 feet of Water on Sill. Repairs to Metal and Wooden me A. Specialty. Shenango No. 2, 30) feet long, 54 feet beam. INCORFORATED 1794, The Roberts Boiler Co. | Insorance Company of North Ameria Have built 800 BOILERS TO DATE tor... Launches, Yachts, Passenger and Freight Steamers, Dredges, Tugs. Stern- | ash = = $3,000 Wheelers, Canalers; also for Navy Department, War Department, Treasury CAPITAL, Paid up ine y ot 7000.00 . Department, Light-House Board and Revenue Cutter Service: also for N. ASSETS,. = = = = = = =#- 9,487,673.53 Y. Dock Department and U. S. Supervisor, Harbor of N. Y. WILLIAM A pera b CHARLES PLATT, President. ice-President, SAFETY AND ECONOMY... EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec'y. a Trou, E Never killed a man or had a serious accident. -- $250,000 capital. ~ JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Works covering 29,000 square feet of ground. Never had a boiler returned on ac- count of dissatisfaction. Every Boiler Warranted. All material made specially ® for our use. All boilers tested at 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure and 250 pounds GEORGE L. McCURDY, Manage of steam before shippiug. Workmanship strictly first-class. All joints screwed d é arine é al mel and reliable. Noexpanded joints. State your requirements and we will furnish ® CHICAGO, ILLS. specifications. Correspondence solicited. THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., THE WEST PATENT 39 and 4! Cortlandt Street, New York City. See iciucas SHety Water Tube Boiler NAUTICAL WATCH CHAIN. Compact and Simple. Safe and Reliable. ! Solid Gold. Ship-shape in every detail. Send for Descriptive Circular. MORGAN A. ROBERTSON, 26 John Street, NEW YORK. HOS cmb Bill, Winch and Sheet Holder, Patented in the United States, England and Canada. Takes the place of wooden or iron bitts and forms a Combination Bitt and Winch. Takes up less room than the ordinary bitt. Can be used to great advantage as a Windlass or Sheet Holder on --_ BUILT BY -- Yachts. An examination will convince you of the G A SE N GI NE iE P 0 WE BR C0 many uses to which it can be put. I ae) | s Carried in stock by Ship Chandlers MORRIS HEIGHTS--ON THE HARLEM, pS Ne evexymhere. New York. Oity. a THE ENOS SHEET HOLDER CO. | ON Several tugs with engines all Manufacturers and Proprietors, PEABODY, MASS. For Sale Cheap-- --th ; g 'oxide 20x20 e way from . Consulting Engl d Naval Architect. and all in good repair. For full | JOHN HAUG, Cmsulting Engineer and Naval Architec particulars address: E : | ae puifications'ad saperivtendence of Sen ae their Machinery OP incurat N M A N T U G LI N Es ; Specialties--Bulk Oil Vessels High Speed Yacht Engines, etc. Philadel] phia. B. B. INMAN, Manager, Duluth, Minn. -- Chain n Department + P. HAYDEN H. CO. + Columbus, Ohio. Our Chain In use on the Largest Steamers on the Lakes: The Zenith City, Victory, North West and North Land, and many others. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. © ° ©°% 53, Frovioenom nt ------------ BUILDERS OF THE -- "Providence" W7indlasses and Capstans 350 STYLES AND SIZES. 3 OVEE 5000 IN USE. . SEND FOR CATALOGUF. FRANK &, MANTON, AGENT. ~, All Kinds of. Chain-- \ Stud and Close Link, Cable Chains.