4 MARINE REVIEW. Complete Electric Plants for Light and Power On STEAMSHIPS, WHALEBACKS, YACHTS, DOCKS, WHARVES, Etc. : i are per Our system is complete in every detail. All our appliances are made to Governmental and Insurance requirements and P fect. Write for prices and catalogues, GENERAL BLECTRIC COMPAIN =.- . Schenectady. N.Y. Chicago, Il. SALES OFFICES: { Boston. Mass. Detroit, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. PROM PIAA Columbuas, O. New York, N.Y. San Francisco, Cal. IRON WORKS MARINE ENCINES, Buffalo, N. Y. Portland, Ore. THE CUDDY-MULLEN COAL CoO., Cleveland. "= Best Grades of Steam Coal. ---- 'Special Attention Given to Steamboat Fueling. SHIPPING DOCK with Car Dumping Machine and Full Equipment for Rapid Fueling within Eastern Arm of Breakwater, Cleveland. i Steam Lighters Carrying Derricks | and Large Buckets in Operation Day and Night within Cleveland Harbor. apie eee se ia Pocket Dock now under construction on Sault River. POCKET DOCK AT SANDWICH ON DETROIT RIVER, FORWERLY OWNED BY MULLEN & CAT: FIELD. . . a oh ds. Main Offices: Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. tetepnone No. 8. RIVER DOCK, West River Street. Telephone (441. STEAMBOAT CAPTAIN S ENGINEERS, CREWS, suY RAILROAD TICKETS READING JOHN D000, ' Sub-Marine Hot & Pere Marquette Diver. R. R. ® SAGINAW BAY GITY, at MANISTEE, St. Ignace LUDINGTON, MILWAUKEE. | and SHORT LINE, Mackinaw, : CHEAP RATES, Mich. A. PATRIARCHE, Traffic Mgr. SAGINAW, MICH. FOR SALF ata Bargain. The tug Henry --Cylinders, 16x18; new steel boiler; steel boiler house ; hull in first-class condition. This isa most favorable opportu- nity to procure a first-class tug for dredging outfit. For particulars apply to WILLIAM TRUBY, Fairport Harbor, 0., where tug can be seen, 'Engineers' Examinations' With Questions and Answers. ABQIGY Printed on heavy Paperand bound In red leather. Any young engineer, greaser or fire- man ought to have it. Sent postpaid to any add ress, on receipt of $2.00. MARINE REVIEW, 410 Perry-Payne Bidg., Cleveland, O. The Steam Car-ferries "HURON" and INTERNATIONAL" Owned by the Crand Trunk Railway Company. a "HURON" "INTERNATIONAL" Length overall - - -= 239 ft. 225 ft. Beamer Mee ga a) see 448 40 " Depth of hold - - - Me ee DrattWloaded =~ =" Se -2n-.- 11" 1) Both boats are built of iron, and are equipped with twin screws, with independent ' engines and boilers. Particulars may be obtained from A. B. ATWATER or H. ROBERTS, Crand -- Trunk Railway, DETROIT, MICH. ! A. Steamer SCHOOLCRAFT. For Sale WEEE NESTER and KEWEENAW. For particulars apply to ESTATE OF THOS. NESTER, 901 Chamber of Commerce, DETROIT, MICH. 8S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Telephone l iB Building, Detroit, Mich., April 4, 1896. Sealed proposals for dredging at several of the harbors on Hast shore of Lake Michigan, be- tween Charlevoix and Muskegon, Mich, will be received here until 12 o'clock M. (Standard time), April 25, 1896, and then publicly opened. Apply here for information. G.J. LYDECKER, Lt. Col., Engrs. Apr 25 The United States Standard Register of Shipping Providing the only Standard Classification based on Construction Rules Designed for Lake Vessels. Classed Vessels Receive the Lowest Rates of Insurance. SURVEYORS. Surveyor. mca rrug cease nernuceneeteret eda PASSO MCUs Ge cdaadnunecaudgenleh eos achsageereitrccchtaccocescasacecsacns cacosecscaesgassiacenseet' Surveyor for District comprising Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron and Lake Erie, as far East as, and including Cleveland, O CASKIN, Potter Building, Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., Surveyor for ~ EDWARD District comprising Lake Ontario and Lake Erle, as far West as, but not including Cleveland, O. Application for survey of vessels and subscriptions to Register Book will be received ~ by the surveyors or at the office of The United Dtates Standard Steamsbio Owners', Builders'& Underwriters'Ae'a, Ltd. Post Bullding, 16 and 18 Exchange Place, NEW YORK. DETROIT, MICH. Barges MARY N. BOURKE, CEO. SINCLAIR STUART, Surveyor of Iron and Steel Construction and Engineer --