MARINE REVIEW. KE ns Rapid Fueling Docles, DETROIT RIVER. JAMES GRAHAM, Foot Twenty- -first St, I Detroit, Below Routes of Passenger and Car -- Ferry Lines. Pockets and Chutes arranged for different types of vessels. BEST STEAM COAL. Large Supplies and every effort to give dispatch, day and night. Wide stretch of river for tows, ze e plenty of water at dock at all times. GIV a chance to prove that we ean coal your boats with quick dispatch, and with most satisfactory fuel. 2 ae We have Four Large CHUTES on our Docks at AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO, 1,000 FEET RIVER FRONT and Day and Night Force. _ OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF "Keystone" Massillon, Youghiogheny, and Best Grades of Hocking Eoals. syreveisiea OW. SHIPMAN, 0"etesou's:, Detroit, Mich. THE Cunay. MULLEN COAL Co., Cleveland. eaters Bact Grades of Steam Coal. Special Attention Given to Steamboat Suan SHIPPING DOCK with Car Dumping Machine and Full Equipment for Rapid Fueling within Eastern Arm of Breakwater, Cleveland. Steam Lighters Carrying Derricks | -- POCKET DOCK AT SANDWICH < ON and Large Buckets in Operation Pocket Dock now under DETROIT RIVER, FORMERLY Day and Night within Sloydland construction on Sault River. OWNED BY MULLEN & CAT- Harbor. . s a « 8 s : FIELD. s s . s J s. . Main Offices: Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. telephone No. 8. __ RIVER DOCK, West River Street. Telephone 1441. sr FUEL DOCKS OF OSBORNE, SAEGER & CO. | " Cuyahoga River, just above Superior St. Viaduct, Cleveland, 0. ) UW. MILLERAN, JS.B.HALL. Best | | Cel De aie ee Youghiogheny Steam Coal = - 5 Furnished 7 " = - me a COLUMBIA MFG. CO. Day. or Night. Manufacturers of No delay as METAL. POLISH, + BUFFING COMPOSITIONS Elevated Pockets A great labor saver. = Especially adapted for Marine Engines. -. are used, 11b. tin boxes, 45 cents; 5 tb. pails, $1,507 94 Holmden Ave., CLEVELAND, 0. John Thompson, 123 River St., Agent, Cleveland, O, s% ar