Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 18 Jun 1896, p. 10

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10 MARINE by double bar Stephenson link motion with adjustable cutoff. The bed plate is to be of cast iron in one piece, of box section, and the main journal boxes of castiron, fitted with anti-friction metal. Provisions regarding the machinery otherwise are as follows: Three back columns of box section, all fastened to bed plate and supporting cylinders. The piston heads to be of cast iron, with cast iron rings and followers. The crank shaft to'consist of forged wrought iron slabs, with wrought iron shaft, and crank pins of best machinery steel. Air pump and condenser, one bilge pump, one cold water pump, one feed pump for each boiler, to be connected to and operated by the main engine; or, if desired, these can all be separated from the engine and worked independently. In the event of independent condensers, feed pumps, etc. being used, a heater to be furnished of the tubular form of about 24 inches diameter, contain- ing 1%-inch brass tubes, 8 feet long and properly connected to feed pumps on the boilers. The engine to be provided with steam reversing gear, driving bearing, stern pipe, inboard stern bearing, outboard shaft, anda propeller of about 13 feet Ginches diameter and about 18 feet pitch. One pony duplex pump--8 inches steam cylinders and 4inches water cylinders by 10 inches stroke--to be connected so as to feed the boiler if necessary ; also one injector for each boiler, two 7-inch seacocks and con- nections to hull, three main and pony check valves, one approved reducing valve in fire room on steam line supplying auxiliary engines, and all necessary piping to connect engines and boilers. Exhaust pipe to be provided aft of the stack and steam pipes to be covered with best quality of covering. Machinery to be fitted with al] necessary dope cups for eccentrics, driving bearings and stern bearings, and suitable oil pumps and piping for the proper oiling of the machinery. All necessary whistles, or bell pulls, are also to be provided for signaling the engine department from the forward part of the ship, including speaking tube of 14% inches diameter from pilot house to engine room. All oiling devices and arrangements for handling, necessary in and about the machinery, boilers and auxiliary engines, and all piping in and about the boat, to be done to the satisfaction of representatives of the owners. There is to be provided also an automatic engine signal from the top of the pilot house to the engine room and automatic fog whistle attachment. The specifi- tions also refer in detail to numerous tools for the engine department and other useful articles aboard ship that are to be provided by the builder. There are to be three Scotch boilers, each 13 feet 6G inches diameter by about 12 feet 6 incheslong, outside to outside of heads, and 13 feet length of shell. Each boiler is to contain three Adamson furnaces of 43 inches diameter, and the heating surface of each boiler is to be about 2,400 square feet. The working pressure is to be 175 pounds per square inch. Best quality of sectional covering is to be used and over this will be galvanized iron. A doublesmoke stack of about 8 feet diameter will rise toa point about 60 feet above the grate bars. Aetna shaking grate bars and a hydraulicash ejector are other features in this part of the ship. THE TWO STEEL BARGES. The two steel tow barges are to be each 380 feet over all, 366 feet be- tween perpendiculars, 44 feet moulded beam, 26 feet moulded depth and 9 feet 4 inches between decks. They will have main deck beams but no laid deck, except at forward and after ends. The spar deck forward is to be raised to the height of the main rail, so as to form a forecastle deck. _A small house for the towing machinery forward is to be of steel, and the deck house aft, with pilot house on top of it, will also be of steel. Ac- commodations for the crew will be in the deck house aft andon the main deck forward. There will be eleven cargo hatches, all of 24 feet centers, and three masts with four sails. The double bottom will be 4% feet deep from forward to after bulkheads, divided by center keelson and solid floors into six compartments for water ballast. Collision bulk- heads forward and aft in the ship will extend up to the spar deck, and the hold will be divided into three compartments by two screen bulk- heads, which will also extend to the spar deck. The vessels are to be built on the channel system, with solid cross-floors, on top of which will be longitudinals supporting the inner bottom. The quality of material is to be the same as that provided for the steamers. These vessels will each be fitted with steam steering engine and deck hoister, and alsoa steam windlass and capstan forward and reversible capstan aft, as well as deck capstan amidships, They will each have two stockless anchors of about 3,500 pounds each forward, and a 1,200-pound kege aft. They will also have pumps for water bottom and fire pumps. The towing machine forward, furnished by the American Ship Windlass Co., will be suited to handling a wire rope hawser of 13 inches, and a donkey boiler on the main deck aft, alllowed 120 pounds steam pressure, will be of sufficient capacity to ruu the capstan, ballast pumps and electric light engine at the same time. The electric plant will be of sufficient capacity to light the hold and deck when handling cargo, and to light also the apartments for windlass, boiler, steering engines and pumps, but there are to be no electric lights furnished for cabins. 'Fourth of July Excursion Rates are offered between any two stations * within 200 miles on the Nickel Plate road. Ask agents, 132 July 3 REVIEW. Blue Book of American Shipping. In our last issue there was printed a table of contents of the Blue Book of American Shipping, which has just been published by the MARINE RevIEW, and which is to be revised and improved annually as, standard work devoted to shipping in this country. The publication of this book was based upona large subscription, but provision was mage 'for additional sales and itis offered at $5 in heavy leather binding, There are more than 110 full-page engravings, 8 by 5% inches, as shown by the following list: LIST OF IL1,USTRATION IN BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, PAGRS Aberdeen, Canadian government steamer_----------- ~-_______ 64 American association, masters and pilots-----------------____. 92 Brown conveying machinery---------------------------------_- 211 Captains of lake steamers ------------------------------------- 91 Coralia, one of three largest steamers on the lakes-____________ 4 Dry dock representatives -_.------------------------------.-... 145 Engines, details and names of parts--_---------------------_____ 195 Engineers of lake steamers----.---------------=---==_2 == 2 254-255 Hrie canal, profile map--_------------------------------------__ _ 239 Cet Of ISOs = eee ee 3 Tisurance) agency tepresetitatives=_------- 9 =e = 84 International deep waterways commissioners-__-----------____- 234 Ken os COM VeyAipS Mac hiNCT yt === = nse 212 iknots ofvallekind see 5222-622 ha es ee eee 253 Lake Carriers' Association, officers and managers____---________ 81 Levels of the lakes, profile map--------------------__-________ 239 . Aqudlowad eit clke ase =e see heme oe SSeS eee 214 hone eatedum ping: machine "220257 2 3-2 Se ee 322 Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association ----.------------+.--- 100 MeMylercaridunipine machine===- 2 s--2_2=_- = ee eee front, 213-214 Mechanical engineers who design lake marine engines__________ 194 Ore docks loadingvandiunloading======ss==----2=--= === === 211 Sauliticanal dlockes: 8S ote eee a eee ee 219 Shipsbuilders and dry dock representativyes==22- == = see 145 Ship Masters' Association, officers__..-.------------_-------_-- 85 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers---_- fe eee 127 Sis Vawhencescanial yatta ps eee a ee ae ee 238 Twenty-foot channel, map------- eek = ee BEE ee 245 We S:abattleship: Oregon s=2--) ee eee 144 Welland canali*map = as eo Nk j 238 VIEWS OF REPRESENTATIVE STEAMERS. ; PAGES PAGES NING TI Capen eee eee 170: | Weuty, Ds == ses) 176 American liner St. Louis- 199) Majestic. == 178 American Steel Barge Malta. S225. 333. = eee 151 CoNsivardess= ses 192)"|;-Maritand== = eee 148 ATURO ras Saene tees es 175 a lanuba .. ee eee 156 ROSS Cott la ee ee 154 | McWilliams, J. J-------- 162 Boiler for City of Bangor- 183 | Menominee steamer--_-__- 152 Briton ce 223 Sess SS 152 | Minnesota steamers----- 148-156 Burger & Burger's yard-- 162-| Matchell, Joli =-- -s==s= 174 (Chien tirlow see ee 169 | Moran, Johnie sess 177 (heroke Cues = == oS 1274 | North: Westes === =e 65 City of Buitalo=== 242 == Tt |"@ncko = 2s 2 2222" eee 177 City of Collingwood-__-- 179-4 ePathtind er: = a= eee 175 City of Glasgow----- ---- 1272 Renobscot ss82 2225-2 ae=s 164 GCodonus 32 5s s oe Sees TOS). | Popes). (C2 === 159 Colorado 3 35-. es i7OoleWosedaless#=.) =... 178 Craig's ship yard-.__---- 182 | Saginaw Valley--------- 176 Cunard liner Campania-- 187. | Sainte Marie_-=_--22ees 160 CunhytouS a eases sree 163 | Ship Owners' dock_----- 181 Eddy, Selwyn-_--.------- 158 | Ten lake steamers---_---- 144 Engines of Christopher -PUSCATOLa see 155 Columpbuss.==ss5e2s 187 |. Twelve lake steamers---_- 179 Fall river liner Priscilla-- 186i) United empire: --== seas 178 Wavoyiteyesen @sat. gars 7 WAL Vance, FS L- 2 S220 see 175 ORES Clive eo en WT ACT AVACCORY = 282 = ee = eee 149 Gladstone =. aa ge R75 | Winginia, 5. 228-25 ee 157 Glopet een ce eo eee es Tage Wadena. 2255 s= sss 167 Globe ship yard_- + -- == US 2sa |W iell all alee See eee 177 anper JOU. - 2-8). => 173 | War ships built by Cramp 185 Hoyt and barges.------- nt Wawatat 922222 = eee 165 Hudson river steamer Whaleback and barges--- 17 Adit oOndack: sees : 180) le Wrecks 2-2 s5--- aeeee 180 sa re rhs e ee ens Art| Waukon. 2-2 174 Kari eran Wo. en 166 dovalinia: =<. =. ee 166 Lehigh steamer-...____- Pons Zenith City. =. =e 150 The Blue Book of American Shipping contains lists of America and Canadian lake vessels, with dimensions, and names and addresses of managing owners; statistics of lake commerce; statements showing the number and tonnage of ships owned and ships built in the United States for a number of years past; particulars of dock equipment at Lake Erle ports; reports concerning the operation of lake freight steamers; marine engineering and navigation information; directories of all prominent marine engineering societies and societies of naval architects in the United States; names and addresses of concerns owning fleets of vessels on coasts and lakes; directory of purchasing agents of 500 lake, river and coast passenger steamers; illustrations of 100 lake and ocean steamers. -- »--

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