MARINE REVIEW. i Qualifications of Marine Engineers. The board of trade in England, which in the matter of "examina- tions governing the qualifications of captains and engineers of steam vessels exercises a power similar to that of the steamboat inspection service in the United States, is considering a change in the existing regulations for engineers, which have been inforce for twenty years. Under the present rules the apprenticeship required before a license as second engineer is granted is three years. It is proposed to change this to five years. There are now two grades of engineers. These are second class engi.eer and chief engineer. It is also proposed to make a third grade, of high order, to be known as extra chief. These proposed changes are prompted by the great advance that has been made of late years in marine engineering, requiring each year men of greater skill. The higher order of qualifications will be based, of course, first on an improved standard among second-class engineers, and it is the rules governing applicants for a license of this kind that are being most thoroughly discussed. The rules proposed now will probably be changed after discussion, but will nevertheless prove interesting to engineers in this country. They are as follows: 1. An applicant for a second-class engineers' certificate must be twenty-one years of age. He must have been employed for at least five years as an artisan on work of a description required in the con- struction of the engines, boilers, hulls, or machinery of steamships. 2. For not less than three years of that period he must have been employed in some factory or workshop in the making or repairing of steam engines, during which time he must have been employed for not less than eighteen months as fitter or erector, and not more than twelve months in a drawing office. 3. In calculating the five years of artisan service which are to constitute the required apprenticeship, time spent at a technical school where there is an engineering laboratory may be taken 'into account and accepted as equivalent to artisan service, at the ratio of three years in the technical school to two in artisan service, provided that the applicant was over fifteen years of age and can produce the masters' certificate for regular attendances and satisfactory pro- gress; and provided also that in such case the remainder of the time was not spent in a drawing office. 4, In addition to the apprenticeship as above described, the ap- plicant must have served one year at sea in the engine-room as engineer on regular watch in a steamship carrying at least one engineer hold- ing a board of trade certificate in the foreign trade, or eighteen months in the home or coasting trade. During the whole of that time he must have had on regular watch the responsible charge of the engines or the boilers. 5. Additional service at sea as an engineer in charge of a watch may be reckoned as equivalent to artisan service, and as affording in every year the equivalent of six months' workshop service. Not more than two years of such service will, however, be allowed to count. 6. Eyery applicant must produce testimonials of ability as an engineer workman to the satisfaction of the board of trade. 'Retarders in Boiler Tubes, -- In the boiler shop of the Dry Dock Engine Works, Detroit, one of the officers of the company pointed out to a representative of the Re- view, a few days ago, a pile of retarders that were being put into the tubes of a big Scotch boiler. These retarders, which are intended to increase the amount of heat transmitted to the tube surface, have been used for some time past, but a peculiarity in the kind now made by the Detroit concern, permits of them being used themselves to clean the tubes. The ends of the retarders, extending a few inches out from the tubes, are split and so bent that they do not permit of the long spiral pieces entering the tube entire. These small ends are like so many pin wheels, and when a force of steam or air is applied to them they will all revolve at a rapid rate, cleansing the tubes of dirt and soot. 'We have patented this improvement on the retarders," said the official referred to. "We are reaching a point in this vessel business on the lakes," he continued, "when any device that will in any way reduce operating expenses will be in demand. We know what we have already done along this line with the Howden hot draft. We find people criticising us for using these retarders,just as we find them declaring that the Howden draft does not come up to the claims made for it, but our crities are usually those whose pockets are not helped on account of our use of things of this kind. It is easy to understand how these retarders increase the amount of heat on the tube surface. The friction upon the surface of the retarder aids in stirring up the gases in their passage through the tube, and mixing the hot gases at the centre with the cold film next to the surface of the tube. It will be found, also, that in every horizontal tube there is a tendency for the gases to be cooler at the upper part of the tube, and hotter in the lower part, as from the upper part of the tube the heat is extracted far more readily than from the lower half. The twist of the retard- er has the effect of turning over the gas in the tubes as it passes along. Furthemore, the retarder causes a direct radiation of heat to the tube surface. In considering this action of the retarder it may be well to bear in mind the fact that the temperature of the tube surface ex- posed to the fire in any steam boiler is practically the same as that of the water in contact with it, no matter what may be the temper- ature of the gases on the other side. Of course the tube surface must be kept clean in order to derive the full advantages of this or any other device of its kind."' Lights, Shoals, Etc. Some time ago Capt. Andrew Hackett, keeper of the Bois Blane island light, Detroit river, placed a black stake at the head of that island, to mark a shoal spot where one of the big ore carriers had previously fetched up. This was done under the direction of the Lake Carriers' Association. The buoy has served to keep vessels in deep water during daylight, and now it will be lighted, soas to be equally serviceable by night. There will be two white lights on a small float, similar to those near the boat-house atthe fcot of the island. Capt. M. Riley of the steamer Susquehanna reports that on Au- gust 26 at midnight, when 1} to 1} miles 8. E. by 8. from Gray's reef light-ship, Straits of Mackinac, his steamer touched bottom lightly. It will be readily understood that a shoal at this point may prove dis- astrous to some vessel. It isin the course of all Chicago traders. The chart shows 30 to 40 feet of water in this vicinity. Now that the gas buoys that are to be placed in Point au Pelee passage have arrived at Amherstburg, it is expected that officials of the light-house service in Canada and the United States will, within a week or so, have matters so arranged that the buoys can be placed upon their stations. Why Mechanics Like It. In our issue of Aug. 27, we printed an article on the "Providence" windlass, showing why the sailors like it, and now we wish to state the reason why mechanics like this windlass. One reason is that it is built on mechanical principals, and it is able to bear the closest seru- tiny on these lines. Every mechanic knows that to have a machine durable the strains must be so distributed that they will not rack the machine, and that it is essential to support the machine at the point of the severest strain. Also, that the strength of a shaft lies in the outside of the shaft,rathe: than in the center,and if a thread is cut in a shaft that it takes away the best part of its strength. Mechanics also understand that vertical engines will last longer than either right -angle or hoizontal engines. 'Also, that a machine must be accessible, so as to be convenient to operate and to take care of. These are the first points that a mechanic would look at, and the "Providence"' windlasses have been so long before the public, and have been so thoroughly endorsed, that it proves that for enduring prosperity a windlass must be constructed on mechanical principals, or it will fail to continue to receive the endorsement of the. public, Taking the career of the "Providence" windlasses for forty years, it shows that from a mechanical standpoint the windlasses are simply perfect. Ship owners require a windlass to be mechanically correct, as well as con- venient in operation. It must beso arranged on mechanical princi- ples that it can be quickly operated, so that in an emergency the ship would not go ashore before the operation could be performed, and any accident can be prevented by being able to let her go or take anchor quickly. The builders of the "Providence" machines court the most thorough investigation from the mechanic and engineer, as well as the ship owner, ship builder and sailor. It is announced from the New York office of the Fall River line that the double summer service has been discontinued. The steam- ers Plymouth and Pilgrim have been retired from service for the season, while the Priscilla and Puritan will remain in commission, leaving New York as usual every day at 5:30 p. m.