6 MARINE REVIEW. NORTHERN STEAMSHIP Co. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY LINE, MR. CHARLES DALE, President Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co. New York City. DEAR SIR.: I have used Rainbow Packing for steam and hot water pressures of 266 lbs. and 500 to 600 lbs. respectively, ane oe 1 superior toall others. Before using Rainbow Packing I tried various other packings, including corrugated copper, an pun that they would not hold. I therefore tried Rainbow Packing and can cheerfully recommend it as being the only packing for all high pressures in the market to-day. Respectfully yours, HENRY J. REYNOLDS, Chief Engineer Steamship North Land. RAINBO ' On Hoard Steamship North Land, September 12, 1895. Is the only Packing in the World that will Successfully hold High Pressures. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY Trib. ESERLESS, RUB 3ER AAFG. CO, 16 WARREN ST, NEW YORK. FOR SALE BY THE LEADING SHIP CHANDLERS AND SUPPLY HOUSES. Serves Steel Ribbed Boiler ana Stay Tubes Show an average economy in fuel of 15 percent. In steamers this means not only so much gaving in cost of coal or increased power, but additional freight capacity. "Full Particulars on Application. é 3 bd o i 4 0 | q e m 0 = eS PURVES' RIBBED STEEL BOILER FURNACE FLUE. With this style of Furnace Flue the rivets at the "back ends" are out of the line of fire, and all that has to be done to remove it is to cut out the rivets at the ends and slip it through the front; and to replace it, simply to slip it back in its place and rivet up the ends again without disturbing any part of the boiler. No smithwork is required to fit it ona boiler or to refit it when replaced. It is ready for use as it comes from the manufacturers. This style of flue has been in use six years without a single complaint. Over 14,000 of Purves' Ribbed Steel Furnace Flues in successful use 'n Marine Bollers. Ellis & Eaves System of Induced or Suction Draft. CHARLES W. WHITNEY, Selsgentdorthe United. 4, 66, 68, snonoway, AMERICAN STEEL BARGE CO. STEEL and METAL SHIPS Of all classss built on the Shortest Possible Notice at our yards at West Superior, Wis., and also at Everett, Wash. Photograph of 300 ft. Boat in Dock. Plates & Best Material Quality Always of Oak = ae instook _ for Re= pair all iri kinds of § eee Metal £ Wooden Vessels Ships in of all Shortest Cl Time. asses. SIZE OF DOCK. Length, extreme.........537 feet. Entrance, Top...............55 feet 9 in. Breadth, Top............ 90 " 4in, Entrance, Bottom...........50 '¢ Breadth, Bottom ........ 52 " Depth over Sills ............ Sic' LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repairs and Docking same as at lower lake ports SUPERIOR, WIS. A uumber of Propellor Wheels in'stock!at:Dry Dock. H. W. Johns' Boiler and Pipe Coverings. -, ASBESTOS a: MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, Wicking, Fibre, Mill Board, Felt, Packing, Cement, Liquid Paints, ea teh THE CHAE MEST InE co. Paints, etc. Made in Sections Three Feet Long, to Fit Every Size of Pipe. ABSOLUTELY FIRE-PROOF. H. W. JOHNS MFG. CO. CLEVELAND, O. 32 SOUTH WATER ST. The Cleveland Dry Dock Co. 148 Elm St., Cleveland, 0. Telephone 1616. Resid. 'Phone 4080, © REPAIRING A | SPECIALTY. Dimensions of Dock? Lth. over all, 360 ft. Lth.on blocks,340 ft. Width of gate, 50 ft. Depth over sill, 20 ft. Capt.W.W. BROWN Sec'y & Mgr. Ty a a a, INA Jar « CLEVELAND: O: IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. COUPLING LINKS AND PINS. PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. main) ROPOSALS FOR DREDGING? PLANT.-- U.S. Engigeer Office, Morgan Building, Buffalo, N. Y., August 7, 1896. Sealed proposals for furnishing dredging plant in Niagara River will be received here until 11 a.m. September 7, 1896, and then opened. Information furnish- ed on;application. T. W. SYMONS, Major, Engrs. Sept. 3.