16 MARINE REVIEW. Bertram's Oil Polish, The Marine Polish of the World. For Brass and all Metal Surfaces it is unequalled. It is cheaper, requires less work and retains it brilliancy longer than any metal olish made. Acknowledged the standard of excellance by the U.S. government in the marine departments. For sale by ship chandlers and engineers supplies stores. BERTRAM OIL POLISH CO.,220 & 22 State St..BOSTON,MASS. so Foals Shenango No. 2, 300 feet long, 54 feet beam. IIDCORPFPORATED 1794. 'Insurance Company of North America CAPITAL, PaidupinCash, = - ASSETS, s aes . s s 2 2 2 $3,000,000.00 9,487,673.53 CHARLES PLATT, President. GEO. H. McFADDEN, Vice-President EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec'y. & Trea: JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Department GEORGE L. McCURDY, Manager CHICAGO, ILLS. Gas Engine & Power Co. ana _Charles L. Seabury & Co. BUILDERS OF The Only Naphtha Launch, High Class Steam Yachts, Sail Yachts, Electric a a Dinghys, Gigs and Yacht Tenders. Seah' } Water Tube BOllers and Marine Eneines Storage Basin and Ship's Ways. Overhauling of all kinds promptly done, Charters and Insurance. Boats bought and sold on commission. Correspondence Solicited. Send ten cents in stamps for Catalogue to down town office, 50 Broadway, or to factory at Morris Heights, New York City. GRAIG SHIP BUILDING CO. TOLEDO, OHIO, Nietal 6 Wooden Ship Builders. New Dry Dock--450 feet flong, | 10 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, {6 feet of Water on Sill. Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships A Specialty. Office of AMERICAN STEEL BaRGE Co. os West Superior : Wis,, Oct. 31, 1895. a: The Roberts Safety Water- Tube Boiler Co., 39 and 41 Cort- landt St, New York Gentlemen: Replying to youre of the 28ih I am glad to say that the boiler you furnished us for tug "ISLAY" is giving entire satisfac- tion. I have heard no complaint about it whatever, but have heard a good dea] in its favor. I ride on the boat. frequently and must say that I am much pleased with its work. Very Truly yours, Alexander McDougall, General Manager. THE ROBERTS BOILER is the Cheapest, Best and Lasts Longest Adapted for use in Yachts, Launches, and Vessels of all Kinds. Handsome Illustrated Circular sent free on application to The Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co., WORKS, RED BANK, N. J. 39 & 41 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK lay PATENT UPRIGHT WATER TUBE BOILER. Chief Engineer Skelton of Steam Yacht Enquirer writes: "T can honestly say, that the Tay- lor boiler is the best boiler I ever handled, and I have been in the business 18 years. It is light on fuel, carries steady water Jine and steam isdry. Youcan refer any person to me wishing to in- quire into the merits of the Tay- lor boilor, for she is a dandy." (Clened WILiiaM SKELTON, Jr. The Taylor boiler is in the three fastest boats of their re- spective classes on fresh water, viz., Yacht Enquirer of Buff lo. W.J. Connors owner; in a 29% = miles race with Say When made 18.78 miles per hour; Yacht Azalia, late Edward Henkel owner, in a race with the fast Side-Wheel Steamer Frank HE. Kirby, 1896, made 18 miles per hour; Launch Dream, 63 feet long, 9 feet beam, with only 350 square feet heating surface, makes 17 miles per hour. MANUFACTURED BY DETROIT SCREW WORKS, DETROIT, MICH, U.S.A. l Hi i ie te All reliable statistics relating to shipping are contained in the Blue Book of American Shipping. Price, $5. MaringE REVIEW, Cleveland. Chain Department « P. HAYDEN 5. H. CO. * Columbus, Ohio. Our Chain In use on the Largest Steamers en the Lakes: The Zenith City, Victory, North West and North Land, and many others. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. All kinds of Chain-- Stud and Close Link, Cable Chains. Write for Prices. P. 0. BOX 53, PROVIDENCE, R. lI. SVILDERS OF TEE "Providence" Windlassesand Cavstans 350 STYLES AND SIZES. OVEE 5000 IN USE." SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FRANK £. MANTON, Acent.