IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO BURN You can burn it in the boilers of your steamers without knowing it until the fuel bills come in. interested in AN INVESTMENT THAT PAYS 20 PER CENT. Take all your fuel bills for the season and add up the amounts. ee the recut yl be THE AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU "'BURNED"' THIS SEASON, And the amount you can save next season by having your steamer equipped with the ELLIS & EAVES SYSTEM OF DRAFT. If you are interested in reducing the fuel consumption of your steamer to the lowest possible point, divide the total of the season's fuel bills by 3, and alter looking at the result fi with SERVE RIBBED TUBES In addition to having the Ellis & Eaves system of draft. from 10 to 15 per cent. additional. a SECTION AT A-B 5 >see SECTION AT C-D 9000000004 02900000000 0000000500 o00°0 If not you will be If you have a modern steamer divide the total by 5, and t gure how much you can afford to pay to have your boilers retubed The draft will save 20 per cent. of the fuel and the tubes ©00000 000000099090 " VOIVI0000000 9090 09000990 1O2Q900000000 9 ° IF YOU ARE SKEPTICAL You can refer to a table on pages 196-97 BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, which gives the coal consump- tion of ten modern lake steamers an average of 2.22 pounds per horse power per hour. THE TEST OF THE STEAMER L. C. WALDO, See MARINE REVIEW Oct. 22, fitted with the ELLIS & EAVES DRAFT, shows a consumption of 1.79 pounds--a saving of 20 per cent. with plain tubes With SERVE TUBES and subtracting for auxiliary machinery, this can be reduced to 1.5 pounds, a saving of 334% per cent. The simpli- city of this system of draft and the construction of the tubes will commend themselves to the most practical ship owners, builders and engineers, when it is known that it consists merely in makin the natural draft stronger--not forcing but inducing it. | | aw ETS WR SSS EE BLL s Rae 2 mie eae STACKS 200 OR 300 FEET HIGH. * Would give somewhat similar results. 70 per cent. more heating surface than plain tubes. smoke stack of your steamer. WHY PAY FOR THE SMOKE WHEN YOU CAN BURN IT? ~ THE GLOBE IRON WORKS COMPANY, The SERVE TUBE is even more simple. SEE THOSE RIBS--they present Smoke is unconsumed carbon, the essence of the coal. Watch the For full Information and prices write CLEVELAND, OHIO.