MARINE, REVIEW. | 3 Buffalo Signal Lamps, For Steamers and Sailing Vessels, Patent Fluted Lens and Perfect Colors GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. Manufactured by RUSSELL & WATSON, Successors to FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, Be 145 Main St. BUFFALO, W. ¥. SEND FOR CATALOCUE. PiIntscH GAS LIGHTED Buoys Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, and United States Light House Departments, for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. BURN CONTINUOUSLY fiom ona can be Scena distance of six miles, Brilliant and steady illumination. Economical and reliable in operation. CONTROLLED BY THE SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY, 160 Broadway, New York City. F ALL NEW HYDROGRAPHIC CHARTS ARE KEPT IN STOCK BY THE MARINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND. CAPTAINS AND MATES ARE INVITED TO CALL AT THE OFFICE OF THE MARINE REVIEW AND LOOK OVER THE CHARTS AND SAILING DIRECTIONS OF LAKES SUPERIOR, MICHIGAN, HURON, ERIE AND ONTARIO, PUBLISHED BY THE HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. PROJECTORS! 40 MILLION TO 100 MILLION CANDLE POWER. The only successful commerial light. Adopted and endorsed by leading steamship lines and builders. Have Replaced All Other Makes. CATALOG NOW READY. RUSHMORE DYNAMO WORKS, JERSEY Clears and ORE PUMP 11 OTARY | 23 22 '29'30 3i| Millen | 2 STERLING, WELCH @ C0. 12 and 14 Euclid Ave., CLEVELAND, O. J.S. Dunnam : : ON Capr, J. R. SINCLAIR President. Carr, THOS. JOHNSON, ] ; Chief Engineer & Wrecking Master. Superintendent, DUNZAM TOWING & WRECKING CO. 15 TUGS AT CHICAGO, A TUGS AT SO. CHICAGO, leago Telephone, No, 852 Main. So. Chicago Telephone, No 63. Steamers when outside wanting our tugs, blow one long and one short blast of the whistle. ' TUGS, STEAM PUMPS, DIVERS, HAWSERS, LIFT- ING SCREWS, LIGHTERS, Etc., for Releasing Stranded or Raising Sunken Vessels, Furnished promptly on orders by telegraph or otherwise. 0 fice open Day and Night. 210 South Water Street, Private ielephone on 16th St. Ry. bridge, CHICAGO, ILL. and at Life aving Station, South Pier. BOAT FURNISHING A SPECIALTY. | CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, | CURTAINS, &c., &c. SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE RATES. MARK H. HANLON, V.-Prest. & Secy. DAVID BARNHISEL, Gen'! Mgr. The Lnter-Ocean Coal & Cole Co. General office, 513 Perry-Payne Blidg., Cleveland. PRODUCERS AND SHIPPERS. Choicest Grades of YIOUGHIOGHENY COAL FOR STEAMBOAT FUEL. Lighter in Cleveland Harbor of 400 tons capacity. LEVELAND DOCKS, just north of Main Street bridge. : SAULT RIVER DOCK; just above Detour, known as Watson dock G. H. Foster, Prest. W. H. WARNER, Treas.