18 MARINE REVIEW. F. W. WHEELER, President. E. T. CARRINCTON, Vice-President. Cc. W. STIVER, Secy. and Treas. F. W. fone & CO., Weer Bay Gitv. Mica. F. & P. M. CAR FERRY. eo Builders of all kinds of METAL AND WOODEN SHIPS, © 4 4 1 5 4 4 " 8 4 S 4 Wand 'w e.4.A. A 4 444A. ' A. a at PARR RGLRPPRE IEP RERPPS A <r. ESTABLISHED 1865. ! Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Cham and Rafting ee Our Dredge and Crane Chains are made of Iron Rolled Specially for that purpose in three qualities, '"Burden's," "H. B. & I." iron, and " Burden's Best Best" iron. ~ { THE J. B. CARR COMPANY, TROY, NEW sak a a | a a DP DE De Ge VN WW aan a On UN AN Ne I ON ae Vw wD a OO OO OO THOS. DREIN & SON, *wintiaticee™ WILMINGTON, DEL. em Builders of Metallic VV TV VV OT VV VV VV VV Boats, LifePreservers. Outfit for Lake Steam- ers a Specialty. DOCK axa DECK HOISTS ALL KINDS OF Machinery & Friction Hoists. SEND FOR PRICES AND CIROULARS. JACKSON & CHURCH, SAGINAW, MICH. ATWTIOMATIC » STEAM STEERING CEAR A Simple, Powerful Machine. Noiseless and Sure, FRONTIER IRON WORKS, DETROIT. MICH. 'Howarp H. BAKER & Co. ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, 18 to 26 Terrace... BUFFALO, N.Y. U S. ENGINEER valet 1637 Indiana Ave., eChicago, Ill., Sept. 25, 1896. Sealed propos- als for dredging Chicago River, [l., about 1,300,- 000 cubic yards will be received here untill2 noon October 24, 1896, and then publicly opened. In- formation furnished on application. eel MARSHALL, Major, Engineers. Oct. 23. H. CHANNON COMPANY Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. AGENTS FOR at) rRYLANDS BROS. SEND FOR GIRGCULAR, 'athe fe) MANUFACTURERS OF ENGLISH GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS, 24-26 Market Street, CHICAGO, ILL. B. B. INMAN, Manager. H. G. INMAN, Sec'y and Treas. Inman Tug Line. Office on N. P. Dock, Open Day and Night. TELEPHONE ---------------- DULUTH, MINN. Finest outfit at the head of the lakes for log towing. TUCGS. M. D. Carrington L. L. Lyon P. B. Campbell E. T. Carrington F. H, Stanwood Pathfinder J. L. Williams Buffalo A. C. Adams Bob Anderson Record Mystic Joe D. Ducley | Effie L. Lida W.E. Castle Edward Fiske Tugs, Hawsers, Steam Pumps. Lighters and Divers Furnished on Short Notice. Also owners of Steamer Belle Cross and Schooner Clement and Chicago Board of Trade- aires i -inch Am, Fire Engine Company's Wrecking Pumps, and one 12-inch Wor ington Pump. H. E. STEVENS. TOM MEAD. LEW PRESLEY BUCKEYE STEAM FITTING CO... Steam Fitters, Engineers Supplies, Phone 4058, AGENTS FOR RAINBOW PACKING. Open Day and Night. 117 River St., CLEVELAND, 0. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahogany, White Ssahegany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIMAX. While Ck SVimtets and Gionk CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 654 teneca Skeet, ETROIT SHEET METAL ) "°..rans street. AND BRASS WORKS \ DETF1IT, MICH. Jobbers ef........ Pipe, Valves, Fittings. Pach ng, Oil and Engineers Suplies. Contractors for Fish Class Steam Fitting, Steam Heating, Plumbing, Copper Work, and all Classes of Sheet Metal Work. Manufacturers Clark's Patent Metallic Life Raft, Side of Lights, Marine Hardware, Hurric ane, Cabin and Platform Lamps, Trip Gongs, etc. - Laidiaw - Dunn -Gordon Steam Eps Warren Webster's Specialties, nal Buffalo Forge Co.'s Fans, Engines fad Heaters, Engineers can be waited on promptly day or night. Eleueland, Ohio. No. 64-66-68-70-72 Agents for...