MARINE REVIEW. RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres't. athe. Steam Engines, Compound, Triple , and Quadruple Expansion Engines, From 250to 10,000 Horse Power . For Marine and Stationary Service. lake Erie Engineering Works, Buffaiu, . --% qe , Pa JOHN COON, Sec'y and Treas. ta. Special Designs for Cable Railways and Electric Power Plants. The Best Economy and Regulation , Guaranteed. ay ise be ay va ii : ' a LES Bast HQUIrPSeSSD PLAN rm 4 VEE ERICA... GIVE US Keeping a sharp look-out for Shipman's Koal Dock. a chance to prove that we can coal your boats with quick dispatch, and with most satisfactory fuel. We have Four Large GHUTES on our Docks at AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO, 1,000 FEET RIVER FRONT and Day and Night Force. "Keystone" Massillon, Youghiosheny, and Best Grades of Hocking Eoals. MAIN OFFICE, O. W. SHIPMAN, 90 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. IL BAGS for CALMING the WAVES. A Barrel of Oil and a Durable Oil Bag with capacity for a Gallon of Oil, delivered aboard Vessels in Cleveland for SHAQ. The bag has attachments that permit of its being slid down the anchor chains when the vessel is at anchor, or thrown to windward when the vassel is moving. As the vessel comes up to it, the bag can be hauled aboard by means of a line, and thrown ahead from time to time. The expenditure of $10 may save your vessel. STORM OIL BAG CO. 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. EFOR SAL FE. Naphtha Cruising Launch, 338 feet tong, 8 feet beam, cabin with four berths, with wash room, ice box, and all modern conveniences, beveled edge plate glass windows, and mahogany finish throughout. Speed 10 miles per hour, bran new last year, and for sale cheap for cash if taken at once. For further particu- lars address Box 616, Toledo, O. Dec. 1 DON'T BE DOPEY! HELP YOURSELF and at same time heip us, "KUREKA" Packing will outlast 3 to 4 times any other. Peas egy ROBERTSON THOMPSON INDICATOR " ; will push you further ahead in y our profes- ~ sion than anything else. $40 Hine & Robertson Co. 40 Cortlandt St. N.Y. ared June 1878 Send for Catalog. Handsome Photographs of Lake Steamers. For some time the REviEw has been planning to secure photographs of lake vessels under way, giving an artistic marine scene as well as a picture of the vessel. Arrangements have been completed and the first consignment has been received. They are 8 by 10 inches on tea colored mounts and will be sent toany address. We have a number in stock, and as more are being taken every few days we can furnish prints of almost any of the modern freight steamers at $1 each. The following are on hand J.J. McWilliams, J. N. Glidden, Cherokee, D. Leuty, Yukon, Wawatam, Majestic, F. L. Vance, Colgate Hoyt, Briton, Chas. Hebard, Selwyn Eddy, John Harper, Pillsbury, Saginaw Valley, Forest City, Gladstone, Maritana, S. S. Curry, Wallula, John V. Moran, Malta, H. J. Johnson, Jim Sheriffs. John Mitchell, Quito, Choctaw, Zenith City, Corsica, City of Collinwood, Victory, Merida, Annie M, Ash, Pascal, P. Pratt. Coane Send $1 to the MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. 1