6 MARINE REVIEW. NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. 4 GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY LINE. MR. CHARLES DALE, On board Steamship North Land, September 12, 1895. President Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co. eer : New York City. DEAR SIR: I have used Rainbow Packing for steam and hot water pressures of 266 lbs. and 500 to 600 lbs. Teepe y and pet | superior to all others. Before using Rainbow Packing I tried various other packings, including porrugatceaeerr acliifor that they would not hold. I therefore tried Rainbow Packing and can gheertully, recommend it as being the only p all high pressures in the market to-day Res ect full yas , vit NRY J. REYNOLDS, Chief Engineer Steamship North Land. FY Is the only Packing in the World that will Al Successfully hold High ne suns: hae BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY a rE = PEEL ESS RUBBER JNAFG. CO. | 16 WARREN ST, NEW YORK. FOR SALE BY THE LEADING SHIP CHANDLERS AND SUPPLY HOUSES. The Cleveland Dry Dock Co. | AMERICAN STEEL BARGE CO. 148 Elm St., Cleveland, 0. STEEL and METAL SHIPS Telephone 1616. i ice at our yards at shi Pehend gan: Of all classss built on the Shortest Possible Notic y West Superior, Wis., and also at Everett, Wask. RE PAI R | N G P&S ae 5 of 300 ft. Boat in eae ' A SPECIALTY. Dimensions of Dock: Plates & Best Lth. li, 360 ft. Eth.on Dock', 240 tt pba Quality of gate, : ways of Oak Depth ll, 20 ft. epth over si ae Bs wat eee to Re=- for Re= Capt.W.W. BRowy, Sec'y & Mer. rao pairing kinds of Wooden Metal Vessels Ships in of all pCiy ORGEs Shortee cane SS IR ON Time. > wo Co | -- eee ) we SIZE OF DOCK. . Length, extreme.........537 feet. Entrance, Top..............55 feet 9i in, Breadth, Top............ 90 " 4 in. Entrance, Bottom...........50 § -- Breadth, Bottom ........ 52 Depth over Sills ............18 ' LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices fear Repairs and Docking same as at lower lake ports SUPERIOR, WIS. A number of Propellor Wheels in stock at Dry Dock. Oy aN S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 1101 D. S. Mor- an Building, Buff lo, N. Y., © ctober 15, CLEVELAND: 0 ar 1896. Sealed proposals for 12 500 feet of Break- i ter oe eo ens ene yn Sand- -Cat:h Pier ex- ension at Buffalo under continuous con- IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED. COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. tract will be received here aaiialably oes Nove COUPLING LINKS AND PINS, PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES, ember 3), 1896, and then opened. Specifications : : and information furnished on application, T. W.SYMONS, Major Engrs. Nov. 25. - Cuddy-Mullen Coal Co. URI, DOCKS OF OSBORNE, SARGER & C0. bale Shippers of Steam Coal. ee | FUELING DEPARTMENT FACILITIES: CLEVELAND HARBOR-- Car Dumper; Eight Pockets; Three Steam Derricks; Lighter. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH-- Amherstburg, Steam Derricks ; Sandwich, Ten Pockets. and "wo Steam Derricks. SAULT Barus BRANCH-- Pocket Dock now under construction. | 'Good Coal; Courteous Attention 3 Quick Dispatch, General Offices: Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0. Best . Youghiogheny Steam Coal Furnished. Day or Night. No delay as Elevated -- Pockets are used, Ai Dees