MARINE REVIEW. 4 BUFFALO Steee°*" ------ RANCES. Steamboat and Vessel , Ranges and Boilers, with patent Rotary Grate. SOMETHING NEW AND GOOD. We also carry the STAMFORD TUG AND YACHT GALLEY STOVES. RUSSELL & WATSON Successors to Felthousen & Russell. Feet SLX TR ee : i "145 Main St., BUFFALO, N.Y. Pintscu Gas LicHTeD Buoys Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, and United States Light House Departments, for channel and harbor lighting; 'over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. BURN CONTINUOUSLY 02m 8° te 365 days and nights without Sots tion, and can be seen a distance of six miles, _ Brilliant and steady illumination. SS eet |. Send for - Catalogue STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN MICH WITH COMPLETE WRECKING OUTFIT N CHARGE OF me Capt. P, L. Millen STATIONED AT DETROIT, MICH NABLES US TQ WRECK IN CANADIAN 5 ak a "STEAM PUMPS AND SUB-MARINE ORM IN CHARGE OF : JOHN S. QUINN, The Cabos Lio Bie 4 SYBZAM PUMPS, 10 JACAS, 3 1 COAL and ont PUMP Economical and reliable in operation. S-l2 INCH ROTARY... £ ' o ON = _1n14 INCH WoRTHINGT [686 NOVEMBER. | | CONTROLLED BY THE ra eS 2 SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY, 'zs {60 Broadway, New York City. & 4 23 2425 | 2627 ae VAPOR AND STEAM LAUNCHES, HUNTING, FISHING AND ROW BOATS, Boat Building Materials for Boats of every description cut, bent and fitted to size and shape #f Artistic Photographs. The REVIEW has a photographer, the best on the lakes, engaged in . = pig ae: Set of 2637 ft. Launch or Same Materials ready taking photographs of vessels passing through the Detroit River. Large Materials Crated for Shipment. . to Crate. ie pictures. No objectionable' background. Let us have your order. : Catalogue and Circulars FREE. Bes: ee 409 Perry Payne Bldg., Cleveland. Addr ] EE ess Fred Medart, St.Louis,Mo. FUELING DOCKS: NORTH PIER} SERENE ENRON 18% STREET BRIDGE, ae ass: : ILLINOIS CENTRAL SLIPC: © Way sai Pp. ex ere < SNS > Seer Sw SS F SSS SST ; STORAGE DOCKS ronANTHRACITE: ~~ = @FFICE WKINGSBURY ST. setween INDIANAGERIE STS. SK SS ELSTON AVE.DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,(NORTH BRANCH) NORTH AVE.BRIDGE. DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,OGDEN CANAL) SOUTH HALSTED ST. BRIDGE. . E. ° W. A.C Sec. & Treas. D.E, HANNA,V. rest. Gabi. PHILIP SHED, Mare Supt. P.M. CHURCH cw Co. SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Shiv Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. The Chase Machine Co. 111 Elm &t., Cleveland, O. ACHINISTS ~-- and ENGINEERS MANUFACTURERS OF X Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, The Ashtabula Tug Co. ai ces 3 te cane GieeeLAND 0 x x | G SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFCTURERS OF NCORPORATED. . A. COLLIER, Gen. Mer. PRed/ , O. Nea Ws 7, ) G/ Chase Fog Whistle Machine. ~~ CLEVELAND, Tel. 400. ASHTABULA, Tel. 149. | : Over 160 fa useon the bestclass | ---- of Lake oie oi zg ing Special Attentiongivento == -- JOHN FEA UG, Comnlting Enaineer and Nayal Arehitent. MARINE REPAIR WORK. E 7S I Ship oN Enpineer Surveyor Lloyds Register, London. 206 Walnut Asbestos 'Pipe and 'Boiler Covering. cations and Superintendence o ene and their Machinery. Place 994. Specialties--Bulk Oil Vessels High Speed Yacht Engines, ete. © Philadelphia. TELEPHONE