MARINE REVIEW. 3 HOWDEN HOT DRAFT SYSTEM -.-.-. As Applied to Marine Boilers by the DRY DOCK ENGINE WORKS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. GPr--_ The following lake steamers, aggregating 45,000 horse iy Mi ss i SCE i power, have been equipped with the Howden system by the 4 i i WH iy Dry Dock Engine Works, Detroit, Mich.: AU HI ! Virginia, Pioneer, Chicora, Harvey H. Brown, W. P. Ketcham, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Argo, Schoolcraft, Rappahannock, Sacramento, Penobscot, Mohawk, Mohegan, . Progress, S. R. Kirby, R. P. Ranney, . A. McVittie, Marquette, Iron Age, Pleasure, Arrow, City of Buffalo, City of Alpena, City of Mackinaw, Senator, Aragon, Robert Fulton, Sir Wm. Fairbairn, Colonial. Appomattox, New Davidson steamers Nos. 76 and 77. The Howden system has a total installation in all parts of the world of 1,212,800 horse power. A COVERING REMOVED--VIEW COMPLETE. HE accompanying cuts represent sections of a single boiler equipped with the HOWDEN HOT DRAFT SYSTEM. The engine and blower for supplying draft can be placed in any convenient place, preferably in the engine room. The hot air from engine room is taken in and forced through the air duct to air heater, where it is heated by passing among vertical tubes, through which nz | i i ea a i) iH : A _ z A H i if ie aul oo u ) | the escaping gases from the boiler pass. The heated air is led down in ducts around breeching and delivered under and over grates in sufficient quantities to get perfect combustion. The arrows in accompanying views illustrate the passage of air from blower. This is in general the principle of the HOWDEN SYSTEM. SECTIONAL VIEW.