MARINE REVIEW. 21 lake Erie fngineering Works, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres't. sa. Steam Engines, Compound, Triple and Quadruple Expansion Engines, From 250to 10,000 Horse Power For Marine and Stationary Service. a Lae Saslt HQvilSra> PLANT Lit 4. DLE Felon, JOHN coon, Sec'y and Treas. te. ee Special Designs for Cable Railways and Electric Power Plants. The Best Economy and Regulation Guaranteed. ap CIVE US a chance to prove that we can coal your beats with quick dispatch, and with most satisfactory fuel. We have Four Large GHUTES on our Docks at AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO, 1,000 FEET RIVER FRONT and Day and Night Force. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF "Keystone" Massillon, Youghiogheny, and Best Grades of Hocking Koals. Keeping a sharp look-out for Shipman's Koal Dock. MAIN OFFICE, O. W. SHIPMAN, 90 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. A GOOD FICURE Can be saved by using the GENUINE " EUREKA" PACKING. It will last three to four times longer and keep rods in good condition. Send for our catalog of the best INDICATOR on the market. Price, only $40. HINE & ROBERTSON CoO., 40 Cortlandt St.N. Y. EVERY MARINE ENGINEER on the Lakes, and every second who is studying for first class ee Reed's Engineers' Hand Book (Fifteenth Edition.) Containing 600 engravings and a portfolio of drawings of all parts of marine engines, It has always sold for $4.50 and $5. Until Dec. 1 any subscriber to the REVIEW may have a copy sent post paid by enclosing this advertisemeat and $1 to ee Marine Review, BOOK DEPT. 409 Perry-Pavne Bidg., CLEVELAND, O. An Opportunity for ENGINEERS ! An Indicator for Sale Cheap. Calkins Steam Engine Indicator, Planimeter, Pantograph extra springs, and three way cock--full outfit for taking indicator cards -- regular price $40-- our price $35. MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Blidg., Cleveland, o. 'Engineers' Examinations' With Questions and Answers. ay Printed on heavy paperand bound In red leather. Anv young engineer, greaser or fire- man ought to have it. Sent postpaid to any address, on receipt of $2.00, MARINE REVIEW, 410 Perry-Payne Bidg., Cleveland, O. '*Maxims and Instructions for the Boiler Room," #2. 50 "Hand-Book of Calculations for Engineers,"'... .. 2.50