New Officers Among the Engineers. M. E. B. A. No. 73, Green Bay: Past president, E. Langlois: president, E. B. Kellogg; vice-presidetn, James Lucas; secretary, E. B. Kellogg; conductor, E. Dailey; chaplain, doorkeeper, W. Rasnanesens M. E. B. A. No. 87, Detroit: President, Wm. C. Barr; vice- president, Warren Welch; secretary, George B. Milne, No. 502 Com- monwealth avenue; conductor, Peter St. Onge; doorkeeper, Joseph Taylor; chaplain, R. Longford; trustees, Emil Mercies and Michael Toner. M. E. B. A. No. 28, Duluth: Past president, A. Beauchimin; president, A. Harvey; vice-president, M. N. McDonald; treasurer, A. McGilliway; secretary,F. B. Barrows; chaplain, EK. Wagner; \ con- ductor, F'. Bell; door-keeper, M. Ryan; representative to national convention, A. McGilliway. M. E. B. A. No. 76, Grand Haven: President, Edg. F. 'Bryce; vice-president, Charles Barr; financial secretary, I. H. Sanford, Jr.; recording secretary, Ed. Stokes; corresponding secretary and treas- urer, Orson Vanderhoof; conductor, John Golden; chaplain, Anderson; door-keeer, John Doyle. ; M. E. B. A. No. 67, Saugatuck: Past president, Wm. 8. Bradley; president, Geo. J. Harvey; vice-president, Wm. Hattersly; recording recording J. Prevot; secretary, Wm. G. Edgcome; corresponding secretary, Wayne Coats; -- financial secretary and treasurer, J. K. Dole; chaplain, Wm: Bde. conductor, Wm. Wilson; doorkeeper, Sam nouns : M. E. B. A. No. 102, South Haven: President, Ralph Peter- son; vice-president, JohnLavell ; recording secretary, B. F. Devor; financial secretary and treasurer, A. Krogman; corresponding sec- retary, Chas. LaBounty; conductor, Wm. Krogman; doorkeeper, A. H. Royell; chaplain, Fred Linsemyer; trustees, Chas. LaBounty, Wm. Tyler, R. Peterson. M. E. B. A. No. 92, Saginaw, E.S.: Past president, Charles Morgan; president, Joseph D. Budd; vice-president, Joseph Huber; chaplain, John Wycoff; conductor, Joseph R. Hall; treasurer, John Henry; corresponding secretary, Harry EK. McArthur; secretary, Walter Henry; recording secretary, Frank Nold: door- keeper, Fred Pfleuger. , M. E. B. A. No. 5, Muskegon: Past presents Da McMillan: president, Alfred A. Green; vice-president, Harry O'Hara; secretary, James Cummings; corresponding secretary, James Cum- mings; treasurer, Alfred A. Green; chaplain, Dennnis MeMillan; recording secretary, Henry Connell; conductor, Eli Vv, Barry ; eae keeper, Charles Kason. M.-H..B. A. No. 27, Bay City: Past ede LC, Scbrvall: president, Thos. Graham; vice-president, Geo. Covyeou; recording secretary, J. Daniels; corresponding secretary, N. P. Slater; finan- cial secretary, J. Wortz; treasur2r, L. Gelinas; conductor, EH. Care chaplain, C. Harman; doorkeeper, F. Gartung; representnice to national convention, N. P. Slater. M. KE. B. A.- No. 85, Alpena: Past president,.Theo. Kneale;. president, Robert A. Grant; vice-president, Geo. Miller; corresponding and recording secretary, Arthur J. Irwin; financial secretary, Samuel Kissick; treasurer, David Thomson; 'chaplain, Benjamin. Kohsman; conductor, Chas. Warwick; deonkconen Alvin Calkins; trustees, A. J. Irwin, David Thomson, and Geo. Miller. ai M. E. B. A. No. 48, Sandusky: ° President, Wilbur 'F. Clark; vice-president, Patrick Ragen; treasurer; W. F. Mayer; financial _ secretary, Carl V. Hart, corresponding secretary, John Ewing, No. 1510 Monroe street; recording secretary, John Ewing; conductor, Geo. Moore; chaplain, H. Burkley; doorkeeper, Nils Lockhart; out- side doorkeeper, Joe Bernkhart; trustees, J. Gaa, Geo. Zanger and W. Mayer. M. E. B. A. No. 88, Sturgeon Bay President, Olaf Sanders; vice-president, J. Ashby; corresponding secretary, C. O. Chapman; recording secretary, F. A. Ives; financial secretary, Henry Devine; chaplain, Henry Devine; treasurer, Ashley Coffern; conductor, Henry Dueman; doorkeeper, Ashley Coffern; trustees, W. .O. Helmhoitz, Olaf Sanders and J. Ashby; representative to national convention, Frank Ives. : M. E.B A. No. 7%, Manitowoc: Past president, Geo. P. Roth, president, Jos. A. Wahor: vice-president, Chas. Monroe; sec- Sr.; David financial financial - MARINE REVINW, | en ond vice-president , Frank Heffernan; treasurer, Geo. P. Roth, Sr.; corresponding secretary, John A. Flint; recording secretary, Geo. P. Roth, Jr.; financial secretary, Thos. Beane) chaplain, Fred Larson; conductor, Joe Seitz; doorkeeper, John Hall; trustees, Ed Thayer, Jule Bushman, and Felix Nieder; sins preneainine to national convention, Geo. P. Roth, Sr. : M. E. B. A. Nos 58, Marine City: Past re ireasimer Frank Parker; rocomaine: secretary,' E. H. Hill; Kraus; chaplain, John Valker; financial secretary, Constandt dehaleton John Dibble; doorkeeper, J abhi Hasler; outside dearleesper James Ryan: delegate to national: convention, Haney LONE lesa, delegate to national convention, Frank Parker: : aa M. E.B. A. No. 4, Chicago: President, John Reif; first vice- president, Louis fee second. vice- president, Chas, aie Avery; recording secretary, K. E. Morris; corresponding secretary, Geo, A. Grubb, 1537 George street: financial secretary, Dan W. Wise; urer, ' Jas. Donnelley ; chain, Burt Rasch ; conductor, Ww. We Grubb; door- -keeper, 'John F, Conley ; Peres Jacob Reitz, - Jos. : Kelly, and Thos. K. Hunter; representative to national convention, Thos. F, Dowd and Geo. A. aoe M. E. B. A. No, 3, Detroit: Past president, T. J. Kellys presi- dent, S. G. Cowell; vice- president, Wm. F. Taylor; recording secre- tary, E.R. sane ee financial secretary, F'. Kenyon; corresponding secretary, Ww. ¥. Cullen; treasurer, E. R. Blanchard; L .Rossiter; conduct»r, a L. Bennett; doorkeeper, B. Ray; trustees, J. M. Cronenweth, Prank Kenyon, A. L. Jones, C. H. Burke, and R. C. Ludlow; delegates to national Convention, E. R. Blabehand and EK. R. Dungan. Hi association. will give its twenty- tate annual ball Feb..2. | ; onhhy MBB , Nod 9, Milgvanlese 2 Bast president, Joseph: sae president, J. C. Collins: first vice- president, W. G. Fell; second vice- president, G..C. Oleson; cording secretary, John. D. Desmond;. chaplain, John J. Staley; conductor, James J. Daley; inner door-keeper, Edgar Doucett: 'outer door-keeper, Chas. G..MceCarthy; trustees; Webb Chipman, Jr., G. C. Oleson and J. E. Packard; delegate to national convention' to be held at. Washington, D. C., len 18, ae J.C. ne ; Steel rereniee "ditor Marine 'Review: --I have read with much pleasure the very. comprehensive account of my address before the Lake Carriers' Asso- ciation, which you published i in your issue of the 14th inst. There, is, however! one point which I would like to call attention to ayiion seems to have been omitted. I think I made it plain to those present at the address that stéel forgings are so much stronger and so much more reliable than wrought i iron forgings that their size. and there- fore their weight, can be materially reduced. Inasmuch as the forg- . ings in a marine engine constitute a large percentage of its weight when we include the shafts, if the size and weight of these forgings can be materially reduced the carrying capacity of the vessel would be considerably increased, and although the price per pound of high grade steel forgings is somewhat higher than that of wrought iron forgings, still by reducing the size of the steel forgings, their total weight and price would be reduced so that their cost would not be in excess of the cost of iron forgings. to make this addition in your coming issue, and thanking you for your courtesy in this matter, I beg to remain, : H. F. J. Porter, General Westarh Sales Agent, Bethlehem Tron Co. 1433 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, Jan. 19, 1897. Thos. Drien & Son, Wilmington, Del., have reeived a number of orders from lake builders for life boats, rafts, ete. They like to get their lake orders made up before their eastern bide for excursion steamers begin to come in, Now that the Lake Ontario grain movement will be increasing, masters will want Lake Ontario general chart No. 61 and coast chart No.1, as well as St. Lawrence river charts Nos. 4, 5 and 6. The five will be sent by the Review to any address by express for $2. Frank Ouelette; president, H. H. Butler; vice-president, S. O. Durrant; COMPea DOH ng secretary, Harry Stone; treas- chaplain, J.. . treasurer, J.. Havlick; fiaeuedl seeretary,- John J. Conway; Carseanon dine secretary, Charles G. Forsyth; re+ I trust that you will be willing --