MARINE REVIEW. | vel! : Send for ) WROUGHT Catalogue B J FF ALO STEEL he TUG FAVORITE STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN, MICH BS WITH COMPLETE WRECKING OUTFIT i N CHARGE OF j Gap. P. L. Millen CANADIAN WRECKER SAGINAW. © TATIONED AF OETROIT. MICH Ae oe US TO WRECK IN CANADIAN TEAM PUMPS AND SUB-MARINE WORK IN CHARGE OF tN = Ne AGUS yn is: IATWATER ST. WEST, Add SMES. 10 JAC CHS, = o Siff\7 F ©3>h2 INCH ROTARY. Ae 14 INCH WORTHINGTON. mtiotin toanran '~ The Review has a photographer, Artistic Photographs. the best on the lakes, engaged in taking photographs of vessels passing' through the Detroit River, Large pictures. No objectionable background. Let us have your order. 409 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. ---- RANCES Steamboat and Vessel Ranges and Boilers, with patent Rotary Grate. SOMETHING NEW AND GOOD. We also carry the STAMFORD TUG AND YACHT GALLEY STOVES. RUSSELL & WATSON Successors to Felthousen & Russell. 145 Main St., BUFFALO, N.Y. Pintscu Gas LIGHTED Buoys Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, and United States Light House Departments, for channel and harbor lighting ; over 500 gas -- _ buoys and gas beacons in service. - as ° URN CONTINUOUSLY fiom ana'can be Seon a eeeo trae alles? Brilliant and steady illumination. Economical and reliable in: 'operation: CONTROLLED BY THE SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY, 160 Broadway, New York City. Queen City Hydraulic Steerer. = a " Best and Most Powerfut Steerer FOR TUGS, _ STEAMERS, ETC. - Price--From' $650 to $750, ac- cording to size. and location in: ~ . steamer. Ft Manufactured' by FUELING DOCKS: NORTH PIER} 18™ STREET BRIDGE, ILLINOIS CENTRAL SLIP C: ede ---- KINGSBURY ST. BeTweeNn INDIANAG ERIE STS. + ELSTON AVE.DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,(NORTH BRANCH.) NORTH AVE.BRIDGE. DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,(GDEN CANAL) SOUTH HALSTED ST. BRIDGE. hee ad whe ae wre eS ee W. A. COLLIER, Sec. & Treas. E. GROVER, Prest. ; CAPT. PHILIP SHIED, Marine Supt. D. R. HANNA, V. Prest. The Ashtabula Dug Co, sain st. arias INCORPORATED. W. A. COLLIER, Gen. Mer. ? ~*CLEVELAND, Tel. 409. JOHN HAUG, Ship qe Engineer Surveyor Lloyds Register, London 206 -- nut Plans, cations and Superintendence of Behe and their Machinery. Pla Seuinitee <Baie Oil Vessels High Speed Yacht Phi ladely ph la. Aw/CLEVELAND, 0. ASHTABULA, Tel. 149. Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect. PwrerrT rere ngines, ete. P.M. CHURCH ce CO., 4 SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Shiv Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. a FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. ai er ; The Chase Machine Co. til Elm ry Cleveland, O. ACHINISTS--~---- and ENGINEERS MANUFACTURERS OF, | Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, | SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFCTURERS or Chase Fog Whistle Machine. Over use onthe best class" of Lake Steamers. ; 3 Special Attentiongivento ' MARINE REPAIR WORK. '| En noe Supplies estos Pipe: and Boiler Covering. TELEPHONE 994.