j MARINE REVIEW. Complete Electric Plants for Light and Power On STEAMSHIPS, WHALEBACKS, YACHTS, DOCKS, WHARVES, Etc. | Schenectady. N.Y. eiiean, Hil. Boston, Mass. Phila New York. N.Y. New Orleans, La. Shenango No. 2, 300 feet long, 54 feet beam. Our system is complete in every detail. All our ap requirements and are perfect. | | General Hilectric Company - SALES OFFICES Detroit, Mich. elphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Portland, Ore. pliances are made to Governmental and Insurance Write for prices and catalogues. Columbus, O. Sant Fvaridace: Cal. IRON WORKS" MARINE ENCINES, DETROIT, MICH, SHIP BUILDING CO. TOLEDO, OMIO, Buffalo, N.Y. Metal # Wooden Ship Builders. New Dry Dock--450 feet long 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet of Water on Sill. Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships A Speciality. oe ee ee Bethlehem tron Company WORKS and PRINCIPAL OFFICE: SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PENNA. Steel Forgings of all descriptions --~--r Marine Engines Fluid Compressed, Hollow, Hydraulic Forged and Annealed Forgings a Specialty. NEW YORK OFFICE, - - 100 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, - 421 Chestnut St. CHICAGO OFFICE, - - Marquette Bldg. The United States Standard Register of Shipping, Providing the only Standard Classification based on Construction Rules Designed for Lake Vessels. Classed Vessels Receive the Lowest Rates of Insurance. SURVEYORS. - cee STUART, Surveyor of Iron and Steel Construction and Engineer as, and including Cleveland, O WARD GASKIN, Potter Building, Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Secs comprising. Lake Ontario and Lake' Erle, as far' West as, yan aor oe caine Application for survey of vessels and subscriptions to i by the surveyors or at the office of R HOGIEVer Book: wiki be tecelved The United States Standard Stoamshio Owners', Builders' Underwriters d's Ltd Post Bullding, 16 and 18 Exchange Place, . NE site reeeseeecccsnseesesssesssesesssevescseccceccssesseeees PURVES' RIBBED STEEL BOILER FURNACE FLUE. {BACK END. FRONT END. With this style of Furnace Flue, the rivets at the "back end" are out of the line of fire, and all that has to be done to remove it is to cut out the rivets at the ends and slip it through the front; and to rep!ace it, simply to slip it back in its place and rivet up the ends agaia wit »01t disturbing any other part of the boiler, No smith work is required to fit it in a boiler or to refit it when replaced. It is ready for use as it comes from the manufacturers, This style of F.ue has been in use six years without a single complaint. Over 16,000 of Purves' Ribbad Steel Furnace Fiues in successful use in Marine Boilers. ELLIS & EAVES SYSTEM OF INDUCED OR SUCTION DRAFT. OMARLES ww. vv HEITN EY, Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, Manhattan Life Builaing, 64, 66 and 68 Broadway, New York. Eor Sale: DREDCES, TUCS and SCOWS: Two Dredges and six Dump Scows, one Flat Scow, one Derrick Scow and four Tugs-- One with 15 by 17 engine, allowed 110 lbs. steam, ' oe Liebysl Ge cs eee trae del: 6 = " '"< 20 by 99 ts " 125 "< " Oe " 20 by 94. " cc 110 " "cs Inquiries from parties who mean business cheerfully answered. JAMES ROONEY, 1118 Collingwood Av., Toledo, O. WM. WILFORD'S Matchless Water-Proof Canvas. The best in the market for Hatch Covers, is stronger lighter and more durable than any Water-Proof Goods yet produced, Itis made of a twisted thread of pure flax wh ch renders it very strong. It will not crack like Cotton Goods or take fire a3 easily, which is a great advantage, if soft coal is used. : EDWARD A. BUNKER, Room 617, 27 & 29 WILLIAM ST., New YorK.