MARINE REVIEW. | 17 The TUG FAVORITE STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN,MICH y WRECKING TUG ITH COMPLETE WRECKING OUTFIT 9% e * FAVORITE- N CHARGE OF 4 ee WEBUIC Is 189d birncesee aUL Pb. Wen | VADIAN WRECKER SAGINAW | NABLES US TQ' WRECK IN CANADIAN ATERS ah 1 STEAM PUMPS AND SUB-MARINE WORK IN CHARGE OF JOHN S.QUINN reas ali com*ucications. to t ' OFFICe ™ é 1S ATWATER ST. WEST, DETROIT, Mick 1 pS aT * 4p SF Aad 1 COAL and ORE PUMP | 3-12 INCH ROTARY. 1-14 INCH WORTHINGTON." 1 Artistic Photographs. The REVIEW has a photographer, the best on the lakes, engaged in taking photographs of vessels passing through the Detroit River. Large pictures. No objectionable background. Let us have your order. 409 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. Send for Catalogue WROUCHT BUFFALO cree. -------RANCES' | Steamboat and Vessel Ranges and Boilers, with patent Rotary Grate. SOMETHING NEW AND GOOD, We also carry the STAMFORD TUG AND YACHT GALLEY STOVES. RUSSELL & WATSON Successors to Felthousen & Russell. 145 Main St., BUFFALO, N.Y. PINTSCH Gas LIGHTED Buoys Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, and United States Light House Departments, for 7G : channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. BURN CONTINUOUSLY fiom sosastssezcand aigins.t ors sue Brilliant and steady illumination. Economical and reliable in operation. CONTROLLED BY THE SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY, {60 Broadway, New York City. j Wey Incerpo- American Boat Building Go. 'et Knock-Down Boats, Ps something new. We do a the work, you _ nail together. Freight .ow, prices reasonable. Also completed Boats, Half- Raters, Knock - Abouts piste te andCanoes. Send stamp 35x7 toot Launch Frame. for catalogue. 3517-21 S, Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. FUELING DOCKS: NORTH PIER} 18%! STREET BRIDGE, ' ILLINOIS CENTRAL SLIP C: ----e-.grn0--__ STORAGE DOCKS ror ANTHRACITE KINGSBURY ST. eerween INDIANA ERIE STS: ELSTON AVE.DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,(NORTH BRANCH) NORTH AVE.BRIDGE. DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,OGDEN CANAL) _ SOUTH HALSTED ST. BRIDGE. W. A. CuLLIER, Sec. & Treas. : Prest. . Se ane ea CAPT. PHILIP SHIED, Marine Supt. D. R. HANNA, V. Prest. The Ashtabula Tug CO, main st. Bridge, W. A. COLLIER, Gen. Mer. Ax/CLEVELAND, 0. ASHTABULA, Tel. 149. INCORPORATED. CLEVELAND, Tel. 409. Consulting Enalneer and Naval Architect. JOHN HAUG, "omutting Enaineer ana r Ship and Engineer Surveyor Lloyds Régister, London. 206 Wainut Plans, Specifications and Superintendence of re and their Machinery. Place, specialties--Bulk Oil Vessels High Speed Yacht Engines, etc. Philadeliphla. SSS SSS --- P.M. CHURCH c& CO., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH ; LEADING DEALERS IN Shiv Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. 3 The Chase Machine Co. ACHINISTS ~-- and ENGINEERS MANUFACTURERS OF Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFCTURERS oF Chase Li | Whistle Machine. Over 150 in use on the best class -- of Lake Steamers, : Special Attention given to MARINE REPAIR WORK. eee $e Asbestos Pipe and Boiler Covering. TELEPHONE 994.