MARINE REVIEW. | 3 RAPID FUELING DOCKS, oetnroit river. JAMES CRAHAM & CoO., Foot Twenty-first St., Detroit, © Below Routes of Passenger and Car Ferry Lines. Pockets and Chutes arranged for different types of vessels. 2. BEST ST E AM C 0 AL Large Supplies and every effort to give dispatch, day and night. Wide. " . stretch of river for tows, and plenty of water at dock at all times. | : Hoisting ana Steeri z | i ae = EARINcae Farrell's Patent Selt-Detaching: Hook for Davitt Tackle STEERING * ENGINE : ; ees Prevents the up-setting of the boat in lowering same in a With either Frictional, Spur or Worm Gear of various patterns to suit all purposes. Williamson Bros. STRAY Richmond and York Sts. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Over 150 of the largest and most modern lake steamers have our steerers. THE W.L.SCOTT CO, | The Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal & Iron Co. pe ee eee Reynoldsville Coal. Shamokin, Wilkesbarre,and Hazleton-Lehigh STEAMBOAT FUEL DOCK. Pr ARN IGE Ree: Bridee. CO ATs. _ 1400 feet Dock Frontage. heavy sea, by operating same from the deck, instantaneo- usly disengaging the fall from the boat at the proper moment when it reaches the water. DAGNALL-LOUD BLOCK CO. 162 Commorcial Street, BOSTON, MASS. Steam Elevator and 48team Derricks. Steam Fuel Scow Mansfield Steam Coal. Capacity 550 Tons. Boats Coaled Day or Night. i : FUELING VESSELS a specialty, either from dock or steam scow Mansfield, OFFICE: 694 Ellicott Square Bidg., BUFFALO, N.Y. : q g-, ' capacity 300 tons, in buckets, which giyes quick dispatch. Boats coaled TELEPHONES: dey crm eht Docks lighted with electricity and equipped with steam Ellicott Square Bldg , Seneca 371 A. Dock, Seneca 371 D. Fueling Office at Canal Dock, ERIE, PA. WMI. H. HAZEN, Dock Superintendent. Air is Cheap = a al FUEL IS DEAR=VERY DEAR! USE AIR AND SAVE FUEL! fe in operating expenses on Lake Ships must come from reduced coal bills. No great saving can be made in labor cost, and provisions are already low. But fuel bills can be lowered and cheap coal used to advantage by adopting Modern Methods of making steam at low cost. No manufacturer of pig iron would to-day think of running his furnace without a hot blast. Competition would not permit it. This same competition demands advanced practice in the operation of ships. The same principle is applied in the Six Boilers with Howden Hot Draft appliances now in Side-Wheel Steamer City of Buffalo. Dimensions of each boiler--12 ft. 6 in. diameter by 12 ft. length. sy HOWDEN HOT DRAFT Now in use on Lake Steamers aggregating over 40,000 Horse Power. CAN BE APPLIED TO OLD SHIPS AS WELL AS NEW ONES. No complicated machinery. Cool engine rooms and cool fire holds. Estimates readily furnished for application of this draft to any steamer. DrY Dock ENGINE WoRKS, DETROIT, MICH.