MARINE, THE ELECTRO DYNAMIC C0., 224 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Electrical Engineers and Mfrs. of Electrical Machinery, Marine Generating Sets for Supplying Light or Power, COMPLETE ELECTRICAL MARINE EQUIPMENTS. REVINW. 17 Buffalo Signal Lamps, For Steamers and Sailing Vessels, 3 _ Patent Fluted Lens and Perfect Colors GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. Manufactured by RUSSELL & WATSON, Successors to FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, . 145 Main St. BUFFALO, N. Y. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Portable Electric Drill Motors now in use at Cramp & Son's Ship and Engine Building Co., Newport News Ship Building and Dry Dock Co., Crescent Shipyard. Union Iron Works, Brooklyn Navy Yard and International Navigation Co. PINTSCH GAS LIGHTED Buoys & Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian. Italian, and United States Light House Departments, for Channel and Harbor Lighting; over 1 | 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. Ay from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a J/\| BURN CONTINUOUSLY ae ie Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation. SN i / mer ---- = ae N\\ | 7 a CONTROLLED BY THE Safety Car Heating 160 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. & Lighting Company, WM. WILFORD'S Matchless Water-Proof Canvas. The best in the market for Hatch Covers, is stronger lighter and more durable than any Water-Proof Goods yet produced. Itis made of a twisted thread of pure flax which renders it very strong. It will not crack like Cotton Goods or take fire a3 easily, which is a great advantage, if soft coal is used. EDWARD A. BUNKER, Room 617, 27 & 29 WILLIAM ST., New York. JOHN H AUG, Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect. Ship and Engineer Surveyor Lloyds Register, London. 206 Walnut Plans, Specifications and Superintendence of Ships and their Machinery. Place, specialties--Bulk Oil Vessels High Speed Yacht Engines, etc. Philadelphla. FUELING DOCKS: NORTH PIER} QR REEREEESS - = Ss 18% STREET BRIDGE, ILLINOIS CENTRAL SLIP "C: STORAGE DOCKS rorANTHRACIT! "INGSBURY ST. serween INDIANAGERIE STS. ELSTON AVE.DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,NORTH BRANCH) MORTH AVE.BRIDGE. DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,@GDEN CANAL) SOUTH HALSTED ST. BRIDGE. 1 wedi Incorpo- Best and American Boat Building Co, ts? Most Powerful Knock- Down Boats, Steerer something new. We do FOR TUGS, the work, you _ aniail : * together. Freight low, STEAMERS, prices reasonable. Also ETC. completed Boats, Half- Pilceitvom Raters, Knock - Abouts ee and Canoes. Send stamp 35x7 foot Launch Frame. for catalogue. 3517-21 S. Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO, $650 to $750, ac- cording to size and location in steamer. Manufactured by E"*or Sale: DREDCES, TUCS and SCOWS. Two Dredges and six Dump Scows, one Flat Scow, one Derrick Scow and four Tugs-- One with 15 by 17 engine, allowed ie lbs. steam, c ¢ s cS li *by 16 2 110 " s 20) by 22--- * 'Cope apr st sf " " 20 by 94 "cr " 110 " . Inquiries from parties who mean business cheerfully answered. JAMES ROONEY, (118 Collingwood Av., Toledo, O. ALEALI WATER PURIFIER! A Pure Chemical for the safe Removal and Preven- tion of Scale in Steam Boilers. Jn use by many of the larger. steamship lines on the great Lakes. Guaranteed MANUFACTURED BY THE J.H. PARSONS CHEMICAL GCO., 1509 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILL. P.M. CHUORCH cv CO., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Shiv Chandiery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FTRATANT.ARA QOPPERAMTITH AND TINRHNP TW COWNNEROTTION The Chase Machine Co. 111 Elm ACHINISTS" -- and ENGINEERS MANUFACTURERS OF Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFCTURERS OF Chase ey Whistle Machine. n L Over 150 in use on the best class of Lake Steamers, St., Cleveland, O. Special Attention given to ail 4 | MARINE REPAIR WORK. Engineers' Supplies. - Asbestos Pipe and Boiler Covering. TELEPHONE 994.