MARINE REVIEW. 21 LakE ERIE BorLeR Works, BurraLo, N. Y. THE BEsT EQUIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA For THE MANUFACTURE OF ODERN M2288 BOILERS. EEE EEE EEE EMEA NAO WO) ie Eee eee Over 1,000 Sold -- a arenow made Statute Miles to indicate for use on the Lakes. Send us your old Bliss Register, and we will alter it to indicate statute miles for $3.50. There are poorly made imitations of our rotator. Buy only the Bliss Adjustable Rotator, stamped with Qs EES O Gs eS lg our name and patents. For sale by Ship Chandlers. L John Bliss & Co., ?NEw"vorK. I RIRIRIRACIRIRIRIT IRRI RIRIRRRRRARARARRRRRRARSRARRRIIRRRRIR RAS 1897----Blue Book of American Shipping --1897 '"'IT IS BETTER TO BOAST AFTER THE BATTLE." The publishers of the 1897 Blue Book are using their energy to make the 1897 Blue Book more valuable than the 1896 Blue Book. Last year we promised to get out a book that would be satisfactory. The result exceeded all expectation and was pronounced far superior to any lake directory ever published. The value of a directory consists in the frequency to which it is referred to. The Blue Book is used three times to one, more than any other--because it is reliable. If you want to advertise in or subscribe for the best marine directory ever published, write, at once, BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, 409 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, 0. VEEN NNEAN EEN DENN WLIKY OR QO RII "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw."--R. HAMMOND. IN PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Scale-Forming Substance. ROBERT LEARMONTH PATENTEE, 200 LAFAYETTE AVENUE, - - BUFFALO, N.Y. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Names of SLeBIUe ES on the Lakes using the s i Nickel Plate Ahoy? Aye, Aye Sir! Buffalo Feed ae The line to hail and the line to take Mente nang Budter: To reach your craft to fit her out, Ce eget Is the well-known ship-shape Nickel Plate Route, Mills, Str. Wyoming. Bay Crry, Mron.--Str. H.C. ° Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Sibley, Str. B. Boutelle. Or any port you want to go, ANCHOR LINE.--Str.Mahoning, The shortest time and the lowest rate ptr. Sebuy lal, Str Soest Are shipmates with the Nickel Plate. Susquehanna, Str. Clarion, Str. oa Lehigh, Str. India, Str. China, FFs SP we PR leery Str. Japan, Str. Lycoming, Str. A SUPERB D j N j NC CAR SERVICE. Conemaugh, Str. Juniata, Str. Alaska, Str. Delaware, Str. Con- estoga, Str. Wissahickon, Str. For particulars inquiré of i SU uate tite A. W. JOHNSTON, or, B. F. HORNER, * aoe en, ae Genl, Supt. Cenl. Pass. Aet. rh SUPERIOR TRANSPORTATION Co.--Str; Manitou. Ciliew~wveland, ©-.