20 MARINE REVIEW. The Wootters Gas Engvyine, Suitable for all purposes re. Especially adapted for para =k : Z quiring from 1 to 200 horse-power | and ferry boats. Fitted wit a friction clutch or reversible shaft. ee the lowest possible expendi. ure. These engines are giving entire i satisfaction in the pleasure yacht Engines of the stationary type | W. C. Richardson and the delivery built for every purpose where a launch Lotta. Prices and particulars furnished on application. 4 reliable and efficient 'power jg H required. NAPHTHA LAUNCH W. C. RICHARDSON, (Engine 8 horse power--speed 8 miles an hour.) BUILT BY THE... -- McMYLER MFG. GO., GAS ENGINE DEPARTMENT, 180 Columbus St., CLEVELAND, 0, ve KATZENSTEIN'S Self-Acting METAL PACKING, For eae Ee ee ena etc., of every description, ines, Pumps, etc., etc. rad and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship Companies, within the last twelve years, in this and foreign countries. LEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure; also METAL GASKETS for all kinds of pane and joints. Dovusiz-AcTiInG BaLanceD WatTER-TigHT BULKHEAD Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the McColl-Cumming Patent Liqup Ruppger Brake. For full particulars and reference, address: L. KATZENSTEIN & CO., General Machinists, Brass Finishers, Engineers' Supplles, 357 West St., New York. OTe [ATION AT CHEBOYGAN, MICH. COMP: STE WRECKING O POF Sy wal. Pe b. Me re, mT B IONED AT OETROIT. MICH 3 US TO WRECK IN CANADIAN [Patent Pump Water Closet. Fo calle hiceane aaa For above or below water line, In use on U.S. Cruiser New York, (ol- umbia, and Battieships Indiana, Maine, Texas, Massachusetts, Etc, Our No. 4 can be put in a space 14 in. x 15in. WILLIAM BISHOP & SON, 205 South St., NEw YORK. 724 Third Av., BROOKLYN. Telephone 569 Franklin, Yacht Fittings a Specialty. MIERS GORVELeLe Sneelting Mechanical Engines 21 E.2Ist Street, NEW YORK. Perea re mrs ears ot Engines and Boilers. vas JENKINS BROS. TALIB . Manufactured of the best Steam Metal. Valves. . No regrinding, therefore not constantly wearing out the Seat of the . Contain JENKINS DISC, which is suitable for all Pressures of Steam, Oil, and Acids. . The Easiest Repaired, and all parts Interchangeable. Every Valve tested before leaving the faetory. . ALL GENUINE stamped with Trade Mark. JENKINS BROS. New York, Philedelphia, Chicago, Boston. ° Cc. HH. McCcuTCHEON, h (Guo CeeeS: to SAMUS McCUTCHEEOM,) S Ip Lamps Peppers peed Sheet Iron Manufactory, t d Engi 7S lies. OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTURERS All kinds of Brass Cocks, Gite aes snd Couplings, me Ta eel Fittings, and ll Supplies. Rubber Belting, Hose and Packings, Springs, Valves, &., } FOR Leather Belting and Usudurian mokiug: Telephone No. 68, No. 18 Ohlo Street, BUFFALO, N. Y) -- Soe Whore Steamships, Yachts, &c. GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS. Prices and Cuts on Application. PAGE BROS. & CO. 3d47 lo 357 Cambridge St. Boston, Mass, ONE OF THESE BINDERS that wlll hold 52 NUMBERS of the : MARINE REVIEW, WIII be malled to any address on recelpt of $1. MARINE REVIEW::: 409 Perry-Payne Bids: CLEVELAND, O. Hoisting Engines olstine Ene ines. We build them in all sizes from new and improved designs Every engine thoroughly tested before leaving our shop, and guaranteed to be satisfactory in every case. When in want ofa Hoist for marine work, dock work, mining or any other urpose, kindly permit us to name you prices. we can please you. ee Oe Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Michigan.