Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 6 May 1897, p. 18

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18 MARINE REVIEW. H. T. WICKES, Vice-President. Fe. W. WHEELER, President. JNO. S. PORTER, 5 VER oer : Treasu rer. Secretary. : F. & P. M. CAR FERRY. e uilders 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 3 3 S Tere T AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS. Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Grane and Rafting aN Se Our Dredge and Crane Chains are made of Iron Rolled Specially for that purpose in three qualities, "Burden's," "H. B. & S." iron, and " Burden's Best Best"? iron. THE J, B. CARR COMPANY, TROY, NEW YORK. tH ae Were ©. AEN ae Oia tea NEN AI I RA AN RE RE A Vi NAR ew Ww & PPL POG LDERIPOP OEE SEE POOP OCP OPN! Ab a a a Gh Vrattin-Cattiss Ep. {MPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF | Ahakegany, While Makogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. ee a ee ee a ee ee RPRPLERREPPRPEELP RRR ORR. a b vv HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIMAX. White Cid « Sti bets and SJ Yawde. CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. THE RESORT OF YACHTSMEN.___..-_ fora quarter of a century has disappeared from view, but the STOCK OF FIT- eS _ TENGS that attracted them still lives in other and larger quarters. We should be Pane pleased to see all our old friends in our new location, and will guarantee to show -. the LARGEST ware. and make the LOWEST prices on record on YACHT AND : BOAT: HARDWAR No new vPalaiie this year, but ten cents in stamps will bring one of last year's with its 237 illustrated pages to your door. Let us hear from you. L. W. FERDINAND & CO., 176-184 Federal St., Boston, Mass. HOWARD H. BAKER & Co. Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, 18 to 26 Terrace._---- BUFFALO, N.Y. H. CHANNON COMPANY Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. AGENTS FOR RYOUANDS BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF A <a ns Ay aN 4 24-26 Market Street, CHICAGO, ILL Pier Building, ENGLISH GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS, of all kinds of METAL AND WOODEN oblFo, e THE LP, & J. A. SMITH CO, Contractors of Public Works. Dredging, Railroads, Pile-Driving, Canals, Breakwaters, Bridges, Foundations, Kte., tte. 23 River St., CLEVELAND, O. H. E. STEVENS. TOM MEAD. LEW PRESLEY BUCKEYE STEAM FITTING C0. . Steam Fitters, fngineers Suppl Phone 4058, AGENTS FOR RAINBOW PACKING. ok Open Day and Night. 117 River St., CLEVELAN = Dry Docks and BUILDERS oF ; eo Metallic Life Boats.and Rafts, ; Government and Pleasure Boats. Block and Granulated Cork Life Preservers. - Outfit for Lake Steamers a Specialty. TATNALL & RAILROAD STS. Wilmington, Del DOUK axa DECK HOISTS ALL KINDS OF Machinery § Friction Hoists SEND FOR PRICES AND CIRCULARS. JACKSON & CHURCH, SAGINAW, MICH. U S. ENGINhER Office, 366 Milwaukee St.. e Milwaukee, Wis., April 5th, 1897. Sealed proposals for dredging '50, 00U cubic yards, more or less, at Green Bay Harbor, Wis., in Fox river below "DePere, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon, 'May 6, 1897, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on applica- tion, GEORGE A. ZINN, Capt. Engrs, mayl Paint your S . 2 7 vessels win OUPErior Graphite Paint. NO BLISTERING, CRACKING OR SCALING. Made especially for Stacks, Decks, Sides, Hulls and Water Com- 5 partments. Strictly anti-rust, and most durable and economical. DETROIT GRAPHITE MFG, CO., 641 River St., Detrolt, Mich. ---- ALL KINDS OF BOATS YACHTS AND LAUNGHES Stems, Sterns, Keels and Frames, and all paris worked in the wood FOR AMATEURS. Designs shown in my new 72-page Album of Modern Designs drawn to scale 4s indexed, sold very cheaply. Frames set up, MARKED AND SHIPPED KNOCKDOWN to any part of the world, Making designs for BOAT BUILDERS' CATALOGUES a specialty. Send 50 cents for "ALBUM OF DESIGNS": 72 Pages, 66 Subjects. Address StationA. FRED W. MARTIN, Yacht Designer, Racine, Wis,,U an tel

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