MARINE, (REVIEW. 3 5 MARINE ENGINES, S 3 PROPELLER WHEELS, . se DECK HOISTERS, < Bettis , | . Pie cai tees STREET, DETROIT, MICH. THE BABCOCK & er CO. FORGED STEEL WATER-TUBE MARINE BOILER, 29 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK. Boilers sold to United States Merchant Marine and Yachis - - - | ee =. 16,500 H. P Boilers sold to United States Navy - - - - 7 : 7,500 «* The onlv Water-tube Boiler in the British Merchant Marine 15,500 " BAR IRON THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. PIG IRON CLEVELAND, O. SHIP PLATES, BOILER PLATES, ANGLES, BEAMS, CHANNELS, | BARS, BOAT SPIKES, CLINCH RINGS, Sates AGENTS: THE CAMBRIA IRON CoO. =: Mfrs. of Open Hearth and Bessemer Steel. -- Z Sole SollingAgents | Steamboat Euel at Ashtabula. De Grauw, Aymar & Co., 34-35 South Street, in the Large Supplies of Best Quality. _ NEW YORK, NN. Y. United States | for [ ighter eae ae with elevators TYZAC K'S eg : and discharging spouts. Storage of 650 tons. Dis- . charges 150 tons an hour into steamers while un- DTOGKLESS ANCHORS | Ser" Over 100 of these Anchors Grane on Lake Vessels. at all. loading cargo. Times, ETROIT SHEET oan MORLEANS STREET, ee M. A. 'HANNA & 'co., DETF UT, MICH. Main Office, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. Miners and Shippers. anD BRASS WORKS Jobbers of........ Pipe, Valves, Fittings. Pach ng, Oil and Engineers Suplies. THE GEO. F. BLAKE MF6. CO. Contractors for Hish Class Steam Fitting, Steam Heating, Plumbing, Copper Work, and ao Classes of Sheet Metal Work. BUILDERS OF MARINE PUMPS Manufacturers Clark's Patent Metallic Life Raft, Side of Lights, Marine Hardware, Hurric ane, Copie oo Platform Lamps, Trip Single and Duplex Pumps Pumps for Boller Feed, . . Fire or Bilge Service--Vertical and Horizontal. gents for........ Laidiaw - Dunn - Gordon Steam Pumps, Vertical and Horizontal Pumps, Air Pumps Warren Webster's Specialties, and Buffalo Forge Co.'s Fans, Engines and Heaters. ' = -- for Surface and Jet Condensers. a eee 95 and 97 Liberty St., NEW YORK. Engineers can be waited on promptly day or night. @.8. CRUISER NEW YoRK,