14 Lake Superior Iron Ores MARINE REVIEW. COMPLETE AVERAGE CARGO ANALYSES OF IRON ORES FROM SHIPPING MINES IN THE LAKE SUPERIOR REGION--SEASON OF 1896. The following tables of cargo analyses of Lake Superior iron ores were prepared for the association of ore dealers, which has headquar- ters in Cleveland. They are actual average cargo analyses except when marked thus.* When so marked the analysis is that expected for 1897. MARQUETTE. RANGE. ORE. tRon. | Stxica.| PHos. | mano. |acumina) tame, | MAG | sunru. | PGE | morsr. z a a a | Angeline, Hard ...-... --.-| 66,19 | -.-- 4014 |e Sais Ee east erect ee ase 3.99 Angeline, Hematite.....-.-| 66.08 | ---. | .042| .--.] -.2. | -2. | cee. | ---2| ---- | 8-69 Alugeline, Sot). 252. 652--- (062-87, | 22-2) | 2.128 | 2222} sees oa) a cee e | = 11,02 Barnum .... ..... erence 65.50 | 3.49 | .075 .36 |. 1.80, 32 26 026 | -2- 89 Bencon.....-------. ------| 46.00 | 29.75 | °.043 .07 | 2.50 | 1.00 PSUs e080) | een +84 Bessemer, Old Mine Hem*.-} 63.00 | 3.23 | .065 65 | 1.80 A2 oD ilie| een OU sree 9.75 NG esos eo rcaraceclstes|KOS AU s|er0, 2015 LLS 25) 1.96 55 .72| .010 | 1.80} 10.55 Buffalo. ....'..-:2-2- s2----|-61.80 | -6.60; | = .127. 55 |. 1,84 .86 |° 1.16 003} 2.10 | 10.70 Buffalo, South ... 61.95 | 5.70} .115 .389 | 1.75 92 alt -005 1.70 | 10.90 Cambria .....- - 61.40 | 9.60} .046 -84 | 1.92 74 .380 | .012 1.65 | 10.10 Champion No. 1*..- 65.00 | 3.80 | .048 07 | 1.70. 75 RO Da eee U0 ON laser -80 Cleveland Bessemer -.-. 67.23 | 2.75 |. .044 eu -20 25 OPEN UO I eco 84 Cliffs Shaft. ....-.-- 62.42 | 3.65} .113 .85 | 1.70] 1.45] 1.00] .020] 2.20} 1.06 Comrade ....... ---- eel DO Oi eeencis LODE |, sacs am esis eee Sie eed Bee East End Bessenier....----| 61.06 | 7.48] .046 .33 | .2.09 23 30] .014] 2.94 | 10.33 SSE N wrciee) wits < calaclee~-nure 60.00 | 10.25 | .110 .30 | 2,20 584, ~.20 FOZ08| meee 74 HOgtG tee ee cranes nop ise aca 51.45 | 18.45 | .142 27 1.10 18 39} .020}] 5.18} 3.68 Foster Silica ......-. .----. 42.00 | 27.00 | .122| 3.86] 1.36 20 | 3.67] .002 } 6.56} 3.00 Harvard, Hematite *..-.-.-] 65.50 | 2.85} .050 .67 | 1.70 47 .25 | "018 | -.-. | 10.00 Ishpeming .... ..-.--------| 57.41 | 10.85 | .072 57 | 2.62 88 36 030 |} 3.50} 9.89 Wakes see ee ene erence 4 O0rS0n|a4 0.071) .088 60 | 2.10 41 32° 013:} 3.50 | 12.10 Lake Bessemer No. 1.-....--} 65.44 | ---- 0380] -.-- seem ices ns coe Seige eee leo od Lake Bessemer'No, 2- 64.01 5.50 | .038 24 1.40 3D 21 019 1.78 | 9.63: Lake Silica .-...--- 48.27 | 25.40 | .042 43 | 1.69 06 AT 035 1.65 | 9.07 Lake Superior No. 1- 65.00 | 3.40} .100 23 | 2.10 26 2A OOD ease ee LelD aie emtege de etse te estan 61.75 | 5.60] .077 39 1.92 87 08 010 | 2.79] 9.60 Marquette .....-.. -.-.-.--| 43.50 | 34.09 | .051 26 97 17 17 021 1.97 | 6.12 Missabe Friend .-..- ------ 39.54 | ...- OVE Paced apse 8 » Il rare ape eae etal Se tage ao 302) Negaunee, Non-Bessemer ..-| 62.30 | 4.30 | .115 30 | 2.90 92 20 025 | =:.. | 10:67 Non-Bess., Old Mine Hem...} 62.00 | 5.00 p30 Geena Da een D, soe Blt 200 ese 7,78 Norfolk ......-.-.----.----| 56.00 | 13.75 | .050 09} 2.50} 1.10} 1.05} .030] .... 1.12 Oxford ....... -.-.---. ----| 64.50 | 4.45 | .075 -82 | 1.80 25 23 0208 jane 1.14 Peninsula ...--.-..-------| 59.00 | 9.20) .118 31 1.92 82 41} .007} 1.47 | 10.80 Plattsiceh fhe {5/28 Her Onl eves es -088i |) =-22 aioe tee Boece Be aoe 8.78 Prince 'of Wales. .-.- 61.55 | 6.10 | .122 .86 | 1.72] 1.40 46 Q12 | 2.20 | 10.40 Queen ...-. ..-2--- 62.40 |} 6.80} .110 -22 | 1.40 86 | *.72 002 1.64 | 10.65 Regent .......-.- 62.30 | 7.27 | .048 .238 | 1.95 33 .09 | .008} 1.27 | 10.50 Republic, Special *. . Brick | tees | ODOT eRe Peer Ie | eller 99 Republic, Specular--....... 67.62 | 2.23} .034 | Trace, -68 30 09 | .018 20) 1.31 Republic, Kingston ......-.| 64.73 | 5.28 | .036 09 | 1.30 BD || AiG GRO) cose] eal Salisbury ..--...-.---- ----| 62.10] 4:91 }| .113 .30 | 1.42 364 19] .017 | 3.76 | 12.12 Salisbury, Bessemer -.-- ---- 63.04 | 5.80 | .049 21 1.83 All 40} .022} 2.10 | 11.93 Salisbury, Silica . ...- ---| 49.31 | 24.10 |~.054 .386 | 2.20 35 18 nis 2.80%) {1310 Savoy se-2 08 22-2 ee-- -2o-|62,0Dq) 97,705), 078 34 | 1.85 27 elidel 0ZDe erence ols Se Sawimilli7h). see one te- os | 00,00 12 <2. | 0804) co. oe T sae heir oe Ole bales See salt 84 Sec. 16, No. 1 Bessemer *...| 65:39 | 3.13] .014 .28 | 1.65 24 a OL Da aoe 99 Sec. 16, No. 2 Bessemer *...| 62.00 | 7.75 | .032 .23 | 1.70 17 P19) en OL Supp eeeee atone Sec. 16, New Shaft*..:....| 64.50 | 5.43) .035 +27 | 1.49 BU 18} 016} u-.. 2.08 Sec. 21, Hematite .........| 62.00 | 5.25} .130 40 | 1.10 22 oils Odie) | Meeeee 9.48 Sheffield.-.. -... . 62.08 | ..-- ROSH teem ueseee es ae SBoe se ee 3.50 Tilden, Silica ...- 45.40 | 33.10 | .039 | ~-,. TOO Se eral ESAS ee -- | 3.00 Volunteer ........-- 65.83 | ---- FOG) lewis i lrerce cts |e econ Cel |g cee sole mee sine Winthrop. ......-. .-.. ----| 61.25 | 6.88] .135 a1}. 1.84 A4 oo 027 |) 2.62.) L387. GOGEBIC RANGE. E ORE. TON, | SILICA. | PHOS. | MANG. [ALUMINA] LIME. | wide, | sunen. | 8G © | morse. Mnviletiioes se ct 8 62.74 | 4.09} .055 82 -92 AT 1 018 | 2.25 | 12.36 Anvil, East Vein ... 61.00 | 5.25 | 058} 2.18 86 10D) | Mrace. |) .OL4 | 222. 12575 Atlanticisos-isc-- 2a) = 62.27 | 4.59 .040 1.11 1.15 18 07 023 | 8.13 | 10.48 Aghlandie=-teeos nase was 62.91 4.32 036 21 1.92 12 14 021 ee eLONTO, ; Aurora.....-.-.-,-. ------] 62.94.) 4.02 029 48 1.10 87 01 022 ae 9.68 Brotherton --..-. 2... -.e0-«| 62.60| 7.05| .087| ..46| 1.10] 80] 10} .004] 1.50} 11.11 Cary Empire * ........---- 58.50] 3.65] .055| 4.65| 1.25| ~.16] 10] .015| .... | 8.98 Wolly eaters oe aeons 56.80 | 3.20 071 5.75 98 .24 18 010} 2.10] 9.80 Cromwell ..... ..-. -..-----| 60.00 | 3.75 | .032 | 3.10 15 -10 Pils tamer LO | eee res 9.58 WOK Ase in ss ----| 61.65 | 6.75 | .066 1.40 -95 52 1225 Oly 1.97 9.80 Tron Belt -.... ....---- ---.| 62.54 | 5.05 | .042 54) 1.65 10 +02 | .015 cane | WOM Wawrences <--3 04--) sass cc4- 60.40 | 8.90 .057 45) 1.30 09 02 .023 Sc 9.72 Melrose ......-. -----. ----| 63.07 | 2.96 | .029) 1.08 78 -10 08 | .016 me N11 Montreal .....-.-. -.---.--| 64.88 | 4.10 | .042 .33 | 1.02 -10 -05 025 oe §.57 Newport. ..,- b 3.30 | .040 | 7.40 .98 30 07 016 wars 9.44 Norri¢é_...... I 3.62 | .041 .34 |. 1.74 ~L9 13 | .017 =i 9.86 aDSte Xe ceee ee aero ae i meee 035 aoe Oren aes oe ae See 9.19 ALIS Seer e eect she ciconye ; 3.62 | .045 -88 | 1.11 16 10 | .013 | 3.50 | 11.58 Rearcessem coca soc or en ones 11.44 | .062 -64 781 22 13 | .014 | 2.07 | 7.60 Randpatetestse S25 cise. : 5.25 | .033 | 3.21 1.07 66 60; .017 a, 9.15 SG tes mesa einer eet sO ZOu liane | rcO20e | etieroecid ture Glerte eee (age [tan errata SOO Sunday Lake* ....-.-.-.-. 62.05°| 8.80 | .022 54 7 15 06 | .010 54 | 13.20 ident et eons oe noe | NCOLOOnIgIo.90 040 78 | 1.38 22 21 .009 | .... | 12.46 MENOMINEE RANGE. ORE. TRON: | SILICA. | PHOS. | MANG. [ALUMINA] Lime. | Rati | SuLeH. | O'G | worse, Badger... 2:2.2si¢ 2ees6: 59.20| 4.83| .181| .42| 2.76] 1.10] 2.89) .110] .... | 9.07 Whapine oie «cessor. tee. 62.00 | 3.16] .066 -39 PolGa | ele OT aie zene Olan nasb2) |) 6.72 Clifford ......-...-....--.} 41.87, | 37.80 | .011 -10} 1.00 35 -84 | .012 she 2.14 Crystal Falls... -.. Seu .| 68.55 | 4.95 | .721| .20] 1.16] 264] .77) .008| 92.92] 7.20 Davidson ..-..-... .--.----| 56.06 | 6.83 | .170 .37 | 3.41 UDA M2 Ove el ON.:| pees 8.40 Din nied see ace cn sece ; 573 58 | 1.88} 4.80 -83 | .033 | 5.44] 8.70 (elm Wood = ss 22s so.. oo 3 172 42] 3.06] 1.03 | 2.38 RO OG ree 9.05 Florence ...-.. : A el ee 2.65} 1.20) 1.538] .214 | 5.541 7.59 Hemlock ~... : 309] .89| 2.81) 1.87] 1.32] .o10] .... | 6.62 Homestead . .. -086 .88 | 2.05 | 3.48] 4.87] .003] .._. ae Keel Ridge -.. -. : ; 046 .20 -90} 1.85} 1.00] .006] ...- 2.90 Loretto...-.......---.--.-| 60.50 | 8.82| .017| .29| 1.92] .15| .47| 'o77| 164] 8.69 Ludington ee ee ee ft oe O24 Se bern ae Sete che ent 7.06 Mastod ¥ 4.50 | .350 -30 | 2.75 50 30 OVD Hees 9.00 ee i ere .027 ae cae ie = oe he Seely INL Bwdbioshe 229-7200): Ba 8.85 | .009]} 19] .48] 1.10] 1.35| | th. | 6.46 Pewabic Genoa .... -.-- ....| 42.79 | 35,28 | .007 10 -96 52 95 | - _ eee 4°32 Rex............-..--.-.-.| 57.68 | 5.65 | .063| .81) 1.21] 1.48] 4.39] .016| 3:44| 6.53 San Jose -.........--.-..-| 65.41] 3.28 013] .24] 1.24] 16] .25] .048] .78]| 7.60 Sheridan (occ en eres see ones 58.50 | 6.50] .130 -50 | 4.00 -60 mOFleco0r|= ene 9.12 Star Ludington .... --------| 63.50 | 2.50] .086 -40 | 1.00 -50 40} .010] 2.15 | 7.00 WPOlGdOT Arcee eee see 53.55 | 18.23 | .010 18 RODE le 20ne Ap iala O0Shl sae. 6.28 yrone .-...--.- ----s. ----| 62.00 | 8.91} .106] .19| .72] 1.50] 1.90] .003) ....] .... MISSABE RANGE. ORE. oN. | sizica.| PHOS. |, MANG. |ALUMINA) LIME. Boke pete 64.18 | 2.80 | .035 40 .80 -21 pauarase eee 65.04 | 2.25] .047| 39] 1.47] .68 Audrey eee teane 62.69 2.64 -071 66 1.52 -25 ea ver en ora es GAea a8. 208 /F208% 17 1.50 .20 Berringer- ---.-- ------ ---- 61.16 | 4.55 | .065 .85 | 1.59 a1 Biwabiless: ss-se- oo eee= 64.61 3.00 -033 25 .50 .24 Burty ee ee GD 48 le 8.1 -034 .49 1.43 56 anton ee ees | 80580) || 425 -048 49 .93 cul Min cinnintiee es ee OL 50H |b Gt82i7)/4 087 509 98 34 Cincinnati Silica. -.-. -.----| 59.00 8.00 -030 -60 1.00 384 Glin creep ae C8164 41694"); 22086 87 .60 .88 Cldquet -.-- .--.---- ------ 62.07 4.00 .033 oF 1.60 .28 Commodore . ---- -.-- ------| 68.60 | 4.10 | .038 12 -90 87 Blayal(eceniee ee 5 3.06 | .037 | 1.00} 1.30 .26 Franklin - 4.12 | .036 69 81 -80 Genoa-. -- 3.75 .033 .65 1.16 -60 alesetse nearer ee. ee a = 5.00 100 55 52 1.58 Helmenesseseni= Ree PON 3.65 051 .48 1.80 15 Bulle fee eee 2.43 | .024 19 79 02 Mahon yee ore 2.75 | .050 .33 | 1.50 21 Wang atiee ese 2-02 ta~<- 59.80 5.50 -034 .68 1.52 -o2 Minnewas ....---. ---- -.--| 65.63 2.35 047 .35 1.14 .20 Norman .- -.-.-2--- -.-- -:--| 62.15 3.75 -069 -90 1.82 -52 Olio easy soto ee. 6153 qleesees -082 Eee ae ee Ohio Katonah - --.--- ------ 64.41 | 2.95 | .053 40; 1.34 oy 4 7.57 | .030 23 66 15) 5. 2.50 -030 25 1.25 .25 I 3.75 039 -56 1.21 12 ' 3.66 -036 38 -95 19 c 2.69 .060 .30 1.62 -20 Tarball ease ee es | GSS O Nl a4 O08 |9. 06D 45 | 1.75 .20 Wille yieteaeeree= se eee 61.03.18 (5566.1) - 041 SL cece obae Vie pai ee er eee a GIEOON IE ed 0U | 7.040 -26 | 1.45 33 Williams =... -....... -.--| 60.40°| 9.20] .036 ash 95 42 VERMILLION RANGE. ORE. RON. | SILICA.| PHOS. | MANG. [ALUMINA] LIME @handlor-as---e) ose ooe-| OAs 4.26 | .036 2183)" 1.87 88 Long Lake - f 7.80 | .040 -13 | 1.85 oti Minnesota - 3 1.55 .048 | None. .90 27 Pioneer : 4.50 | .035 .21} 1.60 16 Red Lake : 3.74 | .108 | None.} 1.81 .35 Soudan : 4,36 | .104 | None. -68 -62 Vermillion -~_--- gees ane oes 67.36 | 1.68} .156 | None. 62 -60 E Venith erect seeks eae se 66,02 | 2.95} .050 -14] 1.61 -12 REASUKY DEPARTMENT, WASHING- ton, D. C., May 14,1897. Will be sold at pub- lic auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, at 12 0'clock noon on Monday, June lst, 1897, at the ship-yard of the Globe Iron Works, Cleveland, Ohio, the Revenue Steamer Johnson. The Johnson is a side-wheel steamer of 499 gross tons, fore-and-aft rig; white oak frame; extreme length, 175 feet; beam molded 28 feet 9 inches, draft 7 feet 5 inches forward, 8 feet aft; has a vertical beam engine, one flue and return tubular boiler, built in 1885; and is sup- plied with steam pump, awnings, anchors and chains, two boats, ete. The vessel can be seen at the place named, and will be open for in- spection until the day of sale. A deposit of $200.00 will be required of the successful bidder at time of sale... Will be sold separately at the same time and place certain articles of outfits. The Government reserves. the right to reject any or all bids. O. L. SPAULDING, Acting Secretary. June 1 REASURY DEPARTMENT, WASHING- ton, D. C., May 19, 1897. Date of sale of the revenue steamer Johnson is changed from May 3ist to June Ist. O. L. SPAULDING, Acting Secretary. U: S. HNGINEER OFFICH, TELEPHONE Building, Detroit, Mich., May 10, 1897. Sealed proposals for improving Detroit River, Mich., by removal of Boulders, Bed-rock, or other material from Ballard's Reef Channel, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon (Standard time), June 1, 1897, and then publicly opened. Information furnished onapplication. G. J. LYDECKER, Lt. Col. Engrs. June 1 eee DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF _General Superintendent U. S. Life-Saving Service, Washington, D.C., May 7, 1897. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock Pp. M. of Thursday, the 8rd day of June, 1897, for furnishing supplies required for use of the Life-Saving Service for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1898; the supplies to be delivered at such points in New York City, Grand Haven, Mich., and San Francisco, Cal , as may be re- quired, and in the quantities named in the specifications. The supplies needed consist of Beds and Bedding, Blocks and Sheaves. Cord- age, Crockery, Furniture, Hardware, Lamps, Lanterns, ete. ; Lumber, Medicines, etc.: Paints, Oils, etc.; Ship Chandlery, Stoves, etc.: Tools, and Miscellaneous articles; all of which are enumerated in the specifications attached to the form of the bid, etce., which may be ob- tained upon application to this office, or to the Inspector of Life-Saving Stations, 24 State Street, New York City; Superintendent. Elev- enth Life-Saving District, Grand Haven, Mich.; and Superintendent Twelfth Life-Saving Dis- trict, New Appraisers' Stores. San Francisco, Cal. Envelopes containing proposals should be addressed to the " General Superintendent U. S. Life-Saving Service, Washington, D. C.," and marked on the outside "' Proposals for An- nual Supplies." The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive defects, if deemed for the interests of the Government, 8. I. KIMBALL, GeneralSuperintendent. May 21