MARINE REVIEW. ae 15 =o SAS HULL FOR NAPHTHA LAUNCH, Well built and a bargain to any one wanting same. Inquire, HANS HANSEN, Ship Owners' Dry Deck Co., WANTED =" Party to furnish material for a steel hull from 55 to 60 feet long by 12 feet beam, and go in partnership with party who owns a suit- able engine for same. CEO. WOLF, 132 West River St., City. CLEVELAND, O. ADVERTISING RATE /COPY OF BOOK AND ON APPLICATION), od "CONTAINING PARTICULARS OFALL THE PRINCIPAL COAST fam?) etengorNg Reet | eacaay Ch astel ana DEW terol ira ue Ae Ete e nok FOR CIRCULARIZING~ BWLIST OF ~ 1000 NAMES ANDADDRESSES, , COVERING THE PRINCIPAL SLOAN a ieee |) OF THE UNITED STATES 3OOONAMES OF CAPTAINS Sw PR aVc hacia "edau a nea , ORD Mebane eat Ve OD Laem as Clam eee Vaiss LN erate 4 a RA ae ONFILE IN THE PRINCIPAL MARINE ORGANIZATION HEADQUARTERS OF THE WORLD. ala eh tel ae et Matsa Gee FUEL DOCKS OF OSBORNE, SARGER & CO. Cuyahoga River, just above Superior St. Viaduct, Cleveland, 0 _ Youghiogheny ' Steam Coal Furnished Day or Night, oe" No delay as ae i a Elevated 4 w Pockets ~ are used. | Telephone 1106. Le Cos Tek OK e Lucky is the Engineer Who Uses AODESTO - METALLIC PACKING It is in use on more lake steamers than any other, because it meets the requirements. ASBESTO- METALLIC Trade-Mark, AMERICAN STEAM PACKING CO. Original Manufacturers of PISTON PACKINCS, 60 Federal St., BOSTON, MAS$ The Ellis & Eaves Induced Draft---Serve Ribbed Tubes DRAWING SHOWING PLAN FOR ADDING THE ELLIS & EAVES DRAFT TO LAKE STEAMERS. THIS SYSTEM OF DRAFT, WITH THE SERVE TUBES, SAVES MONEY, aon<ron ES $A $V SE Ss E For PA THE CL 25 Per Cent. of Your Fuel Bills. 40 to BO Per Cent. Boiler Capacity. The Life of the Boiler by Drawing Gases through Tubes. Firemen and Incidentally their Wages. Cargo Space by Using a Smaller Number of Boilers. RTICULARS and PRICES of applying to Steamers already Built and to Steamers Building, apply to OBE IRON WORKS COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO.