18 MARINE REVIEW. nc JNO. S. PORTER VER . S. F.W. H. T. WICKES Cc. W. STI ' ' w 3 WH Prighee ad dé: Vice-President. Secretary. Treasurer, F. W. WHEELER ©O., Weer Bay Girv, Mon. | Ss , me : | =-y+4 wee ff SSS SS - 5 Ss ERE pera 5 : ees = ry ele Heth EE ee ee : F. & P. M. CAR FERRY. e Builders of all kings of METAL AND WOQDEN Shira. e american cuain case works, || THE LP, & J, A. SMITH 00, ESTABLISHED 1865. Contractors of Public Works. Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Crane and Rafting AAA a : Soo ae 4 7 ee Ne : Breakwaters, Bridges, Our Dredge and Crane Chai de of Iron Rolled Specially f Peep mpoedittiedynaliies, "Burdens; H, B.& So. Dry Docks and Foundations, Pier Building, ite., ete. i _ iron, and '*Burden's- Best Best" iron. ; THE J.B. CARR COMPANY, TROY, NEW YORK. ae , -] | 23 River St. |_CLEVELAND, O. ; H. E. STEVENS. TOM MEAD. LEW PRESLEY BUCKEYE STEAM FITTING CO, Steam Fitters, Engineers Supplies, Phone 40568, : AGENTS FOR RAINBOW PACKING. Open Day and Night. 117 River St., CLEVELAND, 0. s Thos. Drei & Ni BUILDERS OF ND 4 VV VV VT VV VT VV VV VVVVVVYVVVVY VV VV VT VV VV VW WV WV aa eR ADAAALAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LAA SA AA Pan {MPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahagony White Mahogany AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. -- HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRI. White Cab Sinbers and Plank CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER = ON SHORT NOTICE. THE RESORT OF YACHTSMEN._..-_ % ; ; ' for a quarter of a century has disappeared from view, but the STOCK OF FIT- 65 4g Jeneca Street y 6 leueland Q Ohio. TINGS that attracted them still lives in other and larger quarters. We should be pleased to see all our old friends in our new location, and will guarantee to show he LARGEST variety and make the LOWEST prices on record on YACHT AND BOAT HARDW DOCK and DECK HOISTS No. new tatatague this year, but ten cents in stamps will bring one of last year's with its 237 illustrated pages to your door. Let us hear from yuu. ALL KINDS OF : I s L. W. FERDINAND & CO., 176-184 Federal St., Boston, Mass. | Machinery Friction Hoists. | >=om eats SEND FOR PRICES AND CIROULARS. pe) Metallic Life Boats and Rafts, Government and Pleasure Boats. Block and Granulated Cork Life Preservers. Outfit for Lake Steamers a Specialty. TATNALL & RAILROAD STS. Wilmington, Del i St i iti ee eam Yacht in first-class Condition = JACKSON & CHURCH, Capaci mene! "a pacity 5tons. Dimensions are 40 feet long, 8 feet beam SAGINAW, MICH. and 3 feet draft. Inquire of / sh : BENHAM & KARR HOWARD H. BAKER & Co. SUITABLE FOR DELIVERY PURPOSES. 165 River St., Cleveland, 0: Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, ery raphe False Made especially for Stacks, Decks, Sides, Hulls and Water Com- partments. Strictly anti-rust, and most durable 18 to 26 Terrace._.... BUFFALO, N.Y. and economical. 'H. CHANNON CoMPANY RGRTS AND TAUI Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. AGENTS FOR RYLANDS BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF ENGLISH GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS, BUILT IN PART OR COMPLETE. OARS, SPARS, SAILS, Etc. Send 50 cents for 72 page Album of Designs. 24-26 Market Street, CHICAGO, ILL FRED W. MARTIN, Yacht Designer, Lake Oounty NORTH CHICAGO ILL. (Formerly of Racine, Wis.