4 MARINE REVIEW. Schenectady. N.Y. Chivago, Il Boston, Mass. New York. N.Y. New Orleans, La. PRON TIA Complete Electric Plants for Light and Power On STEAMSHIPS, WHALEBACKS, YACHTS, DOCKS, WHARVES, Etc. Our system is complete in every detail. All our appliances are made to Governmental and Insurance requirements and are perfect. Write for prices and catalogues. General ilectric Company SALES OFFICES ae Detroit, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Portland, Ore. San Francisco, Cal. Buffalo, N. Y. Columbus, O. IRON WORKS MARINE ENCINES, DETROIT, MICH, Shenango No. 2, 300 feet long, 54 feet beam. GRAIG SHIP BUILDING C0. Metal ¢ Wooden Ship Builders. New Dry Dock--450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, s ' Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships TOLEDO, OHIO, 55 feet wide on bottom, {6 feet of Water on Sill. A Specialty. 722 BETHLEHEM IRON CO. Works & Principal Office, South Bethlehem, Penn. Marine Engine Forgings or HOLLOW from Fluid - Compressed WMydraulic-Forged Open Hearth Steel. Ship-Plates. Boiler-Plates. Tank-Plates. NEW YORK OFFICE, - - 100 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, - 421 Chestnut St. CHICAGO OFFICE, = = Marquette Bidg. 'The United States Standard Royster of Shipping Providing the only Standard Classification based on Construction Rules Designed for Lake Vessels. Classed Vessels Receive the Lowest Rates of Insurance, ; SURVEYORS. oe STUART, Surveyor of Iron and Steel Construction and Engineer SEUREUSUERSABUOUSORDARRSUaBEDae Gamussanstaescisneccoscésssscecssecece : secon SULVOYOR for District comprising Lakes Superior, Michigan an ue and including Cleveland. 0, gi d Huron and Lake Erie, as far Kast KIN, Potter Building, Main Street, Buffal nes pie comprising ke Ontario and Lake' Erle, as far' West oe That a cates 0. Application for survey of vessels and subscriptions to i by the surveyors or at the office of . pe Eiscer Boukwrill De received The United States Standard Steamsbin Owners', Builders' Underwriters'As'n Ltd, Post Buliding, 16 and 18 Exchange Place, . Cuddy-Mullen Coal Co. Miners and Shippers of Steqm Coal. FUELING DEPARTMENT FACILITIES: CLEVELAND HARBOR-- Car Dumper; Eight Pockets 1,000 tons capacity; Three Steam Derricks; Lighter. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH-- Amherstburg, Four Pockets and Three Steam Derricks; Sandwich, Ten Pockets and Two Steam Derricks. 3 SAULT RIVER BRANCH-- Two Docks at Detour (formerly known as the Anthony and Watson Docks) Equipped with Pockets and Steam Derricks. Good Coal; Courteous Attention; Quick Dispatch, General Offices: Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0. PURVES' RIBBED STEEL BOILER FURNACE FLUE; [BACK END. FRONT END. VU SD 2 With this style of Furnace Flue, the rivets at the "back end" are out of the line of fire and all that has to be done to remove it is to cut out the rivets at the ends and sil i through the front; and to replace it, simply to slip it back in its place and rivet UP red ends again without disturbing any other part of the boiler. No smith work is req t to fit it In a boiler or to refit it when replaced. It is ready for use as it comes roriaint. manufacturers. This style of Flue has been in use six years without a single comp: Over 16,000 of Purves' Ribbed Steel Furnace Flues In successful use in Marine Boilers. ELLIS & EAVES SYSTEM OF INDUCED OR SUCTION DRAFT- OEARLESs . Ww HITNeEy;, Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, City: Bowling Green Building, 5 to {1 Broadway, New York City