FOR SALE-- MARINE REVIEW. CRUISING YACHT, 42 feet long, worth $2,000, Will be sold cheap for cash. inquire For information 853 Stark St., Cleveland, 0. Aug. 22. Pate (S) Das 1 | APPLICATION OIE hy sia] WN to Og NAMM Es ase yAl AO) POU TALS ae FOR CIRCULARIZING- # LIST.OF * 1000 NAMES ANDADDRESSES, " COVERING THE PRINCIPAL SHIP OWNERS **"BUILDERS OF THE UNITED STATES LO Tulane mer ae NI\ be} AOOONAMES OF ENGINE ONFILE IN THE elo vee MARINE ORGANIZATION HEADQUARTERS OF THE nates pio MAS oa MuTES ETS Eee / COPY OF BOOK AND Ola IN DIRECTORY A Meare' ar. een anita Aoee Nai ae veh acllos aot eau huseeycs connec iirtt ina s Vibremnia chads O%\ BETTING PRICES UN MATERIAL AND PA eat CUD yaa alates PUBLISHED JULY 15. Now ready for delivery to Purchasers. j 5 FUEL DOCKS OF OSBORNE, SARGER & C0. Cuyahoga River, just above Superior St. Viaduct, Cleveland, 0 Youghiogheny: ~ Steam Coal Furnished Day or Night. No delay as Elevated Pockets | are used, "Telephone 1106. MS aS Lucky is the Engineer 'i Who Uses ROBESTO- METALLIC PACKING It is in use on more lake steamers than any other, because it meets the requirements. ASBESTO- METALLIC Trade-Mark. AMERICAN STEAM PACKING. 00, Original Manufacturers of PISTON PACKINCS, 60 Federal St., BOSTON, MASS. Natural Draft.--Recommended to Owners who Have Money to Burn. TRIP SHEET pac occccecencceveccebevees cence ce seeesns seceseyi cor acevsevesessenesreceuess reves Ellis & Eaves Induced Draft and Serve Tubes--Guaranteed to Save 25% in Fuel. MEA SHAR ane cons agent ateccst tates ceteneaseeerters tenses Giicacesnesiteccctecesdhesenscctnenadstte dnc mnrente Brom DWOsARBORS aA lose ee 1896, pie ees To CLEVELAND, OHIO, August 13, 1896. Corresponding Amounts, Provided this Steamer had been Equipped with Ellis & Eaves Draft and Serve Ribbed Tubes. ] 5 | || "Saving. ENGINEER'S DEPT. | | | ETS SS) HOE seen onseero no.nce0ca -codasc coasoise creo oeconoccc $348 | 6s $261 | 46 ae Pee etantistsctstorticsGeetnicnecee-nererecresuvarecess aE ite | | Oil Ree ae Re Eee reer are ie 15 | 14 1S me Re NAIM Mean eae cee sees tener e te ae Repairs..,,. tee i 11 | 66 $376 | 41 II | 66 Supplies | | 289 | 26 119 | 20 sane: a | mls po rex Handling eareoes (inl oadinis seve nie 364 Ae | | | Hull Repairs a | | | | PROWAILE 00s concer eee eo las eres een ence wo -aeern lesa | ee ee ee kets eal / w]e ow, S_ELEVEN DAYS. | | Captain WAGE BES $175.00 per mo. 64 | 16 Ba | a | Rafah ee 80,00 29 33 eo Ey ad Mate........... 56.00 20.! 54 24 |. 92 2 Wheelmen 34.00 (12.46) 287 ae 24 | 92 2 Lookouts...... .. 34.00 (12.46) ae | 41 | 25 ist Engineer......... . 112,50 is APs ea | 29 | 33 | 2d Engineer... ' 80.00 29 | 33 24 | 92 | 2 Greasers............- 34.00 (12.46) aoa oe 37 | 38 33% 3 FIREMEN... 34.00 a 46) 37 | 38 24| 92. || 4 Deck-handg........... a 00 ( 6.23) e a | Slee i ger Oe concevecrcesesoucce ab 61 23 349 | 90 [Peale 6 | 23 | st go Maly Soe Te are emcees Meee Be eee Total Expenditures..........c.ccccc- cssceth NIe601 [06, Aw SE 172 | 9 Up Cargo, 2453 (1900) net tons, 26, gross Down * 2265 6" The Globe Iron Works Company, Cleveland, O., Net saving each trip, $87.16. Sole Manufacturers and Agents for the Great Lakes.